Friday, July 15, 2022


Ellen and I spent the day together--along with Greg here and there--and enjoyed it. I got up late (for me) at 6:15, El not for another two hours. She had to do her hair, so about 11:00, I walked the mile or so to the Von's shopping center. Stopped in a gift shop mostly to escape the incredible heat, which was already in the eighties. Found some cute birthday and other cards and bought them. I decided not to walk back, so waited for the trolley/bus, which dropped me off near El's. Greg made us a delicious lunch of small ground turkey rounds on a wonderful salad with his signature yogurt dressing. It was so good. 

I called Joel, Junior and found they had gone to Santa Barbara instead of Venice Park and were seeing the sights along State Street. Will see them today, when we meet with Mike and Violet, who are due to fly in, for dinner.

We then decided to go to Soule Park before the plumber came at 6:00. I hadn't been there before and it's a lovely place. Greg rested on the plush grass under a shade tree, while El and I took a walk around the park. We probably went a bit more than a mile, then circled back. Reunited with Greg, then left, he to The Coffee Spot to read and relax, we to Agave Maria for cold drinks. I had their house Margarita, El the pixie tangerine version, both yummy. We then reunited with Greg and went to Bart's Books, where we browsed. I bought one I just happened to open--a novel and not exactly my speed, but I was hooked after I read the blurb.

Home and for some reason, I was a little sleepy. Lay down and dozed off until El woke me to prepare for the plumber's return. I then went into their room and continued my nap. Plumber finished up preparing for the new washer and dryer and I got up. Just had a pick-up meal of Bistro MD, which El had in the freezer, but that's all I wanted.

Political--or something--note: I watched some of a "news" show: two past-middle-aged white males, then the obligatory blackish guy, all solemn, somber and stern, elaborating on the January sixth thing. (I'm surprised they didn't have an Asian female on, too--or maybe a transgender, physically disabled, mentally challenged Octogenarian from Samoa--in order to convince the ever-so-anxious-to-be-convinced how very liberal and inclusive CNN is.)  As everyone knows, Trump didn't just organize the "uprising": he was there and led it, disguised as a Yahoo with a buffalo hat. He is, of course, in Satan's inner circle--actually no, he's Satan himself: evil personified and he eats babies for breakfast. Okay, I'd rather watch that than hang by my thumbs for three days, but... 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...