Thursday, November 08, 2018

The Big Blue Bus, Santa Barbara, And Betty's

What a fun day! The Access van picked me up at 6:50, much too early for the 8:07 bus to Santa Barbara, but that's how they do it. It was chilly waiting at the transit center (which is really just at the mall), so I was happy to see The Big Blue Bus (that's what they call it) about twenty minutes after I got there. Got on, paid ($1.50, not 1.75, as I had thought) and settled into the seemingly brand-new, very comfortable and clean bus. It turned out this wasn't the 8:07, but the 7:29, but no prob, I just called Carolyn and told her I'd be earlier. She and Betty picked me up and we went to Carolyn's, where I gave Betty a few "congratulations on your new home" presents.  We then drove to Rancho Francisco to see her new digs. 
This is a very beautifully landscaped and well-kept complex, in the quintessential California style--the grounds are just lovely.  I think Betty's apartment is just right for her, although quite small. The kitchen appliances are brand new and it's freshly painted, and has a small balcony; she's on the second floor, but there's an elevator. The only downside, it seems to me, is the cost--it's three hundred smackers more than I pay for a much larger apartment--but that's Santa Barbara, I guess.
When we got there, her bed frame and mattress were outside the door. We took them in, unpacked and assembled the little it needed, and added the mattress cover. Aside from that, she has three small end tables and three folding chairs. She won't be moving in until she buys more furniture.
Carolyn left and Betty and I sat on the balcony and chatted, then walked to The Natural Cafe for lunch. After, I slyly got her to walk to the major cross street (State Street) and back, which by my reckoning, totals a mile. Hey, it's a start, anyway.
Carolyn and her friend then came and we all went back to Carolyn's. Stayed for a bit, then C. drove me to the bus stop and shortly, I caught the bus back. Called Nancy to see if she wanted to go to the program at Heritage House in Oxnard on Sunday, but she's feeling tired again, as she's due for another transfusion. I'll see if Diane wants to go.
Got  home about 5:15 (dark already--damn!) after a very enjoyable day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...