Thursday, November 29, 2018

Happy Hour and Rain

Walked Kimball and met up with Diane, who told me Irene had had an accident at The Home Depot; a gate had fallen on her head. She seems okay, but her back is bothering her. I texted her my concern and she wrote back she was improving.
After breakfast, I drove to the mall to get a present for Mike, whose birthday is December fifth; it may be late, darn it. However, he'll understand, I hope. I also bought some tree ornaments, which are so cute I had to have them. I won't keep them, but will send to family as pre-Christmas gifts.
I more or less completed unpacking (jewelry and cosmetics, mostly) and so on, had lunch, jumped in the shower, then left for the bus about 2:00. I got off at the library and walked to the P.O., mailed the package, then returned to the library. Picked up Art Garfunkel's auto-bio, read a bit of the new Agatha Christie bio, then went across the street at 4:00to Limon y Sal.
Nancy and Carolyn were already there (Diane couldn't join us, as she's moving into her new apartment). They were sitting at  the bar because you can't go upstairs for Happy Hour until 5:00. Anyway, I asked if we could sit at a booth, we did, but there was a big table of people getting progressively noisier and I asked if we could sit further away. We did, and finally were settled.
We had some good talk and some good sliders, staying until after 5:00. Got home a half or so later.
Texted El to see when we could meet and she came back with tomorrow, Saturday, for lunch--yay!  Lynne W. confirmed my stint as a greeter at the Dudley House Christmas boutique, which I'll do from 4 to 6 on Friday. 
The BIG NEWS is that it rained! I actually took an umbrella with me for Happy Hour. However, this was a California rain--sort of half-hearted and pokey, more like a few drips and a mist.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...