Monday, March 04, 2019

Nothing Much

I'm glad to record that I walked Kimball--under a umbrella because of the drizzle, but I did it. Home and did my Sunday things. After that, I galvanized myself to clean the kitchen; just sinks, counter tops, and appliances, and that doesn't take long at all. Spent time on YouTube looking at things such as mysterious disappearances, with which I have a weird fascination.
It was actually sunny later on, so I set off for the bus. While riding, Stella called to ask if I wanted to go to L.A. to see Cats on March 23.  It's a matinee, a bus trip and costs $80. Hmm...I don't know--said I'll think about it and get back to her.
My tenant, Eileen, texted me and said that suddenly, her electric bill has gone up much higher than it had been. She asked if I'd call the solar panel people and I'll do that today.
Took the Thompson Avenue bus to town and* walked to The Promenade. Did the usual loop to Main and stopped in a few shops. Unfortunately, my foot hurts a lot when I walk on it. I'm going to call the doctor today to see if I can get an appointment with another podiatrist. I also sent away for some kind of bunion corrector and will see how that works.
Got home by 3:30 and just fooled around with scanning a picture and so on. I wish I was more adept with the scanner--I want to put it in Photos, so I can enlarge and enhance it, and I don't know how.
I'm meeting Susan G., my old friend and neighbor from Sunrise Bay in L.A. tomorrow. Now I'm debating whether to try to get a cut and color today and/or to attend the widder group lunch. Mebbe yes, mebbe no.
*I have NO IDEA why that word is highlighted; I turned SpellCheck off.

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...