Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Santa Barbara Sunny

I didn't set the alarm yesterday and, incredibly, I slept until 7:30, two hours later than my usual wake-up time. I wasn't hungry, so didn't eat breakfast, just dressed and set off for the first (city) bus at 9:00.
Got the second (Santa Barbara) at 9:43 and the third (city) shortly after I got to the transit center, so was at Betty's door at 11:30.
We had a good day. Went down the street to The Natural Cafe, not one of my favorite places, as you have to stand in line to order yourself and get your own utensils. Damn, it's like McDonalds or Burger King, just five times more expensive. However, I got a veggie burger and, boy, was it good. Along with a Stella Artois, it hit the spot.
Back at Betty's, we chatted for a bit, then went to the clubroom or whatever they call it, for the monthly birthday party for ice cream and cake. I had some, but was surprised that I didn't enjoy it all that much. Maybe because I virtually never eat anything with added sugar (I do eat a lot of fruit), I've just lost my taste for it. Anyway, we talked with some other residents for a bit, then I got up to go. Reversed the bus process of the morning and got the 3:37 bus back to Ventura; home about 5:15.
I went next door to Suzanne's to hear about her sister conference in Auburn. She told me about it and showed me pictures of where she stayed, a big, beautiful property with woods. I was charmed to hear that this is the home of one of her high school students, with whom she later developed a friendship; the woman is now an obstetrician with a family. (Suzanne was only a few years older than the students.) After that, I got into my pajamas and settled down for the night.
I was thrilled that it was sunny all day and it's supposed to be 70 today. Yay for that and yipee for daylight saving time!

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...