Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Virginia Jim

Went to Arlington, Virginia to see my big bro, Jim, who's 92, and his wife, Therese. They have a nifty and very stylish apartment within communing distance of D.C., so rent is big bucks. After an almost-four-hour trip, we got there about 1:16. Brought lunch and all shared it. Had a fine time visiting, but stayed only about three hours.  We visitors took a walk about the neighborhood--everything you could want within walking distance--then stopped at Whole Foods for some things to eat on or off the road for dinner.
We managed to get in the middle of practically every traffic jam and tie-up on the eastern seaboard. Finally stopped at Maryland House to eat what we had brought and didn't get in until after 10:00. It was a lovely day, though, and I found out a remarkable thing: In Delaware, gas is two dollars and twenty cents a gallon!
Today: To Rider and Ewing, to see my old haunts.
Here we are at Lisa's: great-grandmother, great-great grandmother (that's me!), baby and Mommy, and grandmother. As I put on Facebook: This is an extended/blended family and it's beautiful.

Image may contain: 5 people, including Alison Baker, people smiling, people sitting, eyeglasses and indoor

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...