Monday, March 25, 2019

Rebellion, Sort Of

Warning: This is a very long one.
I walked Kimball, but not at 7:00 am, as usual.
I was glad to have slept through the night, which is the first time in several days. I kept waking up because I was on my back and I like to sleep on my left side, which bothered me because of the rib bruise. (Actually, I'm beginning to think I pulled a muscle, instead.)  So I woke for the reason everybody over fifty seems to; got back to my room and saw it was 7:15. I get up at 7:30, so I ordinarily would have just stayed up--but I rebelled. I turned off the alarm and went back to bed and slept until 8:15!
Good grief, I usually have breakfast at 8:00, but I didn't care and I wasn't hungry then. Dressed, did the Internet stuff, and putzed around until 9:30 when I followed my usual Sunday routine, which can be summed up in "coffee, cottage cheese, and crossword." (Toast, too, but that doesn't scan.)
Checking me e-mail, I saw a message from Diane about how people who live in Singapore are some of the happiest in the world for various reasons. From the same source, she also sent information on "The End of Alzheimer's," the study by the very same doctor who wrote the book of the same name, which I had looked into at the library. I'm intrigued, but here is what I answered Diane:

As for the Alzheimer's article: Coincidentally, just yesterday, I had lunch with my daughter, then went to the library in town and read for awhile. Read what? An End to Alzheimer's, by the very same Dr. Bredesen cited in the article. As I think I mentioned, I had also attended an Alzheimer's program at the hospital on Thursday. The "lifestyle cure" was not mentioned at all and it was repeated that there is no treatment for the disease that works for all or that works consistently.
I'm not suggesting this is bogus, just that it has to be examined very carefully. You can be sure I didn't plow through all of this, but I skimmed over it and paid particular attention to the results. Here are some my major concerns:
1. It was a very small study with only ten participants. 
2. The title is misleading. I skimmed over the study quickly, but carefully read information about the results. None of it noted "a cure," but rather improvement (not that that isn't significant), some of which was subjective.
3. Dr. Bredesen has a financial interest in the supplements recommended. That alone should be a red flag.
4. Of most concern: I've attended a number of programs on the subject featuring a number of speakers, all of whom were doctors, scientists, pharmacists, or Alzheimer's professionals. While the importance of diet, exercise, and socializing were touched upon as possibly contributing to brain health, it was never suggested that a lifestyle change would have an effect on Alzheimer's or any other form of dementia.
5. I want to see if there are any larger students conducted by disinterested researchers. If this is legit, there should be, at this point.
Even with these concerns and more, I find the suggestion that these types of lifestyle changes could have a effect on Alzheimer's  intriguing and I intend to pursue it further.* 
I then went to WinCo for cabbage, apples spinach, and frozen fruit. Cut up the first two and put them in the slow cooker and made my lunch salad. Soon after, the third male sib, Larry, called and we had a long, long talk--more than an hour. He and a number of his clan (there are dozens of them!) are going to Prague and Budapest in July. He suggested I go with them. Hmm... I wrote Mike to ask if he'd meet me in Hungary (where he spent Junior Year Abroad) if I went. Dunno about this, as I also want to go to Jersey in May and New Mexico in June (the Jersey trip is problematic for several reasons).
Anyway, it wasn't until 3:30 that I left to walk Kimball. It seemed odd to be there in the afternoon, but it was pleasantly sunny and I enjoyed it. I then drove to Main Street, looking for the Alzheimer's  Association office, but didn't find it. Home about 5:00 and in for the night.

*Note: I would be very interested in hearing a comment on this from medical personnel who read this blog (hint, hint).


iloveac said...

You probably know as much as I do (probably more) with your recent study of the topic. I like your analysis of the 'research'...viz. the size of the study and the physician's financial interest in the supplements. Those two points would cause me to read no further.
She may not like you pointing these things out, but the reading public needs to know how to judge the value of so called 'research'.

iloveac said...

I would definitely do Hungary...esp if Mike can join you. I bet he will. And to be with Larry and family would be super. Go while you are all in apparent good health and able to travel. NJ've been there LOL...and you can go another time.

Mimi said...

Thanks,Pat. Will take it under advisement.


Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...