Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving, 2018

What a nice Thanksgiving!
I was picked up at 9:30 for breakfast and after that, we packed the edibles in the car and took off. Stopped in Allentown to get a walk in, after changing shoes and adding layers of clothing. We didn't go far, maybe a mile and a half, but in cold, cold, weather. It was 27 degrees and the winds, I swear, came direct from Antarctica.  It was invigorating, though, and I enjoyed it.
From there, we drove to Rancocos and arrived in time to help a bit with Thanksgiving preparations. Later, other relatives and friends came in; they totalled 14 for dinner and seven more for dessert. There were three boys, aged 16 to 11, plus adorable baby girl, 6 months. Lots of moving around, tnoise, and general hubbub, as always, so the day was a lot of fun, a kind of typical Thanksgiving in our big extended/blended family.
Betty called on their way to L.A. and we wished each other the greetings of the season. I called Ellen to say the same; she and Greg were on their way to Santa Barbara for dinner out with Greg's mother and nephew (I had Thanksgiving last year with those four).
There was an enormous amount of food I won't even list, except to say there two ice cream cakes and three pies, all made from scratch by our hostesses' mother. Good? Oh, Mama! I had a piece of each of the cakes and one of lemon meringue pie until I was almost bursting. Talked a lot with the baked goods maker and others and enjoyed the conversations. We left about 7:30 and got home fine.
Today is my darling daughter's birthday. She was born on Thanksgiving and I've been thankful for her ever since.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...