Saturday, March 16, 2019

Lunch And Dinner

Another full and fun day. I didn't walk Kimball because I didn't want to mess up my hair. Went to T.O.P.S. to find I had gained a pound (to 131.9), but I'm confident I'll take it off this week. I begged off staying for the meeting, as I wanted to have breakfast, then leave for the mall and Mimi's Cafe by 11:00. Got the bus and did so. I was early, natch, but so were Carolyn, Noreen, and Sharon. Carole, Margaret, and Jim came soon after.
After chit-chat, everybody ordered (separate checks, of course) and we ate while we talked and talked and talked. What a congenial group!  Margaret is a nutritionist and Sharon has severe diabetes, so they had plenty to talk about. Jim was wonderfully open and talkative, although he's usually rather reticent. He teaches philosophy at Ventura College and we got into a good discussion of the world situation--notably our horrendous aggression abroad.  At one point, Jim said, "Rosemary, I didn't know you were such a radical!" Damn right, and so is he. Carolyn and Carole contributed their own ideas and Noreen chimed in here and there. Carole knows I go to Happy Hour every week with three friends and suggested we all do the same. Fine, but she can arrange it and knowing Carole, she probably won't.
All in all, it was a wonderfully enjoyable session. Four of us lingered until  2:30, then hugged goodbye. Jim lives near the mall and had walked over, so he walked with me to the bus. I was so pleased to see him being so easy in the group (the only male!) and with me.
I had no sooner reached the transit center than Stella called. Could we meet for dinner? Good grief, I had just had lunch and for just an instant thought I'd nix that. But, mindful of my mantra never to  turn down a invitation, I said sure, and met her at 4:30 at Pacific.
We again had a good time. We talked a fair amount about our late husbands and there were some tears, but that wasn't a bad thing. Said goodbye, she walked to her car, and I got the bus home. Didn't get in until 7.00, but that was fine by me.
Today, Saturday, I need to catch up with a lot of things I've put off in favor of gallivanting. Of course, if someone should call and suggest an outing...
l. to r.: Sharon, Noreen, Rosemary, Margaret, Jim, Carolyn, Luisa, Carole

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...