Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Lunch And My Leg

Walked Kimball--happily, in sunshine. After breakfast, I called Susan, whom I'll see in L.A. in a few hours, to tell her the train wouldn't get there until 12:15. When I made the reservations, I was horrified to see the round-trip is now $46, almost twice what was less than three years ago. Incredible. Called the Access van and will be taken to the station at nine-something, then picked up and taken home when I get back at five.
I left for the widder group lunch at 11:00;I wanted to stop at the bank, so decided to walk down Victoria to Telephone (Avenue) to BOA. Did so, got some fives and I still had a half hour until noon, so continued to walk and made it all the way to the Stone Fire Grille, so totalled about two and a half miles.
There were ten of us and we had our usual good time. Those who work left about 1:30 and the rest of us lingered until almost 2:00. I decided I'd take a bus to the mall and see if Mimi's restaurant will accommodate my Acting for Amateurs grads, as I want to arrange another lunch.
Got off near Mimi's and as I stepped closer to the street to cross, I somehow put my left foot down wrong, twisting it or something. I felt a pain in my calf and it still hurts a bit. Instead of going to Mimi's (I can do that tomorrow), I limped to the transit center and got on a bus that would take me to Victoria, where I usually walk home.
However, it was early, I didn't want to go into town because of my leg, and I had nothing else to do, so just rode to Oxnard and enjoyed the ride. I got off at a shopping center, crossed the street, and immediately took a bus back to Ventura.
I looked up what to do for a pulled muscle and iced it. Showered and washed my hair. Betty called to say Santa Barbara might be evacuated because of the storms coming. Said she saw it on TV.  I can't even begin to figure that one out.
AAGH! I can hardly believe this: I looked at my email last night and found a message from Lynne W., the docent director at Dudley House, asking where I was yesterday! I was scheduled to docent and just forgot! I called her right away to apologize. She was very nice about it--I'm also scheduled for April and told Lynne I'd do October, also. It worries me that I didn't remember. I have it on my calendar, but somehow, neglected to look at it.

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...