Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Walked to Telephone Road, then bused to the WinCo Shopping Center. Bought a few items there and at The Dollar Tree, then went across the street to Office Max. Here, I bought printer ink, which cost me a whopping $1.54, because I had "rewards" from there. Bused home, had lunch...

...a heavier one than usual: I had a turkey breast sandwich with mayo, then pretzels, with my usual Crystal Light iced tea. I then lay down for a nap--and slept for..

...three hours until 6:00 PM! This was highly unusual for me and made me a little uneasy. I wasn't hungry at all for dinner and decided to go next door to ask Suzanne to drop me off at rehearsal tonight. (Director Shannon will take me home.) 

I did, and she will.  She also immediately noticed I seemed to have some congestion. Did I have a COVID test? Yes, and I went home to do the swab thing. Unfortunately, I found the directions impossible to adequately understand; went back to my friend and she came over to show me how. (After all, she's a medical educator--or was before she retired such a short time ago). Tested, waited the required time, read it and...

...negative--YAY! I went to tell Suzanne and we think I probably just have a slight cold or allergy. She did ask me to test again at 5:00 today and I will. 

For one of my bizarre dinners, I cut into spears the large zucchini I had bought on Saturday, seasoned it with a variety,  tossed with olive oil, and roasted in the oven. It was good.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Glad the post is now showing up. I wan't able to understand those directions either.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...