Wednesday, July 20, 2022

WinCo, The Shark, Rehearsal, And COVID

Suzanne texted me about 8:00 to ask if I wanted to go to WinCo at 9:00. Sure thing and we did. I was glad to pick up a lot of staples--coffee, veggies, and so on, including a big cauliflower--and we were home long before my virtual appointment with Dr. F., the ortho-something, at 11:30.

That went well, although both she and I had questions about my recent blood test info from Quest, which seemed contradictory in several areas. At one section, it said results were normal, at another that the test wasn't even performed.  I called Quest and got the "leave a message" routine; when I tried, it annoyingly told me, "the mailbox is full, goodbye." Walked over to the branch at Von's and talked to nurse Jessica.  She was puzzled herself, but gave me a number to call to try to get to the bottom of it. 

Lunched lightly on broccoli and potatoes, then prepared the cauliflower and left it simmering in the slow cooker. Bused to the mall and Target, looking for the Shark charger. No, they didn't have the components, only the vacuum itself. I walked from there to Lowe's--a hike in the heat--but they didn't have any, either. After Ellen and I spent hours on the phone with Shark, I'm beginning to think I'll give up. Jumped in the shower after putting in a wash, then had a very early (4:00) dinner of tilapia and cauliflower with cheese on top--yum! 

Paula picked me up for rehearsal after my week off and it went very well.  Home at 9:00, I checked my phone and saw that Ellen had called at 8:04. I hadn't silenced the phone, but I had  left  my purse a distance away in the large rehearsal hall, so must not have heard it. Called back, but got no answer. Shortly after, Greg called and said El was at the pool; they're spending a few days in San Luis Obispo while Mike is feeding the cats and "attending virtual business meetings at their place.  Craig said he has just positive for COVID--damn!  Luckily--I guess, Mike has already had COVID, as have all three boys from Jersey. I haven't, but hope not to get it. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...