Sunday, July 24, 2022


Didn't do a whole lot yesterday after the crossword. I did finally make an appointment at Quest for the blood test to replace the one screwed up by the outfit. The first available anywhere near as early as I want was on August 2 at 7:20, so I took that. Changed the sheets and did a wash. Did some filing and looked over various communications. Texted and PMed a few people, including grandson Joel, a passionate pickleballer, and sent him this from Parade Magazine:

Speaking of whom, here he is with his partner, Hannah, at the Hershey Open yesterday:
Changed the sheets, washed them and remade the bed. I was kind of at loose ends, but decided to bus into town, just for something to do. Caught the 21, but when it approached the college, I saw that the weekend Farmers Market was going on and impulsively disembarked and joined the crowd. Bought still more tangerines (I'm an addict), plus some nice zucchini, forgetting I had already bought a big one at the other Farmers Market on Saturday. Well, no prob, I'll cut and roast them; prepared that way, I think I can stow some in the freezer.

Paula sent an email elaborating on the days she won't be at rehearsal. Actually, I'll have to call her, as I think she mistakenly didn't mention tomorrow. Will get there somehow; maybe I'll ask Suzanne or Vickie to take me, and director Shannon to take  me home. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...