Sunday, July 31, 2022

Saturday And Ken

Paula picked me up at 9:45 for the run-through and cue-to-cue.* There were, as always, delays and halts and sitting around--inevitable with any show. At one point, a few of us went outside and saw this in the parking lot:

Fractured Actors somehow acquired a door from the original 1959 Broadway production of Gypsy, starring Ethel Merman--wow! The door had been in the Fractured Actors warehouse, which directors Jeff and Shannon have been  searching for props. 

Director Shannon said Paula and I could take a break--go somewhere and just get back at 1:00. We went to Ross, at Paula's suggestion, but after we had been there awhile, she said she decided not to go back, as her grandchildren were visiting. Fine by me, and I started walking back to Palma Drive, only about a mile, if that. When I was halfway there, Ken, who's also in the play I'm in, drove up and asked if I wanted a ride. Sure thing, and I got in, then Ken said the company had broken for lunch, did I want to go to El Pollo Loco for lunch with him? 

I can't say this place will ever be a favorite of mine, but I got a taco and glass of water. Ken insisted on paying mine--it wasn't much, so after a formal protest, I let him. We sat down and he proceeded to deliver his autobiography. This seems to be a feature of so many aging men (aside from Jim, of course): They just talk on and on about themselves and show not the slightest interest in anyone else's life. I think it may be because they're lonely and--maybe--tend to turn their thoughts inward, rather that look out at the great world.

Ken used to weigh over three hundred pounds, which is almost impossible to believe, seeing him now: He's about six feet tall and is very lean. He said that he and his late wife lost more than 100 pounds each, starting in the early 2020s. (She died in 2014.) Since then--get this--he has eaten exactly the same meals for breakfast and lunch--yes, at El Pollo Loco--AND the same dinners--frozen turkey, with trimmings, I'm not sure what brand. 

I had thought Ken was my age or older and had to conceal my amazement when he mentioned he's 67. Not only his physical self, but his manner and mien--somber and solemn and I've actually never seen him smile--conjure up a much older man. He is very active in the Luminal Church--said he was born into Assembly of God (in Edison, NJ, by the way) and now teaches bible classes and so on and drearily on.

We got back about 1:00. Ken left st 2:00 and said he'd drop me off at the bus stop, but I wanted to stay and did, for the quick cue-to-cue. Shannon was concerned about my not having a ride, but as I explained to her, I need to walk.  And I did, to Telephone Road, a mile or so, and it felt good. 

While waiting for the bus, I called Ellen and was delighted to hear she and Greg have both tested negative--YAY! I have rehearsal from 2:30 to 4:00 today, which will work out fine because Mike has a business meeting until 5:30. So, I'll be home by 4:30 and he, with Ellen, and Violet (whom he picked up from camp yesterday) will pick me  up between 6:15 and 6:30 and we'll all go out to dinner. 

Note: I sent the pictures my BCNN friend, Regina, and her top with oriental lettering on it, to son Patrick and this was his response:

It looks like Chinese or very old Japanese to me. Parts of it may have been printed upside down and in reverse. I may recognize some of the characters, but I can't make any sense of it.

*A cue-to-cue is a technical rehearsal that focuses on getting the physical production caught up with the acting by skipping over scenes or dialogue that have no technical cues in them in order to run the next cue.

Saturday, July 30, 2022


The weight news was not good on either front: 133.8 at home for a gain of 1.8; 132.5 for 1.7 up. I knew I've been sabotaging my own efforts and I know how I've been doing it. Will resume the regiman that got me down 52 pounds. We had a guest named Valerie, who goes to leader Lennie's church (Trinity Lutheran, where we meet). She was touting a program called Otavia and went into detail about it, including the fact that some "meal" ingredients are sent to participants, and that you "graze," so are "fueled" six times a day. She lost thirty pounds on it. I had three key questions: 1. How much does it cost? ($400 a month); 2. Does she get compensated (yes). 3. How long ago did she reach her desired weight? (In March of 2022). It seemed to me just a combination of Jenny Craig and other weight programs, all of which are almost impossible to follow for life.

Home at 10:00, had my usual Friday late breakfast, then tried to get in touch with first, my property insurance agent, then Chase, which holds my mortgage. It seems the insurance wasn't received and, after what seemed like hours on various holds, I was told they were having problems with their systems and to call back in an hour. Did so and that section was having problems with their systems, too, so I'll call back on Monday.

Texted Mike, as I knew he was to return from L.A. and, indeed, he was in transit. He knocked on my door about noon and, after this and that and chat, we walked to Kimball Park over the footbridge. There were slim pickins' in the little lending library, but I picked up a book and left one. We walked back partly down Telephone Road and when we got home, Mike suggested we go in to the pool. We did--or he did--and I no sooner felt the temp, then spent time in the hot tub, which felt good--Mike joined me for a time, then we went home. He left about 5:30, as the camp where Violet is attending, was having an Instagram program at 7:00. I watched some, but it was mostly some loud musicians and I couldn't stand it for long, so went to take a shower. We have rehearsal at 10:00 today, also head shots. 

Friday, July 29, 2022


I walked to the Hill Sreet Library, but it doesn't open until 2:00 and I was forty minutes early, so didn't stay. I continued another mile to Ralph's (supermarket) and got paper products and pasta. Bused home.

Niece Carolyn called. She, son, and daughter are back in Santa Barbara and are recovering from COVID, but still feel fatigued and have lingering coughs.

Showered, washed my hair, and prepared for the BCNN dinner. Julie picked me up along with her friend, Bernice, and off we went to The Lazy Dog. There were about twenty women in the group and we sat on the patio--very pleasant. Regina and Beryl, both of whom I know, sat with us and we enjoyed it. Regina was weering a top with oriental and I asked if I could take her picture, as I wanted to know if it was Japanese or Chinese. I'll send to son in Tokyo and ask him.

Home about 7:00. My neighbor, Michelle, called, concerned because she hasn't run into me walking lately. I explained I had had company and lots going on.

Thursday, July 28, 2022


 I got my picture-on-canvas and am pleased with it:

Not sure where I'll put it, but will find a place. 

Finally, at long last, I did my piled-up filing, a chore I greatly dislike, so put off too long. After lunch, I walked to The Market for milk, eggs, and tangerines. Stopped at the bank for some dough to put in Tristan's birthday card; added some for Joel, Jr.'s birthday.  When I got home, I scrubbed and cut two pounds of carrots, added two of the tangerines, cinnamon, and set it to cook slowly in the...well, the slow cooker, what else?  

Mike got back from Cupertino on Tuesday night, but left early yesterday for business in L.A. He'll be back tomorrow and I hope to see  him then and/or on Saturday and Sunday when he picks Violet up from camp.  

Julie called to say she isn't going to T.O.P.S. tomorrow. She will, however, pick me up for dinner at The Lazy Dog tonight, a monthly BCNN event. She has another commitment on Monday, when Soaring Spirits meet for lunch, but I'll just bus there--no prob. Texted Lora and she'll pick me up for T.O.P.S.

I invited Suzanne to come over at 5:00 so we could see each other's pictures from her trip and my company. She came and we enjoyed each other's pics and travelogues. She had gone to Half Moon Bay and Moss City to visit some of her sister Sisters; they look like yet another breathtakingly beautiful California locale.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Top News: I discovered a marvelously wonderful and exciting thing my phone can provide: podcasts!* I listened to several true-crime murder stories from Vanity Fair, plus something else that was so riveting, I can't remember what it was. 

This was when I went back to bed after breakfast. I had been awake from about 3:30 until I got up at 5:00, which I blame on the fact that I had taken a three-hour nap on Monday. I didn't sleep, but felt good when I got up after about an hour and a half of simply resting and listening to the podcasts.

Rather than eat at home, I packed a sandwich and bottle of water and took it with me when I bused to the cut-rate produce place in town. However, I was late and plus, they hadn't really left much according to staff; I just picked up four big apples and let it go at that. Nearby in the same mall is laundry place. I know there were benches in there, so that's where I ate my lunch. 

Bused home and on the way, I called Diane to tell her about the all-day-Happy-Hour menu on Wednesdays at The Blue Agave. We promised each other we'd meet there after Mike and Violet leave. Speaking of whom: He should be back today. 💗

I had been notified by my Faithful Readers--all two of them--that yesterday's blog entry wasn't there. Got home, checked, and found I hadn't posted it; remedied the oversight and now all is up to date. 

I took another COVID test at 5:00 ( negative) at Suzanne's request. She took me to rehearsal and I was surprised to see Paula come in. We had somehow gotten our signals crossed, as I thought she wasn't going to be there. However, no prob and she took me home. Rehearsal went very well and director Shannon took me aside to say how much she liked my shtick. Good.

*Okay, okay, everybody in the universe over ten has been listening to them for years, but I'm a late bloomer, no question about that. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Walked to Telephone Road, then bused to the WinCo Shopping Center. Bought a few items there and at The Dollar Tree, then went across the street to Office Max. Here, I bought printer ink, which cost me a whopping $1.54, because I had "rewards" from there. Bused home, had lunch...

...a heavier one than usual: I had a turkey breast sandwich with mayo, then pretzels, with my usual Crystal Light iced tea. I then lay down for a nap--and slept for..

...three hours until 6:00 PM! This was highly unusual for me and made me a little uneasy. I wasn't hungry at all for dinner and decided to go next door to ask Suzanne to drop me off at rehearsal tonight. (Director Shannon will take me home.) 

I did, and she will.  She also immediately noticed I seemed to have some congestion. Did I have a COVID test? Yes, and I went home to do the swab thing. Unfortunately, I found the directions impossible to adequately understand; went back to my friend and she came over to show me how. (After all, she's a medical educator--or was before she retired such a short time ago). Tested, waited the required time, read it and...

...negative--YAY! I went to tell Suzanne and we think I probably just have a slight cold or allergy. She did ask me to test again at 5:00 today and I will. 

For one of my bizarre dinners, I cut into spears the large zucchini I had bought on Saturday, seasoned it with a variety,  tossed with olive oil, and roasted in the oven. It was good.

Sunday, July 24, 2022


Didn't do a whole lot yesterday after the crossword. I did finally make an appointment at Quest for the blood test to replace the one screwed up by the outfit. The first available anywhere near as early as I want was on August 2 at 7:20, so I took that. Changed the sheets and did a wash. Did some filing and looked over various communications. Texted and PMed a few people, including grandson Joel, a passionate pickleballer, and sent him this from Parade Magazine:

Speaking of whom, here he is with his partner, Hannah, at the Hershey Open yesterday:
Changed the sheets, washed them and remade the bed. I was kind of at loose ends, but decided to bus into town, just for something to do. Caught the 21, but when it approached the college, I saw that the weekend Farmers Market was going on and impulsively disembarked and joined the crowd. Bought still more tangerines (I'm an addict), plus some nice zucchini, forgetting I had already bought a big one at the other Farmers Market on Saturday. Well, no prob, I'll cut and roast them; prepared that way, I think I can stow some in the freezer.

Paula sent an email elaborating on the days she won't be at rehearsal. Actually, I'll have to call her, as I think she mistakenly didn't mention tomorrow. Will get there somehow; maybe I'll ask Suzanne or Vickie to take me, and director Shannon to take  me home. 

A Good Day With Mike

Had a good, fun day with Mike. He arrived at 8:30, bringing his breakfast (a bagel and iced tea) with him. We then headed out to the Saturday farmers market in town. On the way, we stopped at a yard sale--looked around, but I was persuaded not to buy anything 

At the farmers market,  I bought some wonderful squash, tangerines, and broccoli and Mike a grapefruit. We were amazed at the size of the onions at one of the stalls--one would feed a whole family, I think. Here's Mike with two of them: 

We then set off for the canal walk in Oxnard. It was a lovely day and we strolled around the harbor, about a mile and a half, all told. Mike wanted to go to a tea place in Camarillo, so we drove there. It's called "All Things Tea" and, although I don't like tea much, I agreed to have--well, high tea there.

It was delicious! I had iced tea, Mike hot and we had tiny, elegant little sandwiches, two flavors of scones (one called "lemon and rosemary"--we had to order that), and little desserts of chocolate something and blueberry cheesecake. Mike picked up the check, at the sight of which I almost collapsed--with tip, an even seventy bucks! I guess I'm naïve, but that seems more like dinner with drinks to me. Well, it was a lovely experience: 

After, we stopped into Marcia's Treasures and I bought Mike a book called Tea Serenade. We then went to the Conejo Canyon park and took a lovely walk through the woods and by a babbling brook:

Then it was off to the Pleasant Valley Museum and botanic garden, where Mike rang the old school bell from 1922:

  and mounted the old tractor just for fun:

We chatted with the 90-year-old volunteer curator (who had been a teacher for years at local schools) and I took a picture of them, as they both had fun shirts on:
I then asked Mike to take me to WinCo to get some heavier stuff and he did, then took me home and  we said goodbye. He's driving up to Cupertino today and will be back on Tuesday. 

Saturday, July 23, 2022


Busy day, since it included separate activities morning, noon, and night. Weight-wise, I was up a horrendous 132 at home, but down a tad at the meeting to 130.8, still outside my comfort zone of 125-130.  Just on the off-chance we'd have no real meeting (off-chance? Ha!), I brought two items from separate sources: a sheet specifying the 100-calorie penalty of specific candies; for instance, just 23 M&Ms.  Also brought a paper on how far you'd have to go in order to walk off those calories: roughly a mile. I had Bobbi and Lora alternate reading the items and it went over big. Also, I was pleased to accept some home-grown tomatoes from member Beverly, since I was having Jim for lunch.

Breakfast late, of course, then I made turkey breast and tomato sandwiches, opened the new bottle of wine, and set the table. Added the corn chili I had bought some time ago and a bowl of veggie chips. Jim came at his usual 12:30 and was his usual laconic self. Before we ate, I did something unprecedented for me: We read my current script, Interstellar Galactic Management, LLC, he all the male parts, me the female. Served lunch, including the homemade vanilla/caramel ice cream and he loved it--asked for seconds, which I provided. 

Jim left about 3:30 and I took a short nap. Paula picked me up for rehearsal at 6:45 and it was so good. Even with such a small part, it's great being part of it. I asked director Shannon if I could skip the cast and crew work day tomorrow, as son Mike is in town and she had no problem with that. I doubt if I'd be much help, anyway, as it involves a lot of moving, lifting, painting, and so on.

Mike's to come over today--yay!--and I'll ask him about tomorrow, too. He said he's driving up to headquarters in Cupertino then, but maybe that was just because he didn't think I'd be available. I'll ask him about it.

Ellen posted this picture on Facebook from 8 years ago--tubby me and adorable little Vivian. She was only ten there and is now about to go off to college.  💓

Friday, July 22, 2022


Resuming my old habits, I walked to the Market and Wal-mart for three pounds of nice Roma tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and turkey breast lunchmeat. Also got heavy cream and sweetened condensed milk to make another batch of ice cream--the first was so good I want to be sure it wasn't a fluke. This time, I plan to swirl in some caramel sauce. 

Bused back and who got on but LaVonne, on her way to the produce place. We had the bus to ourselves and chatted away. Had lunch, then chunked the tomatoes, added julienned onions, garlic, olive oil, and vinegar, then put the mix in three good-sized casserole dishes, and popped them in the oven.

Messaged back and forth with Mike, whom I'll see tomorrow. On Sunday, he'll go north to Cupertino on business and will return on Tuesday. I called Jim and invited him to lunch today; he was happy to accept. Called niece Carolyn to see how she and her two are doing--they all succumbed to COVID while on vacation in D.C.  She said the effect on her had been fatigue, plus a sore throat and dizziness; Finn, 21, wasn't as bad, but poor Claire, who's 16, had been very sick and threw up a lot. The younger two flew back to Santa Barbara this morning, but Carolyn will stay for another week.

Made a turkey sausage, onion, garlic, mushroom stir-fry, half of which I had for dinner.  Also made the vanilla ice cream; after it was semi-frozen, I added the caramel sauce--had a spoonful and oh, mama, is it good. 

Some pics from Wednesday lunch with LaVonne, Regina, and Morika:

LaVonne with granddaughter, Morika, and daughter, Regina:

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Wednesday And Two Good Meals

Walked to LaVonne's via the foot path over the freeway and arrived, as planned, at 11:30 for brunch. She lives with her daughter, Regina, who's a very pleasant, personable sixtyish. Also there was Marooka(?), LaVonne's granddaughter and Regina's niece. She's the one who lives and teaches (nursery school) in Thailand. 

I had a wonderful time! We had mimosas (champagne and O.J.--yum!) and as an appetizer, a simple, but good, fresh fruit combination. The entrée was a real southern dish: gravy over biscuits, accompanied by broccoli. This wasn't from a mix; LaVonne made the heavenly biscuits from scratch (I found out later she had won second and third prizes at the Ventura County Fair for them), ditto the gravy, with diced meat in it. Everything was homemade and delicious.

Regina ("Reggie") and I talked and talked while LaVonne went back and forth to the kitchen, Marooka chiming in here and there. Reggie has worked in the office of the Ventura Endoscopy Center for seventeen years, the very place where I got my colonoscopy. I greatly enjoyed our conversation and hope to have LaVonne and Reggie over soon. Marooka will turn 31 on Sunday and will return to Bangkok next week.

I stayed until about 1:30, then said goodbye. Took the 11 bus to the transit center, then the 6 home. I actually took a short nap when I got home. Ellen called to report on the patient (Greg, but he's recovering well) and the aborted vacation.  Mike called to suggest he pick me up for dinner and I was pleased about that.  

He got here at 5:30 and we went first to the Aloha, but it wasn't to the spoil kid's liking, so I directed him to the Blue Agave instead. Actually, this was pretty good; he had tacos and I had quesadillas. Home and he left soon after, as he had some business conferences to attend--virtually, of course. 

Here we are at the Blue Agave:

He suggested we get together again on Sunday, but I have a cast and crew workday from 1:00 to 5:00. At rehearsal tomorrow night, I may ask Shannon if I can get out of it. On the other hand, I think Mike may be free on Saturday, too. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

WinCo, The Shark, Rehearsal, And COVID

Suzanne texted me about 8:00 to ask if I wanted to go to WinCo at 9:00. Sure thing and we did. I was glad to pick up a lot of staples--coffee, veggies, and so on, including a big cauliflower--and we were home long before my virtual appointment with Dr. F., the ortho-something, at 11:30.

That went well, although both she and I had questions about my recent blood test info from Quest, which seemed contradictory in several areas. At one section, it said results were normal, at another that the test wasn't even performed.  I called Quest and got the "leave a message" routine; when I tried, it annoyingly told me, "the mailbox is full, goodbye." Walked over to the branch at Von's and talked to nurse Jessica.  She was puzzled herself, but gave me a number to call to try to get to the bottom of it. 

Lunched lightly on broccoli and potatoes, then prepared the cauliflower and left it simmering in the slow cooker. Bused to the mall and Target, looking for the Shark charger. No, they didn't have the components, only the vacuum itself. I walked from there to Lowe's--a hike in the heat--but they didn't have any, either. After Ellen and I spent hours on the phone with Shark, I'm beginning to think I'll give up. Jumped in the shower after putting in a wash, then had a very early (4:00) dinner of tilapia and cauliflower with cheese on top--yum! 

Paula picked me up for rehearsal after my week off and it went very well.  Home at 9:00, I checked my phone and saw that Ellen had called at 8:04. I hadn't silenced the phone, but I had  left  my purse a distance away in the large rehearsal hall, so must not have heard it. Called back, but got no answer. Shortly after, Greg called and said El was at the pool; they're spending a few days in San Luis Obispo while Mike is feeding the cats and "attending virtual business meetings at their place.  Craig said he has just positive for COVID--damn!  Luckily--I guess, Mike has already had COVID, as have all three boys from Jersey. I haven't, but hope not to get it. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Mike and Ellen breezed in about 11:00; and met up with Vickie, who had been out running. I introduced them and said happy birthday to Vickie, then my two kiddies and I drove to the Harbor for lunch. After much hilarity involving the fish tacos place (I almost fell out of the car laughing), we saw that it's closed on Mondays (thank heavens!), so went to Margarita Villa. They had Mexican and I had a hamburger. We then walked the harbor to look for seals, but didn't find any. Stopped in the museum and strolled in its garden.

From there, we drove to town, as I thought my small desk lamp was broken; I bought another one, and we walked around town a bit. When we got back to my place, Mike tried the original lamp with a new bulb. I had done exactly that, but it seems both bulbs were out (I'm a pretty dim bulb myself). So...I kept the old lamp and Ellen took the new to see if Greg could use it.

We sat and chatted, then I heard Suzanne coming in, back from her trip. She stopped in for a half hour or so and we four shared highlights of our recent good times. Mike had a business meeting (virtual) at 5:00, so he and El left for her house. He's going to be busy for the next day or two, so I asked him to call me on Wednesday or whenever. Actually, I have some things scheduled today, too: a telephone doctor's appointment at 11:00 and rehearsal at 6:30.

Mike got some news from niece Carolyn:  She, Finn, and Claire are vacationing in D.C. and all have come down with COVID. The kids were here last Sunday, but I'm hoping, since no symptoms yet, that none of us get it. 

Called LaVonne to tell her I was free today and tomorrow and she invited me to brunch tomorrow. I'll meet her granddaughter, who lives in Bangkok and is visiting--should be fun.

Monday, July 18, 2022


Thanks to my compulsion to put things in order (I diagnosed it myself and what's more, I like it that way) I stripped the bed as soon as I got up (late at 6:25), put everything in the washer, dried that, ate breakfast, did three more loads and now everything is washed, dried, folded and put away. 

Other than that, I spent time looking for the charger for my Shark floor cleaner and just can not find it. It isn't where it should be, in the box with the other chargers, so I'm at a loss. Went over to Von's for a few things. Came home and boiled the small potatoes, plus julienned three onions and trimmed and seasoned some nice broccoli crowns. By that time, I was 4:30 and I realized I hadn't walked much all day. Hope that doesn't keep me up. 

I miss the boys so much; wish they lived closer. Mike took Violet to camp yesterday, but I'll be seeing him and her again, as well as Ellen, so that's good. Speaking of: After dinner, El called and I heard about her day with Mike: hikes at the Ventura Preserve and The Meadows after Violet was duly taken to camp. And was I available for them to come over today? Hey, does a bear...? They've be here at 10:00 or so--yay!

Note: I did not only yesterday's crossword puzzle, but the one for the preceding Sunday, the boys having left me all my papers.

Saturday, July 16, 2022


Mike and Violet blew in to Ellen's about 9:30 and the three of us (El declined) went to The Farmer And The Cook. This is a trendy, meant-for-rich-Ojai-ans("ites?")-who-look-anorexic place--not one of my favorites. I had already had my oatmeal and tangerine, so just got a small yogurt. I admit it was pleasant to sit outside and chat. Mike wore his Apple (his employer) rainbow gay pride shirt:

Back to El's to talk a bit and here are the visitors from afar lulling in Ellen's living room:

We three then went into town while El started housework to get ready for the new guest: Mike. He, Violet and I went into town, had an ice cream cone, then went to the park, where not only Violet, but Mike played on the swings, the big kid:

Back yet again, then I napped a bit while Mike and Violet went to Bart's Books and Ellen did some chores. When they returned, the three of us went off to my place. We dropped off the mountain of stuff I had brought for a week at Ellen's, then went to the Luna Grille for a quick dinner. They dropped me back off and we said goodbye.

Mike will take Violet to register at Camp Ojai today and I'll do housework. Actually, the three guys did a great job of cleaning up after themselves, but I still have a lot to wash and so on to get back to everyday life.

Wonderful And Precious Day

Ellen and I did this and that in the morning, then went to Sea Fresh for lunch after Greg left for work. We were in touch at various times for the boys, who were at The Promenade. They had planned to go to some kind of rock(?) music festival on the beach, but when they discovered admission was fifty bucks a pop, changed their minds. Anyway (not "anyways," damnit!), we decided we'd meet at the harbor and El and I, with the assistance of text, Facetime, and Messenger, communicated that to Mike. 

Got there, the boys got there, then we walked the harbor, exploring a bit. Decided to stop at the lower level at Brophy's for cold drinks, did so, and then--in came Mike and sweet Violet! She got acquainted with the boys and they with her before we were called upstairs for dinner.

It was so good and so much fun to have that much of my precious gang together! The older three carried on a warm, funny, inclusive conversation, while the younger four--all of whom tend to be more introspective than outgoing--were drawn out and chimed in. El and I had decided beforehand that she, Mike, and I would go threesies on the check (which was substantial, this being southern California during the tourist season, COVID be damned), but Mike grabbed it and treated us all. I'll add the full group pic when Mike sends it to me, but here are J., J., and T.:

We then strolled the harbor, talking and laughing all the way. Here are Joel, Senior and Violet, who are the actual first cousins--Joel, Junior and Tristan are first cousins, once removed: 

And here's the whole darling gang sans Mom/Nana/Mimi, who took the pic:
Standing, l. to r.: Joel, Jr., Mike, Ellen, Violet; seated, Tristan and Joel, Sr.
Mike and Violet, with ship:

But we finally had to say goodbye to the dear boys, as they had to get up at 4 am this morning to catch their 7:20 plane at LAX.  Many hugs and kisses, with some tears from Nana/Mimi (that's me), then off they went. My sadness at their leaving was eased just a bit by knowing Mike and Violet will be here at least for the next few days. 

Friday, July 15, 2022


Ellen and I spent the day together--along with Greg here and there--and enjoyed it. I got up late (for me) at 6:15, El not for another two hours. She had to do her hair, so about 11:00, I walked the mile or so to the Von's shopping center. Stopped in a gift shop mostly to escape the incredible heat, which was already in the eighties. Found some cute birthday and other cards and bought them. I decided not to walk back, so waited for the trolley/bus, which dropped me off near El's. Greg made us a delicious lunch of small ground turkey rounds on a wonderful salad with his signature yogurt dressing. It was so good. 

I called Joel, Junior and found they had gone to Santa Barbara instead of Venice Park and were seeing the sights along State Street. Will see them today, when we meet with Mike and Violet, who are due to fly in, for dinner.

We then decided to go to Soule Park before the plumber came at 6:00. I hadn't been there before and it's a lovely place. Greg rested on the plush grass under a shade tree, while El and I took a walk around the park. We probably went a bit more than a mile, then circled back. Reunited with Greg, then left, he to The Coffee Spot to read and relax, we to Agave Maria for cold drinks. I had their house Margarita, El the pixie tangerine version, both yummy. We then reunited with Greg and went to Bart's Books, where we browsed. I bought one I just happened to open--a novel and not exactly my speed, but I was hooked after I read the blurb.

Home and for some reason, I was a little sleepy. Lay down and dozed off until El woke me to prepare for the plumber's return. I then went into their room and continued my nap. Plumber finished up preparing for the new washer and dryer and I got up. Just had a pick-up meal of Bistro MD, which El had in the freezer, but that's all I wanted.

Political--or something--note: I watched some of a "news" show: two past-middle-aged white males, then the obligatory blackish guy, all solemn, somber and stern, elaborating on the January sixth thing. (I'm surprised they didn't have an Asian female on, too--or maybe a transgender, physically disabled, mentally challenged Octogenarian from Samoa--in order to convince the ever-so-anxious-to-be-convinced how very liberal and inclusive CNN is.)  As everyone knows, Trump didn't just organize the "uprising": he was there and led it, disguised as a Yahoo with a buffalo hat. He is, of course, in Satan's inner circle--actually no, he's Satan himself: evil personified and he eats babies for breakfast. Okay, I'd rather watch that than hang by my thumbs for three days, but... 

Thursday, July 14, 2022


A delightful day with the boys.  El and I drove over to pick them up, since Daddy-O Joel had gone to Arcadia for pickleball. I selected and packed up a few items (a change of clothes, tangerines, and so on),  and Joel showed El some drum moves on his practice apparatus:

We then took off for the mall, since El had promised Joel, Sr., she'd get a box of See's Candy for him to give his lady friend. She did, we lunched on Thai Chinese Sri Lanka  Asian food bowls, then it was off to the beach:

J. and T. ventured down to the water and put their feet in, but cooler heads prevailed for E. and me.
It was an overcast and windy day, so we stayed only 45 or so, then drove back to Ojai, where the four of us had a lively game of Bogle (El won, but I did get "quota," which caused some envious groans by the others). The plumber came to start the new washer hookup; it and dryer are scheduled to be delivered on Saturday. 

We went to Papa Leoni's for dinner on the pleasant patio. By the time we took the boys back to Ventura and my place, it was close to 10:00. I went to bed soon after and slept like a stone until 6:00, late for me.

The guys are going to Venice Beach today and I was going to accompany them, but decided against it. I know they like me around, but I don't want to slow them down and maybe they can stand some time to themselves. 
Another pic from Monday on Shelf Road:

And one more from Greg's terrific dinner on Tuesday: 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


The guys got here about noon, bringing lunchmeat and some things I had asked for, including my RLS meds. We had lunch, then talked around the table for a bit. Greg volunteered to make one of his wonderful meals for dinner (it was his day off).  Off to the side yard with the guys, where they played Bonkers (or whatever it's called) and I enjoyed watching. After, the Jersey trio left to explore Surfer's Point in Ventura. 

Ellen and I had planned to go to the supermarket and other places, but I was so tired, I begged off in favor of a nap. I slept for about two hours and felt a hundred percent better when I got up. Thought I'd take a walk, but I was just starting out when Ellen drove up, so I went back with her. We did this and that until the boys got back. While Greg slaved in the kitchen and Ellen assisted, Junior, Tristan, and I played gin rummy in the living room.

Called to dinner, this is what we saw:*
And it was, of course, superb. (Who had the wine? Guess.)
The main dish was salmon, which was excellent, of course, with his subtle seasoning. It was accompanied by a salad with yogurt dressing (he doesn't do dairy) and an interesting potato mash. Ellen had bought chocolate ice cream for dessert and we all enjoyed the meal and the talk.

After J., J., and T. left, El and I watched some of a documentary on Tab Hunter, but soon went off to bed. Happily, I slept well, and didn't get up until 5:30. 

Today, Papa Joel goes off to L.A. to play pickleball and El and I will take the boys to the harbor for sight-seeing and whatever else they'll enjoy.    

*It's amazing how similar Greg's usual stance in pictures it to my late husband's. They both give the impression they're cornered and about to be strung up for espionage.  

Tuesday, July 12, 2022


 Another neat day!  El and I tidied up a bit before the three guys got here to Ojai about 11:30. They met Greg, who then went off to work while they were showed around. El made lunch, then suggested we walk Shelf Road. I hadn't been there for years, but thought it was a great idea.

Shelf Road is a hill walk about a mile and a half long, it you stop at a certain place. We did, as we had no desire to continue on in the 85+ degree heat. It was strenuous, but felt good. Here are a few pics from our walk:

We then went to The Rainbow Bridge (a supermarket, for pity's sake!) for fruit drinks; sat and talked and laughed for a half-hour or so. Walked next door to Rain's Department Store and looked at this and that. Across the street is the park--a lovely place--and we explored that for a bit. Here are Tristan and Joel, Jr. (doing chin ups):
From there, it was off to Exotic Thai for dinner:
It looks earlier, but by that time, it was 8:00 and we parted. Plans with Greg today; boys will be here.

The only flaw to a wonderful day happened after we went to bed. I had put my meds for RLS in an envelope, which I thought I had in my purse. However, I couldn't find it spent a dreadful night, hardly dozing because of my compulsive leg movements. I'll ask Joel to bring to bring the bottle today.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Sunday Funday

We had a fine time yesterday! Ellen and I got back to Ventura about noon. We took some things out to the middle area and Dana, Finn, and Claire got here from Santa Barbara about 1:15, followed by Steve, Robyn, and Dexter, from L.A., shortly after. Ellen had driven over to Subway for the sandwiches and to Von's for ice. Along with chips and salsa, courtesy of Ellen, plus soda, iced tea, and beer, that was the spread. I had accepted Robyn's kind offer to bring dessert and it was yummy: fresh fruit over lady fingers and homemade (a girl after my own heart!) whipped cream, plus ditto chocolate chip cookies. We just sate and talked and talked and talked. 

Dana mentioned that's he's taking Finn and Claire to the airport today and they'll be off to join their mother for the days on the east coast. Steve and Robyn said they want to go to the Fractured Actors show next month, although I assured them I have only a small part. Lots of talk and laughs, of course, the kids having common ancestors. Can't quite remember when the party broke up, but hours later, of course. Darn, though, I'm so sorry I didn't think to take a picture of the cousins (first, second, and once-removed) together.

Back at the place, my guests' marathon gin rummy game resumed:

From left: Ellen, Tristan, Joel, Sr., and Joel, Jr.
I didn't participate in this one, but you can be sure, I will in others This went on until 7:00, at which point, we drove (separately) to Oxnard for dinner at Lazy Dog. It was jammed, of course, but we got served reasonably quickly. Three guys had--ugh!--peanut butter and jelly hamburgers (I kid you not), which they said were delish.

After dinner, we said goodbye, after making plans for the visitors from afar to come over to El's in Ojai this morning and we'd plan out our day. El and I stopped to say hello to Greg (who was working until 10:00), then drove off. We stayed up for just a short time, then went to bed--and again, I slept like a stone.   

Sunday, July 10, 2022

They're Here!

Wouldn't you know, I had a hard time in the sleep arena over Friday/Saturday night. Finally drifted off, but only for a few hours. However, I didn't feel particularly sleepy during the day, so no prob.

As soon as I got up, I stripped the bed and put the strippings in the washer. When they were in the dryer, I washed the rest of my clothes. Cleaned the kitchen counters and dusted the living room and bedroom furniture. Called Ellen to ask if she wanted me to meet her in town; she does, but decided on midtown, then Target.

Cleaned the bathroom, then jumped in the shower. Went over to Von's and got lunch meat and peanut butter for the boys. Continued cleaning and dusting, jumped in the shower, then left to meet Ellen in midtown. The first place we stopped didn't have what she wanted, but the second did: At Big Lots, she bought nice, tall, white cabinet for her newly uncluttered laundry room.

We went to Jasmine Thai for dinner, sharing chicken sati, pad Thai, and vegetable thin rolls. Back to my place to sit and chat, then at about 9:45, the boys breezed in--YAY! 

Hugs and kisses all around, then we talked, laughed, I showed them around, told them they could have anything they saw that they wanted, and it was so good. By the time El and I left for her place, it was 11:00, later than I've been up in years.

Her guest suite looks fabulous! Not only is the entry/laundry room, now cleared of the monster washer and dryer, so much roomier, but she re-did the guest room. She moved to bed to the other wall, took out the large desk, and added and substracted a few other things, and it looks wonderful. 

After bringing in my (as usual, much-too-much) stuff, including this laptop, we said good night and, boy, I had the best sleep I've had in weeks on that wonderfully comfortable bed. It's now 7:00 am and I'm feeling more rested than I was afraid I would. In a few hours, it's back to Ventura and our little gathering--can't wait!  

Saturday, July 09, 2022


T.O.P.S. first (Lora picked me up) for the usual talky-talk session about anything but weight loss. At home, I was 130. a gain of .08 and T.O.P.S. had me at 131.1, a miniscule .01 up. That took me out of my comfort zone, but I'll get back, I know.

When I got home, I had a message from Primary Medical. It's never a good thing to be contacted by your doctor's office if you didn't initiate it and I was concerned there was a problem with my blood test. It turns out wasn't it: this was from the ortho doc for a follow-up to my osteoporosis. I'll have a phone consult with her on the nineteenth. 

After breakfast (thanks to T.O.P.S., it wasn't until 10:30), I applied the Bona method to the hard floors and washed the bathroom and hall rugs. Otherwise did a few more things preparing for my company. Called Ellen and we discussed the party tomorrow (tomorrow--yoicks!); she also asked me to look around for a possible cabinet she can use in her newly-cleared laundry room. 

Using a recipe I found on line, I made vanilla ice cream. I wasn't not at all sure it would turn out, as it just uses a blender, but took a chance, put it together, then poured it into a container and put it in the freezer.  

Had a quick bite, then bused to town to 1.) take my library book back and 2.) look in a few shops for El's cabinets. I actually found one possibility which she plans to go look at today. Otherwise, I bought two "rope baskets" for myself. 

Bused home, but stopped at Von's for salmon (on sale) and at Subway to order a sandwich tray for tomorrow. El is bringing munchies and soda, and Robyn offered to bring something, so I texted her and asked for dessert, which she'll bring. Still have a few things to do to prepare, as they'll be here late tonight--YAY!  

Got some show biz news, for one, this poster,  just out about our Fractured Actors show in August:

                                       I have NO IDEA why the side is all black like that--damn!

Second bit of good news:
COWBOY POETRY CONTEST Saturday, August 13, 2022 – 12:00 PM (Noon) Premiums Offered per Class 1st 2nd 3rd $50 $35 $20

This is at the Ventura County Fair and I've been aware of the contest in other years. Last year, I wrote and memorized a poem with a western theme and had planned to enter it then, but because of the worldwide scourge, the Fair wasn't held. I call my entry "Heart's Desire" and I think it's actually not bad. I will definitely enter the contest.   

Friday, July 08, 2022

Progress... being made!  I went over to Great Clips at 10:00  and had Maria cut my hair, as usual, just below the ears. I had taken my cart, so from there, I walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart to get yet more supplies for my company. Green Thumb is just next door; I stopped there and had an extra key made, so the boys will be able to come and go when I'm not here.

By the time I had lunch, it was 2:30. Called Ellen and found she had bought appetizers, plus soda. She reminded me that Subway is across from Von's, so I stopped there and got info on their subs. I'm still undecided about whether to make a cake--I'm dying to use the decorating bulb I got last week--or take Robyn up on her offer to bring something.

Went to Von's for heavy cream and other ingredients for the recipe for vanilla ice cream I found on the Great God, Internet. It's made in a blender, not an ice cream maker, which I don't have (and don't want). I'll try it, not for the little gathering on Sunday, but just for desserts for the boys.

I wrote up an email for Joel, Sr., with various info he'll need here. Also rearranged a few things in the apartment to try to make more room--or better apportioned room.  Was able to clear a hall closet shelf--wonders will never cease--so I could put fresh towel on it. I think I'll type up little notes to show them where things are.

Both Julie and Lora texted me, asking if they could pick me up for T.O.P.S. today. I heard from Lora first, so she got the prize (ha!). The additional great news: I slept well and just got up at 6:15!

Thursday, July 07, 2022


I tried to get on the Great Clips site, but for some reason, couldn't do it. Walked over there instead. I could have gotten my hair cut then, but the stylist I like, Maria, was off, so I decided to wait until this morning. I'll try to get in when they open at 10:00.

Did some household-y chores, including rearranging some closet shelves--those with canned goods and boxes. Otherwise puttered around until lunch, then it was time to go over to Vickie's at 12:30. We sat and chatted for a bit after I got there, then left for Diane's at Silver Crest. 

After we were buzzed in, I showed Vickie around the first floor--her eyes lit up as soon as she saw the pool table in the recreation room--then we went up to Diane's on the second.  I had told her not to prepare anything for us, but she had a container of chips and hummus, which we took to the recreation room.

After that, the gals played pool. Vickie was clearly an excellent player, but Diane got some good shots in, too.  After a few games, I tried my hand--abysmal--then two other residents came in, Robert and Tom. Robert played Vickie and she won all games, although he was pretty good. We said goodbye about 3:00 and drove home. It was an enjoyable diversion and I hope Vickie eventually is able to move there.

Home, I cleaned up a bit and went over to Von's for this and that. I also prepared the produce I had bought the other day: two squashes (butternut and spaghetti) and and a large sweet potato. 

I called Pat R., my go-to medical guru, about 5:00 and we had a good talk, mostly about the trials (lots of them) and triumphs (too few) of my dealings with good ol' Jim. Called him, too, to tell him that Island View Gastrointestinal Associates is one and the same as Ventura Endoscopy. What good that did is hard to say, but Jim did read the related emails I had sent him.  

Had some of my aforementioned produce for dinner and should have added a protein, but didn't. I packed up my script and the magazine with the article on my daughter-in-law, Paula O., the designer.  I had mentioned it to Paula M., my fellow IGM player, who happens to be a stager for real estate companies. She picked me up at 7:00 and off we went to rehearsal.

It went well. I'm close to off-book and director Shannon complimented me on some of my characterization playing the year 2023 (don't ask). Showed her and Paula the magazine article and they oohed and aahed over it. 

I'm getting more and more impressed with Shannon's directing technique as she leads her cast slowly and gently to what she wants. Last night, after previous rehearsals about which she commented only after full run-throughs, she instituted the "stopping and correcting" stage. This can be somewhat disconcerting for the players because the director stops the action, so to speak, at specific locations in the script. She or he then instructs the speaker on what she wants and we modify, then note it on our scripts. I probably wouldn't do this in my dinky little Acting for Amateurs enterprise, which is anything but a professional undertaking, as it might upset the natives.  Maybe Fractured Actors isn't exactly Broadway, either, but it's a helluva lot closer and I love being part of it.

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Lunch, Abortion, Jim, And Noreen

Before breakfast, I washed many of the towels in the closet, although they were clean; just wanted to freshen them up for the boys. Also did a color wash. 

i was about to leave for the bus to meet Noreen for lunch, when Jim called. He was confused about getting a colonoscopy and wanted to know when I got mine, the doctor's name, and other particulars. What? That was six years ago and I have little recollection of it. I said I'd look up some information on the topic and where they're performed when I got back from town. 

Got to The Blue Agave before Noreen, only to find that it's closed on Mondays and Tuesdays (I had known about Monday, but not Tuesday.) Called her and suggested we meet at Peirono's, above the nearby plaza and across from the mission. We did and sat outside under a gorgeous blue sky. I felt like pasta, which I rarely eat at home, so ordered the bruschetta angel hair. Along with a perky IPA, it was delicious--I ate every morsel and had to restrain myself from licking the plate.  

Our conversation included abortion and I posed the eternal question to which there is no answer: At what point exactly is ending a human life no longer permissible? The glib answer, repeated by idiots, is "when it can live independently outside the womb." Just as anybody with an I.Q. over ten knows it isn't "part of the woman's body," this just opens up a bunch of other questions and so on and on. Noreen and I have dissimilar backgrounds (she protestant--sort of--) and may have had a somewhat deprived childhood, but we were brought up in the same era (she just turned 87).  Anyway, our discussion was interesting.

Noreen and Jim were both in my acting class, so had met. I mentioned to her Jim's Parkinson's diagnoses and his memory lapses and confusion.  Noreen is an R.N. and told me  the disease can cause those symptoms. I was taken aback, as I hadn't known that, but looked it up and wish I hadn't. Poor Jim. 

When I got home, I went on the laptop and looked up local colonoscopy websites. Emailed them to Jim, then called him and we had a long talk, during which I became more aware of--and more alarmed about--his cognizance problems. He seems fixated on knowing where I went, although why that would have any bearing on his own situation, I don't know. Incidentally, Jim's doctor didn't broach the subject of a colonoscopy, he did. That is, Jim thinks he should have one just in case, although he says he's afraid of it. He resists looking anything up on the Internet, maybe because he doesn't know how. I again brought up the subject of his possible removal to Silvercrest and he again countered with the "haven't had time" response, which is bogus. 

Re Silvercrest: Vickie and I will go there this afternoon. 

Tuesday, July 05, 2022


 Another good, active day. Talked to Ellen and learned that, after the buyers took her huge washer and dryer away, she spent hours cleaning the laundry room. That inspired me to start looking at the crapola I have here and figuring a way to adapt the place to the three guys coming. I actually cleared out a fair amount of stuff from the wall-long closet and the hall one with cleaning supplies. I can hardly believe the number of bags I had; I left some out at the recycle place for people to take, stowed some where I could get to them, and reserved some for El for her kiddie--uh, cleanup.

She got here a bit after 12:00, bringing my futon and a poufy mattress cover. We had some disagreement about the latter--I wanted her to take it back--but we rolled it and tied it and it fit in the closet with the futon, so okay. 

We then left for Oxnard and The Lazy Dog. We first wanted to sit on the patio, but when we did, Ellen smelled exhaust fumes and I disliked the very loud music coming from a bar across the way, so we told our server we wanted to move indoors. We both had hamburgers and El had a coconut cocktail first, I an IPA with my meal. It was good, if nothing special. 

After that, we went over to Whole Foods to see Greg. Enjoyed chatting with him, then we bought some things Von's doesn't carry. I got pad Thai and a self-rising crust pizza, El several other items. We said goodbye to Greg, then drove home. Put our groceries in my freezer, then El took me to Wal-Mart to get some keys made to give the boys. But no--the guy there said the key machine "didn't recognize" the key, so no-go. I'll have to find another place or possibly, a DIY key maker.

Note: I almost forgot it was the fourth of July. Heard some firecrackers after I went to bed, but slept okay anyway. Parades? Barbeques? Fireworks? Not interested.

Monday, July 04, 2022

Sunday With Stella, George, And Violet

The crossword puzzle was so-so, but I did most. After breakfast, I walked to Smart 'n' Final for broccoli and squash, then next door to The Dollar Tree (now the dollar twenty-five tree) when Stella called. She asked where I was and did I want to go to lunch and yes, sure, don't I always? Stella met me at Ace Hardware, where I was going to have an extra key made except they don't make keys. We then drove to small shopping center in east Ventura where she met up with her painter to give him a check.  

There's a restaurant there and I remember Ellen and I going to it maybe twenty-five years ago, long before I moved to California. Stella suggested we eat there and I somewhat reluctantly agreed. It was very crowded and pretty noisy, but oh, well. This place is known for its breakfasts and I'm sure they're  good, but it was now 1:00 and I wanted lunch. As it turned out, nothing appealed to me except clam chowder, so I just had that. Stella had a mega-dish of fried egg, hash browns, and four syrup-covered slices of thick bread toast. She insisted I take one and, although I usually avoid sugar, I did and boy,  it was yummy. She chatted away and I heard maybe half of what she said, as the place was noisy and she speaks very softly.  However, it was pretty enjoyable.

S. dropped me off about 2:30. Put my produce away and was about to bus to town when I remembered my jeans are loose around the waist. Well, I have plenty of belts, although I hardly ever wear one--but where were they? I looked everywhere I could think of and finally found them after an hour, neatly rolled in a drawer. By that time, it was almost 4:00 and I didn't feel like going so late, so I didn't.

Called Ellen and was delighted to hear she has sold her huge washer and dryer (they had come with her house), although it was a chore for the new owners to unhook the water conveyer and get them out. She bought stackable ones, but they can't be delivered for two weeks. I can't wait to see her laundry room without the gigantic old ones. El will be over at noon today to bring my futon and other items in preparation for my company, who fly in on Saturday. We'll then go to Oxnard, where we'll lunch and stop in to see Greg at The Collection.

My friend, Pat, and I had emailed about family resemblances. Here's the picture of my grandfather, George Figenshu, when he was young. I think my brother, Frank (when he was young, too), looked very much like him, aside from the fair coloring.

As long as I'm in picture mode, here's one of George's great-great-daughter, Violet, Mike's girl, who will be 14 next week. I can't believe I looked like that when I was 14--no such luck!
I think she's a Byrne, too, although she's one quarter Japanese. 

Sunday, July 03, 2022


My sleep wasn't as bad as it could be, but I woke up at 4:30 yesterday and about the same this morning. My ideal is an hour later, but I just stayed in bed for another half, then got up. 

Noreen called after breakfast. I had actually been thinking about her and have been meaning to call her, so I was pleased. We had a good talk, then made a date for lunch on Thursday at the Blue Agave in town. 

Suzanne rang my bell to ask if I wanted any fertilizer. Ha--I had given it to her and still have a whole bucket full. (I keep meaning to get tomato plants or something.) We talked for a bit and she told me that Joey, the neighborhood scourge, has moved--big news, but Margaret had already told me. Also advised me to put my ailing orchid (which she had given me when my brother, Jim died) outside, but not in direct sunlight. Did so and hope it helps.

Jim came a little early, but that was okay. We sat and talked for a bit, then had lunch. I just had turkey  and ham and cheese sandwiches on sesame rolls. I was pleased that I had wrapped and frozen them several weeks ago and, after they were thawed (at room temperature), you'd swear they had just been put together. Jim enjoyed them, along with the crystal pickles, applesauce, and lemon cake with vanilla yogurt for dessert.

I asked him to drop me off at the mall and Target on his way home, and he did. Bought bracelets for Vivian (18 on July 29) and Violet (14 on July 10). Too bad, but Violet's would probably get there late, considering this is Sunday and tomorrow is the fourth. I may hold hers until she and Mike get here on the fifteenth for summer camp.

Speaking of Violet, her Dad, Mike, just sent the link to the video she and classmates did for a school project. Called The Invasion, it's fun imaginative, but I don't think Martin Scorsese has anything to worry about. Violet, looking adorable with a big head, was one of the three "actors." (They're outer space aliens and their heads are distorted.)

Ellen called and she'll come tomorrow with my futon, which I store in her shed. She suggested that after she picks me up, we go over to Oxnard, say hello to Greg, then lunch at The Lazy Dog. Yes, oh yes, and you can keep your parades and fireworks--that will be the best fourth of July for me. 

Saturday, July 02, 2022


My home scale had me at 131.6, for a gain of a whopping 3.2 pounds, but at T.O.P.S.,I was 128.6, a piddling increase of .02. How could there be a three pound difference? I guess because one of the scales is screwed up and I've decided it's mine 😉. 

Sharon called me at 7 am to say she wasn't going to the meeting because she's been having dizzy spells. Her life is so difficult, what with this new malady, plus her swollen legs, her problem with walking and balance. The elephant in the room is, of course, her obesity, but whether that will ever be effectively addressed is an open question. I hope so. Four of us at the meeting, which meandered along, as usual, so it was after 10:00 when we left. 

After my 10:30 (!) breakfast, I walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for veggies, tangerines, and stuff. Bused home and had lunch late again: 2:15. 

Texted Lora, who has COVID and heard back from her that she's recovering, but still under the weather. Also texted Bobbi, whose husband has it, also. Called Jim--we talked for a bit and yes, he'll be here today for lunch.

Readied myself to be picked up by Paula at 6:15 for our 6:30 rehearsal call and waited out front...and waited...and waited.... Called her and it went to voice mail. Called Shannon, our director/producer, then Jeff, her co-d/c and ditto. Finally, Paula drove up, with apologies. Among other things, she's a "stager"--that is, she stages houses for sale--and had been caught up in some project or other.  

As for rehearsal itself, it was so good. There were some strains and unpleasantries last time--I don't want to elaborate on that--but last night? Smooth as silk and we're a company, come what may. Shannon wants us off book shortly and that'll be no problem for me.  


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...