Monday, July 18, 2022


Thanks to my compulsion to put things in order (I diagnosed it myself and what's more, I like it that way) I stripped the bed as soon as I got up (late at 6:25), put everything in the washer, dried that, ate breakfast, did three more loads and now everything is washed, dried, folded and put away. 

Other than that, I spent time looking for the charger for my Shark floor cleaner and just can not find it. It isn't where it should be, in the box with the other chargers, so I'm at a loss. Went over to Von's for a few things. Came home and boiled the small potatoes, plus julienned three onions and trimmed and seasoned some nice broccoli crowns. By that time, I was 4:30 and I realized I hadn't walked much all day. Hope that doesn't keep me up. 

I miss the boys so much; wish they lived closer. Mike took Violet to camp yesterday, but I'll be seeing him and her again, as well as Ellen, so that's good. Speaking of: After dinner, El called and I heard about her day with Mike: hikes at the Ventura Preserve and The Meadows after Violet was duly taken to camp. And was I available for them to come over today? Hey, does a bear...? They've be here at 10:00 or so--yay!

Note: I did not only yesterday's crossword puzzle, but the one for the preceding Sunday, the boys having left me all my papers.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...