Friday, July 22, 2022


Resuming my old habits, I walked to the Market and Wal-mart for three pounds of nice Roma tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and turkey breast lunchmeat. Also got heavy cream and sweetened condensed milk to make another batch of ice cream--the first was so good I want to be sure it wasn't a fluke. This time, I plan to swirl in some caramel sauce. 

Bused back and who got on but LaVonne, on her way to the produce place. We had the bus to ourselves and chatted away. Had lunch, then chunked the tomatoes, added julienned onions, garlic, olive oil, and vinegar, then put the mix in three good-sized casserole dishes, and popped them in the oven.

Messaged back and forth with Mike, whom I'll see tomorrow. On Sunday, he'll go north to Cupertino on business and will return on Tuesday. I called Jim and invited him to lunch today; he was happy to accept. Called niece Carolyn to see how she and her two are doing--they all succumbed to COVID while on vacation in D.C.  She said the effect on her had been fatigue, plus a sore throat and dizziness; Finn, 21, wasn't as bad, but poor Claire, who's 16, had been very sick and threw up a lot. The younger two flew back to Santa Barbara this morning, but Carolyn will stay for another week.

Made a turkey sausage, onion, garlic, mushroom stir-fry, half of which I had for dinner.  Also made the vanilla ice cream; after it was semi-frozen, I added the caramel sauce--had a spoonful and oh, mama, is it good. 

Some pics from Wednesday lunch with LaVonne, Regina, and Morika:

LaVonne with granddaughter, Morika, and daughter, Regina:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...