Saturday, July 23, 2022


Busy day, since it included separate activities morning, noon, and night. Weight-wise, I was up a horrendous 132 at home, but down a tad at the meeting to 130.8, still outside my comfort zone of 125-130.  Just on the off-chance we'd have no real meeting (off-chance? Ha!), I brought two items from separate sources: a sheet specifying the 100-calorie penalty of specific candies; for instance, just 23 M&Ms.  Also brought a paper on how far you'd have to go in order to walk off those calories: roughly a mile. I had Bobbi and Lora alternate reading the items and it went over big. Also, I was pleased to accept some home-grown tomatoes from member Beverly, since I was having Jim for lunch.

Breakfast late, of course, then I made turkey breast and tomato sandwiches, opened the new bottle of wine, and set the table. Added the corn chili I had bought some time ago and a bowl of veggie chips. Jim came at his usual 12:30 and was his usual laconic self. Before we ate, I did something unprecedented for me: We read my current script, Interstellar Galactic Management, LLC, he all the male parts, me the female. Served lunch, including the homemade vanilla/caramel ice cream and he loved it--asked for seconds, which I provided. 

Jim left about 3:30 and I took a short nap. Paula picked me up for rehearsal at 6:45 and it was so good. Even with such a small part, it's great being part of it. I asked director Shannon if I could skip the cast and crew work day tomorrow, as son Mike is in town and she had no problem with that. I doubt if I'd be much help, anyway, as it involves a lot of moving, lifting, painting, and so on.

Mike's to come over today--yay!--and I'll ask him about tomorrow, too. He said he's driving up to headquarters in Cupertino then, but maybe that was just because he didn't think I'd be available. I'll ask him about it.

Ellen posted this picture on Facebook from 8 years ago--tubby me and adorable little Vivian. She was only ten there and is now about to go off to college.  💓


iloveac said...

Wow! You look just like Betty in that photo. That's the only photo where I've seen a resemblance to your twin.

Mimi said...

It's interesting you saw that, Pat. I hadn't noticed, but now that I see it, I think you're right. I think, too, when you get older, there's a certain sag or droop to the face, which Betty has and I have in spades, I'm afraid.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...