Sunday, March 17, 2019

Various And Sundry

Walked Kimball. After breakfast, I finally finished up the rest of the bookkeep-y stuff that's so tedious. Got an e-mail from Michelle to say I'm getting a nice piece of change back from both the feds and the state--YAY!
I did a lot of food prep, including baking four large chicken quarters with oil and seasonings and using the mandolin to thinly slice zucchini and onions. Combined some of it for dinner and divided the rest for the freezer. I then finally planted the lavender--hope it lives.
Went out to Wal-Mart for face scrub and the 99 cent store for this and that; got gas, then went to Ralph's for cottage cheese. Didn't have lunch until almost 2:00 or leave for town until an hour later.
It was jammed with--I guess, St. Pat's Day revelers, but that was fine by me. Stopped into the library and read for forty-five or so, then walked about a mile down Main and got the bus.
Home and had the chicken and parsley--yummy--then drove to Target and picked up press-on nails for Carolyn. I'm giving her money, too, and I'll give Finn the same, but the nails are a fun thing. I'm wearing them now and am a devotee.
El called while I was at Target and said she'd come here and pick me up at noon for the party today. It's a 1:00 lunchtime one.
It was sunny and warm--75 degrees in the afternoon and wonderful to feel the warmth.  However, now I'll have to revise what to wear today. Think I'll still go with the white jacket, but wear something lighter underneath.

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...