Friday, March 01, 2019

Blue Agave And Carole

It was raining for a time in the early morning, so I missed Kimball once again. Did this and that after breakfast--so un-notable I can't even remember what they were--then showered and dressed for my lunch with Carole. Walked to the bus stop, taking a chance the rain wouldn't return and it didn't. We both got to the Blue Agave at 1:00 and, along with the tacos and quesadillas, settled in for a good long talk.
Carole's husband, Vane, pretty clearly, has dementia. I was amazed, though, to hear he had never been diagnosed. He refuses to go to a doctor, saying they're all quacks, and instead, takes  supplements (roughly a hundred a day). He doesn't even know how to turn on the computer and doesn't watch television. Instead, he pores over the "health" magazines, brochures, and ads, of which he gets dozens in the mail. He's currently engaged in "flushing his liver," the regime for which includes drinking A CUP--yes, eight ounces--of olive oil. Well, I guess his bowels will thank him.
Anyway, I've been meaning to get members of my SCAN acting groups together for lunch again and, with Carole's enthusiastic urging, will contact them. She was in the first set and part of the way in the second.
We talked for more than two hours, before finally hugging goodbye about 3:15. I walked to The Promenade, then down to the library. Started reading Armistead Maupin's Logical Family, which I enjoyed so much, I withdrew it. I now have five library books out; I've got a bad habit of reading half of one, then starting another--must quit that!
Home at 5:30 and I just had vegetables for dinner. Shortly, I'll be going to T.O.P.S. and, considering the gain last week and my daily socializing this, I'm apprehensive. 

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...