Thursday, November 22, 2018

Sunrise Bay

More of my visits to the past:
We drove down to Little Egg Harbor and and arrived in Sunrise Bay about noon, where I was dropped off. I went first to see my dear friend, Marge D., and her husband, Fred.
Marge, who is ten years older than I am almost to the day, is sadly diminished now.  She's very frail, even shrunken, and seems just woebegone. Fred is her caregiver and, as so often happens, he seemed resentful and they both acted  frustrated and unhappy; in their situation, that's no wonder, I'm afraid.  I did, though, have some good talk with her after she pointedly asked Fred to leave. He stomped off angrily, but before I left, I saw him and hugged him goodbye.
I went next to Barb and Ray H. and we had a good visit for twenty minutes or so, until 2:00, when I had told my tenant, Eileen, to expect me. We went in and boy--if I was ever worried about the shape my house is in, I can put that to rest. Eileen had asked if she could have it painted at her own expense, I had agreed, and it's just lovely. Very soft colors in every room--pale, pale green, cream, beige, and so on. It goes perfectly with her furniture, which is outstanding. It's in early American, not my style, but this is less the homespun type, more like attractive, but sturdy, antiques and reproductions. Aside from how beautifully done that was, the whole place was immaculate. The ceramic floors in the kitchen, which I always found difficult to keep clean, were perfect, the wood in the hall shone, and the carpets were perfectly kept. Jeez, she has a cat--I don't know how she does it. Anyway, we loved it and had a nice tour around.
After that, I went across the street to see my good friend and former walking partner, Susan G. and her husband, Walter. That was such fun and I was delighted to hear she might visit her friend, Pat, in Carlsbad, then come up on the train and we could meet in L.A. I hope that happens.
We left about 3:30 and walked a fairly short distance in a neighborhood in Jackson. It was dreadfully cold, with fierce winds, so we didn't stay out too long. Today it's supposed to be about 27 degrees--UGH!
Happy Turkey Day!--let's go to the HSHS/ACHS game!

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