Tuesday, March 26, 2019

DMV And Dudley House

Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then went to the justice complex.  I asked to have the fine reduced and/or  to pay in installments and was advised to go to traffic court at 1:30. I did, pled guilty, the fine was reduced from $490 to $200, with a $38.70 added because I paid it with my debit card. What a freakin' hassle, but it's over---almost. I now will call AAA to see if they'll stick me for higher insurance. If so, I'll see if they'll waive it if I go to Traffic School, for still more dough.
When I got home, I found a nice bag of tangerines at my door, from Suzanne, of course. She asked me to come in and see her orchid plant, which is gorgeous and we chatted a bit. She said our former neighbor, Don, had been over and told her Ventura Del Sol, where we live,  is for sale. Hmm...I wonder what, if any, changes will take place--the only one I care about is whether the rent will go up. (I"m afraid that to ask that question is to answer it.)
My tax account, Michelle, came over to give me copies of my return, which she filed and already, the refunds from fed and state appeared in my checking account; I'll shift a thou over to savings.
Betty called to tell me about Pat Kennedy's son's funeral. It was held in a rented hall and did not include any religious elements at all. There was no viewing--I believe he was buried already--and now Pat and her daughter will go to Jersey for her brother's funeral.
Betty has a doctor's appointment today, so I won't be going to Santa Barbara. Called Nancy to see if she wanted to do a movie and The Cave, and yes, sure. I'll meet her at 11:30 at the Regency to see The Upside.
Somewhat reluctantly, I attended the Poinsettia Toastmaster's meeting at Dudley House. I really didn't feel like it, but Fern had invited  me, and I said I'd come, so I did. Generally speaking, it was fun, especially the "joint event," which Judi conducted. This consisted of one person in turn sitting in a chair. The next had to persuade the person to vacate it, coming up with some reason why--it's really a form of improv. John was my "sitter" and I told him he had to rush home because some talent scouts from Hollywood were at his doorstep. They wanted to talk to him about starring in a movie with a voluptuous actress named Wild Wanda. He jumped up and I sat down. Jeanne then tried to get me up by offering to let me view the many woodpeckers in her garden. I rejected that, but she got me with an all-expense paid trip to Tokyo. And so on. There were other imaginative and creative efforts and lots of laughs.

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...