Sunday, March 10, 2019

This, That, And Nothing Exciting

Walked Kimball, but that was more or less all the sustained walking I got in. I might very well call the doctor on Monday and say I need to see another podiatrist. I just don't want to wait until April 5. My pulled muscle in the other leg seems somewhat better, though.
After breakfast, I completed the rest of the tax crap. Lucky Nancy and Diane; both have only social security and don't have to file. (Well, no, they're not lucky--I am.) Emailed Michelle to tell her I'd like to drop off the stuff, rather than mail, as I have some questions. Will do that Wednesday morning.
I finally got around to planting the two miniature rose bushes, other flowering bush (they're common around here, name starts with a "K"), and the two tomato plants. It wasn't easy, even though the rain made the soil soft and moist. The problem is, it's covered in wood chips, I guess to make it more attractive, but I had to clear them away from the spot where I was digging and they kept falling into the hole. Got it done, though, and they look nice. Let's hope they survive. Under my tender care, that's always a crap shoot.
Niece Carolyn called and we had along talk. I called Ellen and we chatted; she was at the salon getting a pedicure. She said Greg was off and they went to The Happy Vegan for lunch. Diane e-mailed and asked if I wanted to go to the college and see some Jules Feiffer skits. Sure thing and we'll go to a matinee at 2:30 on Thursday.
Went to WinCo for tilapia, olive oil, and canola oil. When I got home, I called Penney's and made an appointment with Mary for a color and cut on Thursday at 12:30.

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...