Saturday, July 02, 2022


My home scale had me at 131.6, for a gain of a whopping 3.2 pounds, but at T.O.P.S.,I was 128.6, a piddling increase of .02. How could there be a three pound difference? I guess because one of the scales is screwed up and I've decided it's mine 😉. 

Sharon called me at 7 am to say she wasn't going to the meeting because she's been having dizzy spells. Her life is so difficult, what with this new malady, plus her swollen legs, her problem with walking and balance. The elephant in the room is, of course, her obesity, but whether that will ever be effectively addressed is an open question. I hope so. Four of us at the meeting, which meandered along, as usual, so it was after 10:00 when we left. 

After my 10:30 (!) breakfast, I walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for veggies, tangerines, and stuff. Bused home and had lunch late again: 2:15. 

Texted Lora, who has COVID and heard back from her that she's recovering, but still under the weather. Also texted Bobbi, whose husband has it, also. Called Jim--we talked for a bit and yes, he'll be here today for lunch.

Readied myself to be picked up by Paula at 6:15 for our 6:30 rehearsal call and waited out front...and waited...and waited.... Called her and it went to voice mail. Called Shannon, our director/producer, then Jeff, her co-d/c and ditto. Finally, Paula drove up, with apologies. Among other things, she's a "stager"--that is, she stages houses for sale--and had been caught up in some project or other.  

As for rehearsal itself, it was so good. There were some strains and unpleasantries last time--I don't want to elaborate on that--but last night? Smooth as silk and we're a company, come what may. Shannon wants us off book shortly and that'll be no problem for me.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...