Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Twin Tuesday

No Kimball again. I just cleaned up a few things on the computer, had breakfast, then left for Santa Barbara at 9:15.  I called Nancy on my way, telling her my phone just automatically dials her number when I'm on the SB bus. We had a good chat, as ever; she's working on a new knitting project and I said she should open a business and call it "Nancy's Knits." We're looking forward to Happy Hour at Diane's on Friday (we're going to skip it today).
Called my brother Frank. He had had another scary BP drop on Saturday on his way to Carolyn's and had been taken to San Luis Obispo Hospital. He was transferred to near his home in Alameda and is doing much better. Sounds good, but is confused as ever.
Speaking of confused: I got to Betty's at the usual 11:30.  I tell her over and over that's the time I'll be at her door, but starting at 11:00, she both called and texted me , asking where I was. After chatting a bit, we went to Lure for lunch. I had wonderful Ahi in a sandwich, which would gross some people out, but I love it: Ahi seared on the outside and essentially raw inside--yum!
After, we walked back to Betty's and played cards, as I had no desire to go to the dreary clubroom and meet up with the dreary people there. (Oh, shut up, Rosemary; they think you're dreary, too). We went to pick up her mail, she gave me Pat Hayes's address, then we said goodbye.
I exchanged emails and phone calls on the bus with Diane and Carolyn (B., not my niece, who's G.). I've been worried about the former for some time, as I think she's losing her grip and is depressed.  Along with many other indications, she sent Nancy, Diane, and me a long email, saying she couldn't come either today or on Friday because of road work in Ojai. Her driving style--20 mph and clutching the wheel, along with not being able to remember routes and locations she's driven many times before--might be understandable at our ages (82, 89, and 76), but Carolyn is 57.
Home about 5:00 and I mixed a marinade for a big piece of salmon, then roasted it. However, I wasn't that hungry, so am saving it for tonight's dinner--just had spinach and cantaloupe.

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Instead of taking my usual sandwich when I meet Diane for lib lunch, I made a salad. Walked over the footbridge, dropped the book off at the...