Saturday, March 09, 2019

T.O.P.S. And Taxes

I walked Kimball, I'm glad to record, without too much problem with my leg and foot. Got home, changed, and went to T.O.P.S.
I was pleased to see I gained only a smidgen. Considering my inability to do my usual walking/exercise, I thought it would be more. I went from 130.1 to 130.9, so eight-tenths of a pound up. Since I'm lousy at such higher math problems, I don't know how many ounces that is.The meeting itself wasn't too bad; we spent a lot of time talking about "shape garments" and bras. (Since Bob, who had been Michelle's long-time paramour, left after a nasty falling out, we're an all female group.)
Didn't get breakfast until 10:15, the usual on Fridays. After that, I finally started getting my tax info together. Michelle, my tax preparer, sends a very helpful set of papers to fill out, such as the one for my house in Jersey. It includes what I get in rent, plus repairs, maintenance, and so on. Easy peasy and she sends other such papers, too. I never have to look at the actual returns, as she files on-line.
After I had worked on that for an more than an hour, I went out for romaine, tomatoes, and stuff. Betty called to ask why I wasn't at the Maritime Museum, since she had seen something about activity there on television. However, it was at the Santa Barbara one, not Oxnard.
Didn't have lunch until 3:00. After that, I cut up tomatoes, onions, and peppers to make up a batch of my usual roasted tomatoes. I called Nancy to see if she'd like to have a subscription to Reminisce Magazine.  I subscribe (I've been getting it for years) and they'll send two more subscriptions--free--to those of my choice. I sent one to Betty and Nancy said she'd love  to get it, so I sent it off with my check.
Just wanted to get out for a while, so dropped the subscription off at the post office, then drove down (up? sideways?) to Wells Avenue and back. I was glad to be back in the sunny, sun, sun.

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...