Wednesday, May 03, 2023


Vickie texted, saying she had made potato salad and wanted to share with Suzanne and me; we went over picked up our portions. Vickie said that Mary had been a wonderful cook, it was her recipe, and she had actually helped Vickie with it. Rather than thinking that was weird (Mary died in December), I was touched by it. And the potato salad was so good.

Suzanne stopped in after to discuss a situation concerning one of her siblings. Since she's the oldest of five (used to be six, but the Downs Syndrome brother died in his forties), she seems to be the advisor and confident of the family. Anyway, we talked it over for a half hour or so. She asked for suggestions, I gave some, but only because she asked and then I couched it in tentative terns; "maybe he could try this...possibly, he'd consider that...sometimes, so and so will help..." Unsolicited advice is one thing I mightily resent and I want to be sure I don't dish it out.

I left after that for town. Stopped in a few shops, then met Noreen at Paradise Cove. However, there was a sign on the door that they didn't serve lunch on Monday through Wednesday, so we went a few doors down to Peirano's, which we like just as much. Had a great time--for almost three hours, on one of our marathon talk fests. Finally left and I walked Noreen to her car. Darn, there was a forty-dollar parking ticket on it--she was parked in the handicapped spot and had forgotten her placard (she has knee and hip problems walking). I suggested she call the police department and tell them that. Later, when I was riding home on the bus, she called and said she was told if she brought in the evidence, the fine would be revoked.

Julie called to say she'd pick me up today for BCNN. I asked her to go a little early, as my Acting for Amateurs course will be announced and I want to put some information about it on a display table. Ever agreeable, she'll come at 9:15. I hauled out some of my--surprisingly abundant--ephemera and readied it to take to the meeting.    

Here's another terrific "Ventnor at dawn" shot from Sean Gleason:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...