Sunday, March 03, 2019


A dark and dreary day! It was raining when I got up, so no Kimball, and it continued on in a constant drizzle all day. That meant I didn't walk at all. I think this is the first time in a year or so that I didn't get even a mile in, and I don't like it.  Besides that, my foot is hurting. I may just call Dr. Jennings tomorrow to say I want to go to a different podiatrist.
I did get a lot of filing done. In fact, I spent an hour on sorting and putting away the paper piles that I've accumulated. Went out to Ralph's for more blueberries and romaine. I like the whole roasted cauliflower I get at Stone Fire Grille and bought a head, then found a recipe on the Internet. It's pretty simple: melted butter (I used only half and half olive oil), garlic, lemon zest, and then roast for 45. You add Parmesan cheese and put under the broiler for a few minutes to brown. It wasn't bad, but not as good as at SFG. I also cut and chopped the three big green peppers I had. Put them in the freezer for later, along with the onions from the  other day.
Took a stab at arranging a reunion lunch for my Acting for Amateurs groups. Darn, I can't find some of the email addresses of some--must look again.
I had to get out, so decided to drive over to the Cricket store with questions. Before I did, though, I called El and we had a long talk--about an hour. We discussed a lot of this and that--as ever, it was the high point of the day to be in touch with her. I then just took a short drive and came home.
Betty called after dinner just to chat. I told her I couldn't go to SB on Tuesday, as I'm meeting my Sunrise Bay friend and neighbor, Susan G., in L.A. then.
Let's hope the damn rain is over!

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...