Friday, November 02, 2018


Took a somewhat shortened walk, but made up for it later. Rolling my trusty little cart, I took the bus down Victoria and visited three different stores for Romaine, tomatoes, ome-something (Wal-mart's Equate knockoff of Prevacid), raspberries, and blackberries.
Home, I chunked the three pounds of tomatoes, sliced a big onion and green pepper, added my olive oil, vinegar, and seasonings, and popped it in the oven.  Cut, cored, and softened a nice butternut squash and pre-cooked it in the microwave. Got my last piece of sea bass out of the freezer, had lunch, then took off for the town bus.
As I was leaving, I ran into Gordon, a guy who lives here I had met briefly before and we started chatting. I was surprised to hear he had to have dialysis three times a week; he certainly doesn't look old or feeble; I'd say he's in his early fifties. Anyway, I mentioned about my road test and he offered to take me to DMV on the thirteenth. Yes, indeed, I'll take him up on it and I hope to get to know him better. Gordon was carrying some nice succulents he had bought. I asked if he knew Suzanne and he doesn't, but when I said she was my next-door neighbor, he said how much he admired her patio garden. Great, I'll introduce them and maybe have both over for dinner some time.
Walked The Promenade, then stopped in the library and took out a new Marilyn Monroe bio. I'm a sucker for books like that, although you'd wonder how there could be anything new about her. Hmm. I've read a few chapters now and it seems there isn't. I may or may not continue.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...