Thursday, March 28, 2019

Happy Hour At Casa Bella

Walked Kimball, then spent most of the morning after breakfast on tiresome duties: changed the sheets and did a wash; called podiatrist to find out when my appointments;  called AAA to see if they'd raise my rates because of my infraction--yes--but if I did the on-line traffic school thing, no; called the court to see how to do the traffic school and was told they'll send me info. Oh, by the way, I'll be charged an extra $70.71 to go to traffic school. Now this is not the cost of the traffic school, which is extra, it's just a little something they tack on. At this point, I don't even question, I just send the money, now totalling over three hundred bucks. Oh, well, that's better than $490.
Went to Smart 'n' Final for romaine and grapes, had lunch, showered, and took off for the bus stop. Got to Casa Bella a bit late, so Diane, Nancy, and Carolyn were already there. We had a good time, but it always goes a little too long for me. Nancy and Carolyn finally left and I told Diane I'd wait with her until the Access van came, which was about a half hour later. We had a good talk and she invited me to exercise at Seacrest today at 10, which I accepted with pleasure. I walked her out, the van came, and I crossed Main to get the bus. I just missed one and Goodwill is right on the corner, so I went in and found they were having one of their 50 % sales. Could I resist that? Certainly not and I bought a stoneware onion baker and can't wait to try it.
When I got home (after 7:00), I found an email from Colleen, the exercise person, saying she has bronchitis and had cancelled. I wrote Diane to ask if she wanted me to pick her up and we'd go the the supermarket near her.
Home after 7:00.

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...