Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Lunch, Abortion, Jim, And Noreen

Before breakfast, I washed many of the towels in the closet, although they were clean; just wanted to freshen them up for the boys. Also did a color wash. 

i was about to leave for the bus to meet Noreen for lunch, when Jim called. He was confused about getting a colonoscopy and wanted to know when I got mine, the doctor's name, and other particulars. What? That was six years ago and I have little recollection of it. I said I'd look up some information on the topic and where they're performed when I got back from town. 

Got to The Blue Agave before Noreen, only to find that it's closed on Mondays and Tuesdays (I had known about Monday, but not Tuesday.) Called her and suggested we meet at Peirono's, above the nearby plaza and across from the mission. We did and sat outside under a gorgeous blue sky. I felt like pasta, which I rarely eat at home, so ordered the bruschetta angel hair. Along with a perky IPA, it was delicious--I ate every morsel and had to restrain myself from licking the plate.  

Our conversation included abortion and I posed the eternal question to which there is no answer: At what point exactly is ending a human life no longer permissible? The glib answer, repeated by idiots, is "when it can live independently outside the womb." Just as anybody with an I.Q. over ten knows it isn't "part of the woman's body," this just opens up a bunch of other questions and so on and on. Noreen and I have dissimilar backgrounds (she protestant--sort of--) and may have had a somewhat deprived childhood, but we were brought up in the same era (she just turned 87).  Anyway, our discussion was interesting.

Noreen and Jim were both in my acting class, so had met. I mentioned to her Jim's Parkinson's diagnoses and his memory lapses and confusion.  Noreen is an R.N. and told me  the disease can cause those symptoms. I was taken aback, as I hadn't known that, but looked it up and wish I hadn't. Poor Jim. 

When I got home, I went on the laptop and looked up local colonoscopy websites. Emailed them to Jim, then called him and we had a long talk, during which I became more aware of--and more alarmed about--his cognizance problems. He seems fixated on knowing where I went, although why that would have any bearing on his own situation, I don't know. Incidentally, Jim's doctor didn't broach the subject of a colonoscopy, he did. That is, Jim thinks he should have one just in case, although he says he's afraid of it. He resists looking anything up on the Internet, maybe because he doesn't know how. I again brought up the subject of his possible removal to Silvercrest and he again countered with the "haven't had time" response, which is bogus. 

Re Silvercrest: Vickie and I will go there this afternoon. 

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