Friday, July 08, 2022

Progress... being made!  I went over to Great Clips at 10:00  and had Maria cut my hair, as usual, just below the ears. I had taken my cart, so from there, I walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart to get yet more supplies for my company. Green Thumb is just next door; I stopped there and had an extra key made, so the boys will be able to come and go when I'm not here.

By the time I had lunch, it was 2:30. Called Ellen and found she had bought appetizers, plus soda. She reminded me that Subway is across from Von's, so I stopped there and got info on their subs. I'm still undecided about whether to make a cake--I'm dying to use the decorating bulb I got last week--or take Robyn up on her offer to bring something.

Went to Von's for heavy cream and other ingredients for the recipe for vanilla ice cream I found on the Great God, Internet. It's made in a blender, not an ice cream maker, which I don't have (and don't want). I'll try it, not for the little gathering on Sunday, but just for desserts for the boys.

I wrote up an email for Joel, Sr., with various info he'll need here. Also rearranged a few things in the apartment to try to make more room--or better apportioned room.  Was able to clear a hall closet shelf--wonders will never cease--so I could put fresh towel on it. I think I'll type up little notes to show them where things are.

Both Julie and Lora texted me, asking if they could pick me up for T.O.P.S. today. I heard from Lora first, so she got the prize (ha!). The additional great news: I slept well and just got up at 6:15!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...