Thursday, March 21, 2019

A List And A Low Point

Walked Kimball.
After breakfast, I
  did a load of wash;
  prepared the big butternut squash I had bought the other day;
  wrote a note of condolence to Pat Kennedy H.;
  drove to WinCo for  blueberries and bread;
  went to town on the bus and to the P.O. there.
Okay, that's the end of the list configuration. In town, I walked to The Coalition and bought a beer glass. Tomorrow, Diane is having us over for Happy Hour and a movie and I'm bringing the booze--Chardonnay for Diane and Nancy, Blue Moon for me. I'll drive over and drop it off today, then take the bus tomorrow.
I had gotten a very pleasant surprise in the mail on Tuesday. It was a newspaper clipping from and about one of my children and I enjoyed it. Yesterday, I got something in the mail that's terribly upsetting. I don't want to say what it is (it's not a medical issue), but it's a real bummer and I'm struggling to get out of this low point mood. At least, my side feels a lot better. It doesn't hurt as much when I breathe and I was able to sleep on my left side. I assume it's healing.
I had the salmon and squash for dinner and they were excellent. Called Diane and left a message that I'll drop off my H.H. contribution this morning.
I'm toying with the idea of walking to Von's after Kimball this morning to get my (routine) blood work done. To that end, I didn't put anything in my coffee.

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Cheryl picked me up at a few minutes before noon and we off to the "memorial luncheon" for Lora's son. The gathering place was...