Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Stella And Casa Bella

Walked Kimball.  After breakfast, I changed the bedclothes and did laundry. After I was finished folding and putting away, I fooled around on the laptop all the way until lunch. I just didn't feel like doing anything either fun or productive, still being in a down mood.
I finally trudged out to the bus stop after lunch. Rode the bus to town and on the way, called Betty to tell her I'd be at her place in Santa Barbara today. Got off at the library and walked toward the mission. I stopped into a thrift store and saw two little bunnies--HAD to buy them, as they'll look cute for Easter on my coffee table.
As I was waiting for the bus home at about 4:30, my phone rang and it was Stella, who was at the mall:"Do you want to meet me for dinner?" Well, naturally, I said no, I can't go to dinner, I have to get home and anyway, why didn't you call earlier, do you think I'm going to decide to go to dinner just on the spur of the---NOT!  
Of course, I immediately accepted with pleasure (my mantra: never turn down an invitation) and suggested Pacific at Main and Oak. However, I saw that they're closed on Mondays, so we went across the street to Casa Bella.
I often mention that Stella and I don't have a lot in common, but actually, she's grown on me and we had a good time. (Lucky her: She's going to Ireland, then Spain in June.) Happily, my mood brightened (it may have been the mango beer) and--I hope--I'm past my emotional slump.
Said goodbye, took the bus home, and got in at 7:15.

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