Monday, March 18, 2019

The Party And Some Unfortunate News

Drove to Kimball at 7:00, but there wasn't a car there and I just didn't want to walk when it was completely deserted, so drove home.
After breakfast, a shower, re-affixing some of my nails, and wrapping Carolyn's and Finn's gifts, I dressed and awaited Ellen. She got here at noon and off we went to Santa Barbara.
It was a terrific party, much fun and great food and drink. The adults circulated in the living and dining rooms and kitchen, but mostly on the patio overlooking a quintessential California scene: a dramatic drop with palm trees and mountains in the distance. The teenagers and younger (Claire is 12) pretty much holed up in the den, which is a pretty good size.
The food, all prepared and cooked by Dana, Carolyn's husband, was delicious. It included one hot dish (pasta with red sauce), baked asparagus, and several cold rice, pasta, and green salads, as well as sides and extras. Instead of cake, he had made two large pans of brownies, with "Happy Birthday" spelled out in wax letters on top.
Anyway, it was great fun, except for the fact that I drank too much wine. I should have heeded my decision to stick to beer, but foolishly, I didn't. As I often repeat, I like the other stuff too much. Anyway, as I was getting up to leave, I fell against the coffee table and hurt what I guess is my rib. cage. It's still sore, but feels better this morning, so I guess I'll live.
Speaking of falls, my brother, Frank, who lives in Alameda, was going to come to the party with his daughter, Francine. Unfortunately, as they were getting in the car, he fell and was actually admitted to the hospital overnight. I understand he's been released and will call him in an hour or so.
More bad news: Betty's close friend, Pat Kennedy Hayes, called her to say her son had been found dead in his apartment last Friday; he was only 54.  I believe he died of some kind of cerebral hemorrhage.  Betty, Carolyn, and Wes will attend the funeral.
Sadly, Pat called Betty again yesterday to say her younger brother, Mike, has also died. I understand he had been ill for some time. 


iloveac said...

That's a lot of sadness in your world of family and friends. Your own rib might hurt for a while too.

Pat Kennedy must be devasted.

No doubt we're in that zone where every day someone we know/love gets hurt or dies. Even we fall and for some reason, it hurts more than it did just 20 years ago.

Mimi said...

Yes, my rib hurts, but only when I breathe. (HA!)


Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...