Wednesday, November 28, 2018

California Life

Busy day, getting back to my California life. I didn't set the alarm and woke at 6:15; did the usual, then drove to Kimball.
What fun to meet up with my park pals! Ran into Ed and Lola (woof), then Irene and Diane came up, then Carolyn and Bob B., and their Hazel (arf). Later, I saw Sue and Todd, who are not a couple, but sometimes walk together. Sue is in her fifties, Todd apparently in his twenties and has cerebral palsty. They all welcomed me back, and expressed concern about the blizzards that seem to be battering the east coast, but you couldn't prove it by me. We all chatted for a bit, the continued our rounds.
After breakfast, I tackled the wash. Did two loads and while they dried, I dealt with the mail. Damn, the cloth bag I gave Suzanne was full; Mike and Paula had five different communications and there was lots of stuff for me. Betty called twice to tell me about her thrift store finds and other chatty info.
I e-mailed Diane, Nancy, and Carolyn B. about Happy Hour this afternoon; we'll meet at Lemon y sal, and I can't wait.
Once I got the wash finished, I went to WinCo and stocked up on what I consider staples: lettuce, tomatoes, onions, grapes, spinach, carrots, oranges, and a plethora of other stuff. Got home and delayed lunch in order to cut up and roast my tomatoes and onions for today's salad. making it for yesterday without tomatoes.
Lunched, then took off for town, via bus, of course. It  was a little cool and breezy and I decided to skip The Promenade; just walked Main Street. I didn't find the purse I was looking for, but got a pair of sandals and a kitchen rug.
Stopped at Suzanne's when I got home and we caught up with each other's news. She's had a cold and I didn't stay long--thanked her for getting my mail.
Had swordfish, cauliflower, and spinach for dinner--so good.
(See previous post for what we found on the beach on Sunday.)

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...