Tuesday, May 09, 2023


It was a little hectic. I'm still trying to get the Acting for Amateur meet-ups arranged. Heard back from three joiners, left messages for three more, lost one (see later), and I was beginning to think I'd just postpone until the fall. However, although I've never had fewer than ten in an A fo A group (and once I had twelve, but that's too many), I might do it with fewer. I can just rewrite a few pieces and/or work up some new ones. 

As for the one who withdrew, it was Diane. She has something she has to do next Monday and I reluctantly considered out loud if she could be the exception I'd allow to be absent from one of the four meetings. She then admitted, embarrassed, that she really wasn't enthusiastic about the class in the first place. To her surprise (and mine, too, actually 😄), it didn't bother me; I reassured her that I wasn't angry or upset and we made a date for lunch on Friday.

Spent the rest of the morning on preparations for my luncheon guests (Jim today, Carolyn on Thursday). Cored, pared, and seasoned three pounds--what a chore!--of apples, added citrus, and revved up the larger slow cooker. Prepared the other two pounds without paring--the skin of both vegetables and fruits has most of the vitamins in it--and put them in the smaller slow cooker. 

I did have an enjoyable interlude of a few hours: After lunch, I walked over the footbridge to the little Hill Street branch of the library. Returned one of the Joan Dion books, then sat for an hour simply reading. How I love this quiet, tranquil place! I also bought two books, one about Princess Diana's death, the other,  Awkward Family Photos.  I had seen the book when it came out about 15 years ago and the pictures are really funny. Most are formal photographer pictures, but some are snapshots:

An annoying development: I discovered that my printer has given up the ghost. Called Office Depot, then a repair guy, and found it probably can't be fixed or isn't worth fixing. Called Ellen, still at school at 4:30, to see if she's take me to buy another and she persuaded me to order one from Amazon. Did so, and it will be delivered tomorrow--yay! El invited me for Mother's Day--natch--and I'm happily looking forward to it.

I still have to deal with management's message that my renters' insurance will expire soon and they want proof I have it. I'll look into it. Also must call the hematologist for an appointment. Annoyingly, his  office is in Oxnard, which means I'll have to get the Access Van. A ray of sunshine, though: I've been sleeping all right--not always straight through, but up for the usual about 3:00, then I'm able to get back until at least 5:00 and I don't feel sleep-deprived, as the silly saying goes.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...