Saturday, September 30, 2023


Weight: I lost a tad in both venues: at home, I went to 127.8, for .06 down,  at T.O.P.S. to 128.7, for .07 down. Big whoops, as the kids used to say.  As for the meeting, Lennie was off to Idaho again and we contented ourselves with the bare minimum of the regular kind. After that, we had our usual therapy session, including how we coped with stress as young adults--pot, booze, or in my case, forcing all my fears and worries and crushing doubts and feelings of inadequacy into a metal box with a lock so strong, I'm still trying to pry it open and deal with them. Didn't get breakfast until 10:30. 

Heard from Diane and she wants me to go to her place to celebrate her birthday, which is on Tuesday. I had to change Jim's and my lunch at The Townehouse to Thursday, but that was okay. She said she has plenty of food and wine, so I guess that means she'll provide lunch. I must think of what to get her for her birthday. 

Breakfast late, as always on Fridays, then I did--well, something or other, but can't remember what. Had a light lunch, showered, dressed, and went out to wait for the Access Van. It got here and I got to Rolling Oaks Radiology for my 2:15 appointment. This was just a routine Dexa-Scan and I didn't even take off my clothes. Walked to the WinCo shopping center, but then it occurred to me I really don't need anything, but just bused home.

Ellen called on her way home from work and we had a good talk. She's preparing for her company from Austria after a very busy--read "hectic"--week at school. But after thirty plus years, it's the last time for some of this stuff, then she retires--YAY!  😄

In the freezer, I found cooked and seasoned barley I had made a month or so ago. I had some with veggies for dinner and it was so good. It occurred to me the birds might like it, too, so I put some out for them. Not sure if they found it yet.

Friday, September 29, 2023


The Access Van took me to Miramar ophthalmologists for my  9:15 appointment. Dr. Trotter's staff did the check-in, drops, and eye chart things, then he came in, examined my peepers, and sees no need for concern at this time. Quite a relief.

 I had taken my cart and after the above, went over to The Market and picked up a big cauliflower and spectacularly big and beautiful mushrooms. Home, stowed the goods, then went over to Von's for yet more produce, ground turkey (I don't buy beef) and a few other items. 

Ran into Suzanne as we came up our shared front walk, she invited me in, and we brought each other up to date on our doings. 

Called Erik, the appliance guy about the dryer at my house. I was stunned to hear that having him simply look at it incurred a charge of eighty-four dollars. However, I told the person who answered (I think his wife, Michelle) to have him go ahead. Called The Townehouse to say Jim and I would, indeed, be there for lunch on Tuesday, then will view the accommodations. Conveyed this to Jim and also firmed up our attendance at the Dudley House covered dish on the eighteenth. 

I was surprised and pleased to have my niece, Jeanne, call me. She's one of my brother, Larry's, seven children, is married to Vic, who's a physician and has two sons. One, Mark, is also a doc and married to a doc,* plus she has Vic, who's the anchor for Jacksonville station News4 JAX TV.  Also has a daughter, who's a teacher. Anyway, she was driving up from Jacksonville to pick up Larry in Cooper City, and they're flying to Philly today for a wedding, then will drive down to Ventnor. We talked for one full hour and it was so good. We went over some family situations--good and not-so-good--but generally speaking, both marveled over our good future to be born into such a tribe. 

Went back to Von's for minced garlic, then did a fair amount of food prep, including chopping a pepper and three onions, adding them to lentils in the slow cooker, and roasting the cauliflower with my favorite mayo/parm topping. My weird dinner was almost half of the latter--unbalanced, but to me, yum--(probably not to anybody else in the universe).

* To add to the medical brigade, three of Larry's daughters and one of his sons, are R.N.s.

Thursday, September 28, 2023


Finally got the filing taken care of, along with a few other business-related chores. Packed lunch, took my cart, and walked down Victoria, first to The Market, then Trader Joe's, then ate at the mini-park on Ralston Avenue. I was there when Stella called; she had just gotten out of the doctor's (she has a collapsed, relapsed, or relaxed--prolapsed?--uterus, and it's infected). As usual, she wanted to know if I was in town and could have meet her for lunch right away. Why in the world she never sets things up even a day ahead is beyond me, as I was miles away. 

By the time I got home, it was almost 3:00 and I tackled clearing at least one part of the full-wall bedroom closet and set several things aside to donate to GoodWill. Finalized the "RentCafe" setup, through which I'll pay my rental and utilities every month. 

Called Jim to ask if he had yet heard from the Agency on Aging, but he hadn't. I also asked if he had made up his mind about going to The Townehouse (independent living) for lunch and to see what they have. He said he would like to go, so we settled on next Tuesday. Hmm..that's October third and I think it's Diane's 81st birthday. I'll offer to take her out for lunch and if she accepts, we'll have to change the date for The Townehouse. I also asked Jim if he wanted to go to the Dudley House Covered Dish on October 18th. I've taken him to this annual (sometime bi-annual) affair for the past five years or so and I was alarmed when he first didn't remember that. He did later, though; he wants to go and thanked me for asking.

My tenant, Susan, texted me that the dryer has conked out.  She's such a sweetie, she said she was sorry about it. Hell, it's been repaired before and if I have to get a new one, I will. I told her I'd call Admiral first thing in the morning. Actually, I have the eye doctor appointment at 9:15; will try to call before that. I'm having the Access Van pick me up and take me there, but will bus home. 

Here's another fab pic of my hometown that somebody put on Facebook--the moon over Ventnor bay:


Wednesday, September 27, 2023


It turned out to be a pretty good day. Happily, Diane called in the morning; she's home and she told me she hadn't had a stroke, after all, but a seizure. I was amazed to hear she had had two others, not recently, several years ago. We had a good talk and I told her I'd go over whenever she was ready; will bring lunch or take her out. Texted Vickie, Suzanne, and Stella to tell them and will call Jim. 

And I recovered my natural buoyancy once I bused to town and met Noreen at Dargan's for lunch. The place bills itself as "an Irish pub," but I'm not so sure the ould sod would recognize the fare. No matter, I had half a corned beef sandwich and a side salad, along with a good IPA, and even better conversation. We sat outside--to the left of the picture--under Dargan's big canopy on closed-off Main Street on a perfect autumn (for California) day: 

Dunno why it's fuzzy.

Noreen is a diehard Trump despiser--on a par  and is afraid he'll get into the presidency again. She watches  television "news," follows the boring crapola in D.C.,  and has no acquaintance with alternate media. She was surprised that I'm indifferent, since I have little interest in politics. I believe those who are running most--in fact, all--countries are corrupt to the core and take their orders from their corporate masters. Everything else is theatre. Seems to me the sooner  the empire falls, the better for most citizens of the world, but not, I guess, for the U.S.  Nevertheless, we didn't argue--I would never try to outmaneuver Noreen--but I mostly just listened to her and injected a little note here and there.

When I told Noreen about my eye, I was amazed and thrilled to hear she had had "focal migraines," also. She suffers no ill effects and that was such a relief to know--not that I wish her ill, but I had never heard of it before. 

It was almost 3:00 when we parted and I strolled down Main Street, stopped in a few shops, and bought an infant hat for my little skelton in the living room (yeah, I'm nutty). 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Called Miramar and, after a lot of back and forth between two different offices which I don't want to go into, I have an appointment with Dr. Trotter for Thursday in Ventura. 

Texted Diane. She got back to me to say she's still in the hospital. I told Vickie; said I'd try calling D. this evening. I did, but there was no answer. 

Person at The Palms called back to give me info on that facility. Nice, but I think out of Jim's price range. Called The Townehouse, got information on that, too. Actually, it's possible--but maybe a long shot--he could afford their studio. After all, the cost includes three squares a day and other amenities. Also, he and I have been there over the years for their music Fridays and maybe it would suit him. The sales rep, Harvey, invited Jim and me to come for lunch and see the place. I called Jim and, of course--am I surprised?--he doesn't know what his income is.  In addition, he's confused about whether the person from Agency on Aging has called him to set up a visit, or not. I doubt it, so told him to hold tight until he's contacted. As for The Townehouse, he may or may not want to visit.

Just putzed around with this and that before I thought I had to get out. Left about 3:30 and walked to Telephone, so at least I got a mile and a half in. Thought I'd go to the mall, so took the 11 bus there, but then realized I don't need anything, so I just bused home. 

I had jut walked in when niece Carolyn called and we had good, long, heart-to-heart. C. said she took a photo album in to show her Mom and Betty didn't recognize her, any of her three boys, or me. Oddly, the one person she could name was our mother. Maybe that isn't so odd; maybe later memories drift away before earlier ones do. 

Vickie called after dinner to ask again about Diane; I'll keep her informed. Stella also called for the same. Called Diane, but there was no answer.  Called Noreen and we chatted--also made a date for lunch at Dargan's today. 

Monday, September 25, 2023


By 10:30, I had stripped he bed, done a white wash, re-made, had breakfast, hard-boiled some eggs, and cleaned  up the patio. (Yeah, but ask how active I am after dinner.) The Sunday crossword was very pleasurable; I got all but two and it was just difficult enough. 

I was about to leave for town when I suddenly saw a kind of curved half-rainbow in my left eye. This persisted for several minutes and I immediately called my ophthalmologist group, Miramar Eye. Talked to Dr. Trotter, who asked me several questions, then said it could be, believe it or not, a migraine. They can be present without pain and manifest themselves in the eye. The other possibility I don't remember. Anyway, he told me to call the office at 8:30 today and get an appointment today. Now this can be a problem. For one thing, to reserve the Access Van, you have to call a day ahead; I called and tried persuading them to waive the requirement, but no soap. The other problem is he's in Oxnard tomorrow and I don't know how to get to his office on the bus. Called Suzanne, but she's with other Sisters for a few days. I may just have to wait until the doc's in Ventura. 

I had texted Vickie about Diane's stroke, then ran into her as I was leaving for town. We talked and she expressed her regret. Got to town to meet Stella. She attends mass at the mission and this one, at noon, ran  until 1:20, so we didn't eat until late. Went to Paradise Pantry and it was okay, but I was annoyed at the fact that I had to mention the twenty bucks she owes me for the show ticket. I could have let it slide, but I know she isn't hurting for money, so why should I? I don't like being shafted, either. She only had fifteen in cash, wanted to give me that, but I said no, just bring it next time we meet. We had an okay visit, though.

On the bus home, Ellen called and we had a long, enjoyable talk. Her company, the couple from Austria, is coming next Saturday and she has to prepare for them, plus has a very busy week at school. But hey--this is her last work year, so happy day!


I'm "friends" on Facebook with an literature-related site (can't remember what it's called) and they ran the following. I laughed out loud, but could barely resist looking over my shoulder. I was thinking of Miss Veronica Cary, of the Ventnor Library, the quintessential librarian, very prim and proper, all those many years ago--we're talking the thirties and forties here. (O lost and by the wind grieved/ghost come back again--Thomas Wolfe)

Sunday, September 24, 2023


 Yesterday was a real bummer.

A few days ago, my friend, Diane. called to say she needed to pick up a book on hold at the Hill Street Library, so why don't we meet at our usual place for lunch? This is a nice, grassy, wooded area in back of the library and we go here often to eat--and talk, laugh, confide. Sure thing and yesterday, I packed my lunch, took my cart, and walked over the freeway footbridge to meet her, as I've so often done before. I was early, so stopped at the library, and read for a bit. Took out a new bio of Mike Nichols, then went outside to our lunch place and waited for Diane. And waited. She's usually early, so I called her at about ten after. 

She answered and told me she was in the hospital; she had had a stroke.  To say I was stunned and horrified is putting it mildly. It seems she was just coming in from grocery-shopping on Thursday when she collapsed outside her door. I got no other particulars except, as I was glad to know, her son and daughter-in-law were with her.  She said she thought she'd be released today. She sounded her usual self, except maybe her speech slurred slightly? I couldn't be sure. I''ll call her later today.

After this bad news, I tried to decide where to eat my lunch, so bused to the mall. On the way, I called Jim to tell him the news about Diane; also suggested we could have lunch in the attractive area outside his place. "I just had breakfast," he said, ever oblivious to the fact I might have wanted to talk to somebody who knows Diane. Said I'd keep him informed and hung up.

Ate at the set-up area at the mall, then impulsively jumped on a 16 bus and went over to Ojai. I stopped into where Greg works, but he wasn't there, so I bused back. (This excursion took roughly two hours.) Stopped at Vickie's when I got back to tell her the news about Diane, which she was so sorry to hear. She called me later to ask if she could take me to see her. I think it's a little too soon, but maybe later.

Called Stella to tell her the bad news and we'll meet for lunch at Paradise Pantry today. Although it's tenuous, she has a connection to Diane, and I want to be with someone who knows my friend.   

Saturday, September 23, 2023


Weight: Gained a pound at home to 128.4 and 1.06 at T.O.P.S., that brought me to 129.4, just skirting the edge of the dreaded 130, but I'm sure I'll make it up--or down--next week. A new person came, who may or may not join, and Cheryl took her home before dropping me off. That made breakfast very late and I didn't actually finish until 11:00. 

After, I walked to Smart 'n' Final for a few frozen items, then to The Dollar Tree next door for a few others. Instead of directly home, I decided to walk to the park, then took the 11 and the 21 buses home. Didn't have lunch until almost 3:00 and then had one of my odd ones: frozen potatoes, cut for hash browns,which I stir-fried in olive oil. That, with iced tea, was all I had--weird, but I didn't care. As for dinner, weeks ago, I had sliced and frozen the big zucchini Lisa gave me. Defrosted and dressed it with olive oil, seasonings, and parmesan, and roasted. It wasn't bad and I ate about half--that's all I wanted for dinner. 

Other than the above, the business world continues to try to trip me up: 

Prime Management, which manages Sunrise Bay where my house is, had emailed me a notice at the beginning of the month to the effect that the lease with my tenants had to be renewed--by May, 2024! I called, was told by LeAnn it was sent in error and that she'd send the notice in April. I had barely hung up and had lunch when I received another, identical email--is the business world going nuts? Yes, and there's plenty of room in the asylum for SO-FI Apartments: 

Heard again from Jasmine of SO-FI management. She was asking why my utilities payment of $90.26--automatically generated by Bank of America--has "Wells Fargo" on the paper check. I took it, saw it had been deducted from my bank account, called BOA and, to my surprise, was told that Wells Fargo prints their checks. I guess all the banks are in cahoots. To clarify what goes on from here, I took Jasmine a paper check for the rent, too--will now go into "RentCafe" and have payments generated from there.

Called my pal, David, the bird guy, to report this and we discussed. I also asked him how he was doing emotionally. He lost his ex-wife (but he still cared for her) several months ago and it hit him hard. He said he felt he was slowly recovering, but not completely. Of course, he'll never be the same.

Son Mike was on a business trip to Texas last night--nineteen hours in the air. He'll be there only a week and I asked him to get in touch when he has a chance.

Nostalgia Time:

Saw this stylized picture of the Knife & Fork Inn on Facebook. How I loved it--I first tasted escargot there and I've loved them ever since. Haven't had any for decades, California being so provincial. (The owners lived across the street from my twin sister.)

I couldn't directly post the following video, but it can be copied and opened in the search engine. It's a aerial view, starting in A.C., then zooming to Ventnor and St. James church, school, and convent. The rectory was already gone and now only the church remains:

Friday, September 22, 2023


Did a color wash, called Diane to discuss the facts about Jim, and made a date to have lunch with her on Saturday at our usual place by the library. Showered, dressed, and went outside at noon to wait for Lisa...

...and, as it turned out, her husband, Alan. Now, this seems a bit odd to me. She had also brought him to the "just us" AATT dinner at Rice By Mama, although that wasn't really for others. I frequently go out to lunch with friends, some of whom have husbands or partners, but almost always, it's assumed it'll be just us getting together unless we plan something different beforehand. 

I'm afraid I put my foot in my mouth when Lisa asked how I liked "Current Mirror Transformation" last Sunday. I said I  may have seen a worse play in my life, but I couldn't remember when. Darn, I should have kept my mouth shut: She loved it and seemed disappointed--or annoyed--that I didn't. I wish I hadn't been so emphatic and subsequently, we dropped the subject.  

It was okay having lunch with them, although we don't seem to have much in common. I still can't put my finger on why they don't interest me much; maybe because there seem to be an air of tension about them--dunno. After, Lisa asked if I minded if they stopped at Von's on the way home. Not at all, and I picked up some tomatoes there myself. 

Home, I did some stuff on the laptop, then took a nap. I was a little down, for some reason, but perked up later. Sharon called to ask if I'd tell her today at T.O.P.S. whether her outfit was "weird" or not. I was amused and told her I would. 

An aside: My Facebook pal, Sean Gleason, took this pic of a scull going past the Ventnor water works. My father, who was a civil engineer, used to emphasize how much better Ventnor water was than Atlantic City water, because ours came from artesian wells. We actually could tell the difference; when I was in AC hospital with appendicitis, the water had a slight odor to it and my mother used to bring a canteen of Ventnor water for me. Anyway, I always loved the building, which incidentally, had a fountain outside with goldfish in it at one time.     

Thursday, September 21, 2023


Bunch of stuff going on.  I got the thirty-one dollars left on my OTC tab ordered and worked on designing a personalized door mat as a gift, but am having problems with it. Re-contacted the Agency on Aging, re Jim, and got to a guy named Joshua (that's Stella's sons name, also). After getting some information, he said a rep (social worker) would visit Jim to assess his needs and condition. Called Jim to be sure it was all right with him; no answer, and I left a  message. 

I then left to walk to the Hill Street library and was there when Jim called back. To my relief, he was not only okay with having someone come, he was enthusiastic and thanked me several times. I cautioned him that this would be an evaluation, and just the first step to getting him the services he needs. To my surprise, Jim told me he had attended a meditation meeting and Diane was there. I'm not sure if this is the one she semi-conducts or not, but later she texted me about Jim being there. I was meeting with Jasmine at the time (see the following), so said I'd call her later. Ellen also called while I was there, then called me back after dinner. She and Greg are expecting their friends from Austria to visit in two weeks and will stay with them. 

As for Jasmine--without going into all the ins and outs and so on, it seems I somehow owe SO-FI $110.59, seventy-five of which is a late fee. Jasmine went over the whole thing with a print out and notes and I lost track completely. Incredibly, this had been settled--I thought--a year ago, but without going into detail, it seems it wasn't. I got the strong impression that the last manager was at fault for not keeping up with the stuff, but who knows? Jasmine asked if I'd like to speak to the new manager, still not on-site; she called her and I did. I suggested she skip the last fee, just on a customer relations basis, but she said she couldn't and, to be honest, I didn't really care. I immediately walked across to Von's and got a money order for the full amount. In truth, I think I did somehow screw up the utilities thing ("Conservice"). To avoid anything in the future, I'm finally giving up with the automatic payment via BOA and will use Rent Cafe, instead.

The above reads as if my session with management was just a mild misunderstanding, soon remedied,  but it wasn't. I was furious when I went into Jasmine's office and raised my voice several times. At one point, I called it a f-ing something or other--oh, yes, I use that word on occasion. Later, when it was resolved and I calmed down, I told Jasmine I had retired as employment manager at a university in Jersey and I think her customer relations skills are superb. Being more or less the target of my harangues, she might have, as I think most people would, react with anger and that would be the end of any coming together of minds. But she didn't, always remaining calm and courteous until I simmered down.  But enough of this boring business stuff; here's some important news:

The other day, I found this little guy in a shop downtown. Could I resist? Certainly not, with Halloween around the corner. I have him in the living room to greet visitors, the blue shawl for modesty. When I had Suzanne and Vickie over on Monday, they were thrilled make his acquaintance--I think... 

Lunch with Lisa today--should be interesting.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


I spent time in the morning finding, printing, and assembling the email documents concerning the last time SO-FI decided to try to extract more money from me. Walked over for my 2:00 appointment with Jasmine with the load of papers. The new assistant, Judah (a very nice young man, by the way) said Jasmine had stepped out, but would be back soon; he texted her that I was there. I sat and waited. And waited. At 2:15, I wouldn't wait any longer and left. At 2:30, Judah called to tell me Jasmine would be back about 3:00 and would contact me. The hell with this, I thought, and got my cart and bused to town. I'm topping this entry off at 4:54 am on Wednesday and I still haven't heard from Jasmine with an explanation, an apology, a drop dead, or anything else. 

Yesterday, I also spoke with people at the Agency On Aging, Adult General Services, and the Ventura Ombudsman for the Aging, calling, of course, about Jim. I won't go into detail, but I ended up with the "Officer of the Day" at Adult Services and had a good conversation. I suggested a representative visit Jim in his home, assess his needs, and we'll go from there. Have to call back today to discuss this further. I'll then call Jim and we'll see how this works out.  

I went to the mall to get shoe laces--but Target had only thick black ones in the men's shoe department, so I guess I'll have to go to Wal-Mart. I had intended to stop at the midtown Trader Joe's at the mall for grapefruit (scared to death I'll run out), but checked Target and lo and behold, they had big, beautiful ones and what's more, they were even less expensive than the Trader Joe's near me! Here's how the vendors stack up:

Von's: small, only about the size of a big oranges and $1.79 each;

 Trader Joe's: big and beautiful and $1.49 each;

Target: just as big and beautiful, and $1,29 each.

Damn, if I keep looking, maybe the next place will have big, beautiful ones for $1.19 each! I also bought a six-can pack of Blue Moon for literally half of what Von's charges.

Home, I prepared a marinade for the nice fresh salmon I bought Monday, then roasted it after marinating in the fridge. Also made up my usual spinach/olive oil/vinegar/garlic and had a yummy dinner.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Lots of Sunday's travail seems to have traveled over to yesterday. For openers, it took me all morning--about two and a half hours--to find, print, and assemble the documents regarding the latest attempt by SO-FI Apartments to pretend I owe them. Incredibly the trail starts in late 2020 and goes on through September, 2022. At that point, all was proven and they backed down. Now, a full year later--one year and five days, to be exact, they suddenly decide I owe them after all.

Another thing: Got the mail and saw that the package I had sent to my daughter-in-law in Tokyo had been returned for an "incomplete" customs information. What? I send overseas all the time and always fill out the form properly. Incensed, I walked to the post office and confronted one of the "associates." "If the customs form was incomplete, why wasn't I told this when I sent it?" He took it and pointed out I had described it as "toy" and it needed to be more specific. Since when? He went in the back, I guess consulting somebody, and came back to ask if I wanted to re-send--just fill out a new form. I did, wrote what it actually is, a Snoopy stamp, and gave it over. He inspected it closely, then accepted it and--I hope, this time it gets there.

Walking back, I saw neighbor Patrick H., which whom I have a slight acquaintanceship. I had noted his oddness before, but this time, he told me he couldn't talk, as he was "healing somebody." He then proceeded to made several hand gestures aimed at his client, who wasn't there. I decided to ask Jassmine, when I go to the office today, to get in touch with his son, whom I know lives nearby. Stopped at Von's for hummus and crackers. 

At least, my little soiree with Suzanne and Vickie was fun. They came at our usual 5:15 (Vickie is still working) and Suzanne brought the salmon she had mentioned. I put out the hummus, crackers, and cashew nuts, and added the chocolate chip cookies I had left over from the party. We were filled in by Vickie about her recent two-weeks in Maine, here home state where she saw relatives and greatly enjoyed herself. Suzanne left after and hour or so, but Vickie stayed until almost 8:00. The three of us have become good friends, but there is--inevitably, I guess--a slight barrier. Is it the twenty-year age difference between Vickie and me?  That has never been an issue--I mean Suzanne's vocation. She is never, never judgemental or moralistic, but there are certain topics I don't discuss with her, nor do I use the colorful language I often do around others. I just relax more with Vickie, I guess. Anyway, we had a good, girl-to-girl visit, I cleaned up, watched my hour of Suits, and turned in. I'm almost afraid to mention it, but I've been sleeping well lately.

I'm livening up this long and boring saga by adding another picture from the party. This is Ken, the one who picked me up and took me home during the show, with one of Christine's little doggies. (Even I thought they were cute.)  Sticking out of his pocket is the gift card I gave him for El Loco Pollo, where he had dinner every single day, and has for years.

Monday, September 18, 2023


Yesterday? I'd just as soon forget it

It even started off being mediocre: the crossword's theme was Emmy-related and, since I don't watch or follow "regular" TV, I didn't have a clue how to answer most of the--well, clues. It ended badly. 

While I was dressing, David called to commiserate with me about SO-FI Apartments' latest assault. We talked for just a minute, as I was dressing to meet Diane; told him I was going to Santa Paula Theatre and would call him later.

Packed lunch and went out to be picked up by the Access Van, we drove to Diane's and picked her up, then were taken to the Wells Road bus stop.  We waited for only a few minutes before the Santa Paula access van (they call it something else, but I'm not sure what) picked us up. I asked the driver if he knew why Santa Paula wasn't included in the regular van route, but he wasn't sure. Think I'll pursue this.

So-o-o, all was well. There are picnic tables outside the theatre and we ate our lunch there before we went into the lounge. Sat there for a bit, then into the main part, where we saw:        


Maybe sometime in the far past, I've seen a worse play, but that's doubtful. They should have paid us to sit through the damn thing, which included a multitude of mini-act changes, five actors going through some kind of catharsis, and absolutely nothing which would engage the audience. At least we had good seats--or maybe that was a bad thing. 

The only interesting part of the ordeal was why I went to the lounge during intermission, hoping to get a glass of Chardonnay. I asked the man, "Peter," behind the bar and was told they no longer sell it; they just had bottles of water. We fell into conversation, I mentioned Fractured Actors and our latest, he said he had been to it and, lo and behold, he remembered me in After All This Time. That was such fun to hear before I went back to join Diane and wait out the second half of the snooze fest.

We were finally liberated and went out to wait for the van. When would it arrive? Diane said it wouldn't come until 5:45 and, since we were early, we walked around the corner and stopped into a little shop. Got back about 5:30 and sat down to wait. At that point, I looked at my van note and saw that the van was scheduled to stop between 5:00 and 5:45. Yes, it had come and gone and we were fifteen or so miles away with no ride home.

To cut this short: What ensued in succession was Diane calling the two van numbers to plead for a second chance (no luck) and the Santa Paula police to see if they'd drive us at least to the pickup point on Wells Road, where we could get buses home. She then called LYFT to find it would cost us thirty-five bucks just to get to Wells Road, not home--and it would be 45 minutes before somebody would come. She reserved that on her phone, but in the meantime, I saw a guy across the street come out of his very attractive house and went over to petition him to take us--just to Wells Road--for twenty bucks. However--this was like one of those complicated scenarios--he didn't speak English. However, he went into his house to get his phone, called his friend, who did, and I conveyed the message that way. At that point, a police officer, a very nice young woman, actually came, but told us regretfully she couldn't drive past city limits, which we should have known. After waiting another fifteen or so, the LYFT guy drove up and, after submitting the 35 bucks, we got to Wells Road.

Luckily for Diane, as we drove up to the stop, the 11 bus was already there, so she was able to leave right away. Not so luckily, because she has neuropathy, but had taken only her cane, not her rolater (she's self-conscious about it), it would be a chore to walk from Telephone Road to her place. That left me waiting for the 10. Luckily, it was still light out, but I sat there for about a half-hour. Happily, Ellen happened to call and I could rant and rave to her. My bus finally came, but then I realized it goes to Saticoy, then turns around to head toward my place. By that time, it was getting chilly, so I thought I'd board and just stay on until it turns around. Unfortunately, I told the driver and he said I couldn't do that, I had to go to my destination. I assume this is to prevent the homeless from getting on, and staying on, a bus to keep warm; after all, why should we treat them like human beings? Okay, so I had to wait there for another fifteen, finally got on, got off at Hill Road, discovered I didn't have my remote, so had to walk to the main entrance to get in, but finally did at 7:30, and the ordeal was over.

I just called Diane (7:00 am) to see if she got home okay and it went to voice mail. Hope she gets back to me.          

Why I can't get rid of this big space below? Dunno.                         



Sunday, September 17, 2023


 Changed the bed and did a quick white wash, packed up my chocolate chip cookies, then got ready for:


And what a time we had! Anthony picked me up at 1:45 and I didn't get home (courtesy of Alphonse and Lindsay) until 9:30. We ate, drank, sang karaoke, laughed, talked, and generally had a ball. Lots of pictures taken by several of us, and, in no particular order, here's a sampling:

Lisa, exuberantly singing, with her husband, Alan, Ken (seated) Spencer, and Anthony.
Some of the gang singing karaoke and toasting the song, I guess.

Alan and me.
Our director, Karyn, with husband, Mike, and little Logan.
Hostess Christine and her three boys, James, Georgie, and Jaxson.
Host George and Anthony.
Director Karyn and Alphonse, putting their all into it.

Lindsay and me, hanging on to my beer.

Host and hostess, Christine and George, singing. Ken; in his pocket is the gift card I gave him for El Loco Pollo, where he has eaten dinner EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past three years. 

The Mier boys, tired out from the festivities.
I took other pics and also a video of Spence and others singing, but it was too big to upload--or something, I'm afraid. Anyway, I had a great time and we talked about getting together again. We're all invited to something or other--a reading, I think--next Saturday. May go, but need to find out more about it.

Speaking of pictures, here's a publicity shot of great-grandson, Joel, and his band, Spring State. They are starting their tour of New England tomorrow. Joel is on the far left in the back and you can see only part of him; he seems to be pushing the grocery store cart.  For some reason, I think this makes him stand out, especially as he isn't entirely in black. 

Saturday, September 16, 2023


Weight: still 127.4 at home, so no change; T.O.P.S.: 127.08 for a very slight gain of .02. Meeting was more of a therapy session again, but that strikes me as more interesting than the usual. Sharon brought in a number of summer hats and we all picked some. Here's Lora, back from her trip to Italy, with two of them. The picture doesn't do her justice; she's much more attractive than she looks here:

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30 and after that, I tackled the chocolate chip cookies for the party at Christine's today. That took longer than I thought, for various reasons, but they're done and that's good.

What isn't good was the phone call I got from the office: Jasmine said they have a new "community director" for SO-FI Apartments and, incredibly, that person (he/she/it) is reviving the fallacy that I  owe something! This was cleared up a year again, after I got all kinds of proof from Bank of America that no rent or utilities payments were unpaid--I can hardly believe they'd dredge it up again. I'm going to see them on Tuesday and have demanded I get this latest crapola in writing. Damn! Here's my plan: I'm going to propose that I ask my accountant to investigate this. If she finds for them, I'll pay the fee; if the opposite, they do. We'll see if they go for that. 

Texted back and forth about the party at Christine's tomorrow; Anthony will pick me up and Lindsay take me home.  Also got a text from Lisa and we made a date for lunch on Thursday. She wants to talk over the play at Santa Paula Theatre she saw last week and Diane and I will see tomorrow.

Mike video-messaged me and we had a good talk. Yesterday, aside from getting the mail, I didn't go out at all--not even over to Von's. I can't remember the last time that happened and I hope it doesn't happen again. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sleep, but happily, didn't awaken until 5:30, which is practically the middle of the afternoon to me. 

Friday, September 15, 2023


Went with Suzanne to WinGo and got supplies, including veggies needs and wants, plus ingredients for the chocolate chip cookies I'll take to the party tomorrow.  As soon as I got home, I cut up onions and tomatoes, added the usual, and popped it in the oven. Had some for lunch, along with a salad. 

I took a short nap after and got up invigorated, so got my cart and walked to The Market, Wal-Mart, and Trader Joe's. Went to the latter for their delicious big grapefruit, much better than Von's and less expensive, too. Bought four of them and ran into Shannon--we chatted and she said Jeff was in the car. 

Got home about 5:00 and when I looked at my text messages, I saw two peculiar ones from Stella. One was sent at 4:09: "Hi Rosemary. Where are you?" and the other right after it: "I had two appointments and I'm sitting here at the Aloha." What? I haven't spoken to Stella since last week and I certainly didn't have a lunch/Happy Hour/dinner date with her, which these seemed to indicate. I called both her numbers and there was no answer at either. I then texted her.  Much later, she got back to me and, although her first message had seemed to indicate I had missed something, it was just worded that way. I asked if she wanted to meet for lunch--at the Aloha, which is on the beach and I like a lot--on Tuesday. She still owes me for the play ticket and I'll be interested to know if she brings up the subject.

Lisa, from the show, is helping her husband with his boat, so won't be going to the party tomorrow. Last week, she saw the play Diane and I are going to on Sunday, and texted me to suggest we get together to discuss it. I asked if she was free for lunch on Tuesday; haven't heard back from her yet.

Called Vickie to welcome her back after her month in Maine and arranged to have her and Suzanne over on Monday for one of our little social sessions. 

I did the cauliflower/mayo/parm roast and had a good portion of that for dinner, along with leftover chicken, which I'm getting sick of. (Okay, of which I'm getting sick--but that seems so awkward!)    

T.O.P.S. this morning and I'm pretty sure I gained. Could it be because the social scene is in full swing and I never turn down an invitation? Nah, there must be some other reason...

Thursday, September 14, 2023


Did a quick color wash, then got ready to meet Noreen at Peirano's for lunch. I was early, so stopped in a few shops and bought myself a kind of light shaw; I figure I'll take it when Diane and I go to the theatre on Sunday. When Noreen got there, we discovered that Paradise Pantry was open and we went there, instead, as we both like it better than Periano's. We both had their grilled turkey pesto sandwich, which we always do  and we promised ourselves we'd get something different next time. Anyway, it was enjoyable, as it always is with Noreen.

Got the 10 bus home and stopped first at CVS to get my RLS medication, then at Von's for grapefruit. I'm going to WinCo this morning with Suzanne, but their grapefruit has been smaller and I like the big ones. However, Trader Joe's has better ones and--wonders will never cease--they're less expensive there.

Home, I looked to see what ingredients I need for the cookies I decided to make for party on Saturday. Have some, but must get more flour and butter, plus chocolate chips. Did a few more kitchen chores, then sat down here to feed my second addiction (the first? grapefruit), which is a game called "Block Champ." I'll get over it. 

Here's the Bonaventure mission at night. To the right, not in the picture is Pirano's, where Noreen and I had lunch yesterday. On either side are the areas where I often sit when I bring my lunch to town. Every once in awhile, I appreciate my lovely life.  

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Spent time on boring financial stuff, then took my cart and walked to Diane's and my meeting place next to the Hill Street Cafe. I noticed something interesting as I walked up: Right next door to the restaurant is a branch of the library, which is called Hill Road Library. Why one is "Street" and the other "Road," I don't know.

Diane and I had our usual enjoyable time with talk, including the political: the steady diet of propaganda we're fed, our crimes in Ukraine, and the pretty evident slide of the U.S. into something like cutthroat fascism. This was interspersed with more agreeable topics, such as our attendance on Sunday at the Santa Paula theatre. Show starts at 2:30, so we'll ask the Access Van to get us there at 1:30 and bring our lunches to eat outside.

We visited for two hours and change, then Diane left and I stopped into the library. I sat and read Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking, then took it out. I read it a few years ago, but want to again. It's one of the few celebrity bios that doesn't contain large dollops of beautiful bullshit.

Note to myself for reference:  I was amazed to see on my debit card a payment to Experian for $24.99. Called them and according to them, I had signed up for something or other. I don't have any recollection of that and why would I, anyway? My credit rating is 813, which Experian itself calls "exceptional." I talked them into giving me a refund.

Impulsively, I made a date for next week with a real estate agent to see a condo on Woodwind Street in Thille Park. I already told the agent I was just browsing, and I don't think I want to sell my house in NJ,  anyway, but thought I'd investigate. 

Suzanne texted to see if I wanted to go to WinCo tomorrow and I will--decided to make chocolate chip cookies for the party on Saturday, so need the ingredients. Called Primary Medical for RLS refill. I'm pretty sure I got one before, but I can't find it. I'm meeting Noreen for lunch today n town at Peirano's, so will stop at CVS on the way home to pick it up.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


After breakfast, I prepared three fresh chicken breasts with the recipe I like a lot. It's simple in the slow cooker, and includes a rub of paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, oregano, salt, and pepper. Add a half-cup of broth or water, and let them cook for four or five hours, which I did while I was out for lunch. Had some for dinner and it was yum. 

My new friend, Carol Flagg (love the name), picked me up at 11:30. She asked me to suggest where to go for lunch and I chose Two Trees, at Telegraph and Kimball. We had a good time getting to know each other: Carol was born in Hawaii (military family), but moved to Oxnard when she was 10. She's been divorced twice, but is staying with her ex-husband (on a friendly, but not romantic basis) until she finds a house to buy.  She has one daughter and two teenaged grandsons, who live in Ventura. She hasn't spoken to her only sibling, a sister, for  years; I didn't get exactly why. She was amazed at the size of my family, both birth and married, let alone extended. 

Anyway, we had a good time and after, we drove to three manufactured homes (or whatever they're called now) developments, as she wants to buy one. Most are very nice, and those that are more modest aren't as expensive, but they still run three- to four-hundred thou and up, and the kicker is, that you pay a monthly "space rent," too. That ranges from about five hundred on up; there's a complex in Ojai where the space rent is almost two thou and that's after you buy the house. Incredible. However, we also saw Poinsettia Plaza, which is much the nicest I've seen. There, you don't pay space after you buy. So why doesn't Carol buy there?  Because prices are upward of three-quarters of a million, presumably because of no space rent. 

Carol dropped me off at 2:00 and I walked to the post office to mail something to Japan. The P.O. is getting third-world country level: long lines, inadequate staff, and scanty stock. The cost of this very light envelope was more than eighteen buck, so I'm going to think of another way to do this. 

Had a difficult sleep-night: woke  up for the usual about 12:30 and foolishly stayed  up to play my new Internet game-craze, Block Champ. Didn't go back for a half hour or so, up at 5:15, and now I'm groggy. I don't have anything scheduled for today, so will try to nap.

Monday, September 11, 2023


Did a wash, showered and dressed, then made up my darling daughter's birthday basket:

Those kitties are soft kitchen towels and behind them is a card from her actual kitties (they dropped it off), a card from her lucky Mama, and a little kitty puzzle book with an appropriate amount of tens here and there in the pages. 

Access van came about 12:30 and got me to Ellen's in Ojai in good time. We then sat down to white wine and nibbles, as well as good talk and laughs. Greg's mother, Rory, called from Minnesota with birthday wishes and when Greg returned from work a bit after three, we hung out together until it was time to leave for an early dinner. El had selected a place on the main drag called "The Duchess" for dinner and that's where we went. 

It's one of those fancy ones where there's only a limited menu and some of the entrees are mysterious; prices are pretty fancy, too. We discussed quite a bit what we would have and finally settled on various salads, nan, and tandoori chicken; El also had a cocktail and I a local beer. She and I more or less shared most of it and it was good, if not that different from anywhere else. 

Back at El's, she blew out the candles on her cake--and here's the peculiar picture I got of that--looks as if Greg is wearing a dress: 
After the cake, she opened her presents, starting with my kitty-oriented one, described above:
She got a kick out of it, opened all, including cards, one from the kitties. She also got flowers, cash, and a bottle of Skinny Girl Margarita, sent from afar. The three of us then had ice cream and cake, and played a few hands of gin rummy until the Access Van came to take me away. It was so darn good to be with my girl and how lucky I am to have her! 

Sunday, September 10, 2023


Spent the morning cleaning up and straightening up. I realized I had no red wine for Jim, so went over to Von's for Cabernet Sauvignon. Set the table, made the deviled eggs and stored them in the fridge, constructed five sandwiches of turkey, lettuce, and tomato, and otherwise set up. I was surprised that Suzanne came to the door at noon--I had told her 12:30--but no prob, she just dropped off the peach pie she had bought for dessert and want back next door for a half hour.

Jim got here at the appointed time and we three sat and chatted for a bit. I laid out lunch, we ate, then at Jim's suggestion, moved over to the sofa.  Suzanne suggested a game of Socall (or something) which is a variation of the gin rummy I know and love. The twists and turns and little changes were annoying, so after Suzanne left to take her nap, Jim and I played the usual gin.  

He and I also talked about his future--in a hesitant, meandering kind of way. Jim has become alarmingly frail in body, but even more so in his mind. His memory is abysmal and his comprehension all over the map. He kept saying how complicated the card game is and failed to understand a lot of the rules.  He doesn't remember so many things--such as what his income is and the names of people he's heard over and over.  We talked at length about the possibility of an independent living facility for him and I told him I'd look into pricing and so on (it will be a miracle if he can afford any). I think I'll call Anne, activities director at the Townehouse, whom I know, and ask if I take a tour and talk over particulars. Jim stayed until 4:30.

I was pleased to get a text from Carol F., whom I met a few weeks ago as I was walking in the complex. She was just moving out, we chatted, liked each other, and I gave her my card, suggesting she contact me when she was settled. In the text, she suggested lunch and she'll pick me  up at 11:30 tomorrow. Good, I always enjoy making new friends. 

I called Stella to apologize for my snippy behavior last week. It was my reaction to her coming late to the show, then saying I had given her the wrong address. I should save my freakin' temper for those who deserve it, such as Rolling Oaks Radiology. 

Called Ken and asked if he'd get my cane, which I used in the show (I don't need it in real life--yet) and bring it to the party at Christine's next Saturday. He will. Mike video messaged me after his bike run and we had a nice chat.  

Saturday, September 09, 2023

Friday And The Medical Profession--so called

Noreen called just as I was waiting for Cheryl to pick me up for T.O.P.S. We chatted until I got in the car; said I'd call when I got home, but forgot; will call her today. Weight: at home, still 127.4, same as the last three weeks; T.O.P.S. 127.6, loss of .02. 

Stopped at Suzanne's to see if she was available for lunch today. She was and I called Jim--hadn't talked to him since we started rehearsals--to invite him, too. He was pleased to accept, but sounded--well, old and confused when we talked. Among other oddities, he said he "was told" (I think by the Agency on Aging), that he should "go to a home" and knew he had to clear out his library. He was engaged in copying the items in his books that he had underlined. Good grief, I can imagine this is a herculean task--he has hundreds of books and I know he doesn't like the computer, so I think he's doing it in longhand. I fear for him, but at least, I can give him lunch today.  

Showered, washed my hair, and got the 6 bus to the doctor's office. P.A. saw me, I told her I wanted a referral to an audiologist, which she'll send. She also looked in my ears and had an assistant flush it--ugh, I hate that procedure. 

Stopped at Von's on my way home and got sliced turkey and some nice-looking rolls for my little luncheon today. Hard-boiled some eggs and will "devil" them, plus salad. Susan said she'd bring dessert.

After dinner, Jeanne P. called. She said she wanted to write something to her granddaughters, a kind of auto-biological treatise and wanted my advice because "you're a writer." She went on pretty long about it, but I didn't mind; I get a kick out of her, although as she talked, the old phrase. "three sheets to the wind," came to mind...


What in the HELL has happened to the medical profession? Or is it a profession? Seems to me more like a gang of renegade lowlifes who don't know their asses from third base (my late husband's genteel saying).

I don't mean all of them. I actually like some, including (most of) those at Primary Medical. But I have a saga and I'm not going to let it drop. I'll try to make this as succinct as possible. Dr. Ficks, my endocrinologist, sent me an imaging order, asking me to make an appointment with Rolling Oaks (sounds like a motorcycle gang) Radiology for my yearly dexa, axial and dexa, appendicular skeleton imaging. (I've had this done before, as I have osteoporosis.) I called ten days or so ago to set it up and was told they had to hear from the doctor's office. Okay, I called Primary Medical and told them that. Next, I received a duplicate of the imaging order in the mail. I called again to make the appointment. A man answered--anyway, he had a man's voice, but he may have been an orangutan.  He look up the order and informed me that they don't have the equipment for that procedure there, I'd have to go to Lakewood. What? Lakewood is 89 miles away!  I called Primary Medical to ask what gives and was told they'd follow up. I then got an email from Rolling Oaks to the effect I should make an appointment--at the Ventura office, of course. I did, for September 29th, but I was annoyed and demanded to speak to a supervisor. The woman "helping me" was difficult to understand. She put me on hold for twelve minutes, then came back to say there were no supervisors available. At that, I hung up. This was about noon, then I had to get ready for my appointment at Primary Medical, unrelated to Rolling Oaks. I returned home about 4:00, stopped over at Von's and while I was checking out, got a call from Primary Medical--telling me to make an appointment with Rolling Oaks! She also told me in a thoroughly confused kind of way--something about not going to Lakewood, but I don't even know is she was quoting me or what. Oh, that's not all: I started getting text messages and emails from Rolling Oaks, telling me to schedule an appointment WHICH  I HAD DONE HOURS BEFORE! The last one--so far--was sent at 5:11 pm yesterday. 

I'm writing to the head of Rolling Oaks, whoever that benighted person might be, to lay this out and say how annoyed I am that I have to deal with such a travesty. Now, here's an addition: At Primary Medical, when I saw P.A. Natalie for the hearing thing, I mentioned the above and she said they've had "a lot of trouble with Rolling Oaks." I probably won't put that in my email--it was less than discreet--but it made me realize I'm not the only one. 

Friday, September 08, 2023


Dealt with a few more of those annoying concerns with credit cards and so on, but got everything straightened out. Later, I cancelled my membership in Asurion, the computer place, and will get a refund for half the month.

Packed a lunch and left about 11:30. Tokyo son had asked me to send a package to him, which he had had sent here, so I walked to the P.O. to send. From there, I walked to the bank, then to The Market and Wal-Mart, so I guess I got two in, anyway.  Ate my lunch in the pleasant, grassy alcove between two office buildings; it has a nice fountain, foliage, tables and umbrellas, and I enjoy it. Bused home.

We who were in the  the cast of After All This Time have maintained a text thread and I was pleased to see that Christine (who played the snippy boss) invited us all to another party. It will be next Saturday, the 16th, at 2:00 pm; she and George live in Santa Paula near Ken, so I hope he comes, too. They'll make chicken, but otherwise, it will be a covered dish. Think I'll make a dessert--maybe chocolate chip cookies. 

I'll be in in Santa Paula the next day, also, with Diane and possibly Dusty, too, to see Circle Mirror Transformation at the Santa Paula Theatre, also at 2:00. Sounds intriguing. 

Speaking of annoying: I rarely use checks, but am coming to the end of mine, so I went onto Wal-Mart's website to order more. After twice filling in all the requirements (routing number and so on), the "order" page just doesn't come up. Okay, they've lost my thirteen dollars and they'll be sorry! 

T.O.P.S. today and doctor's appointment at 3:30. 

Wednesday, September 06, 2023


Right after breakfast, I galvanized myself, washed the bath area throw rugs, and dry-mopped, then wet-mopped the hard floors. On a roll, I then took a shot at cleaning up the patio. I gave it a once-over, but soon want to do a more thorough job. 

I called Stella and said I was annoyed that she told Diane I had given her the wrong address for Fractured Actors and I'm sure I didn't. Also, I had told her I had left her ticket at the box office (really just the entrance), with her name on it, but she somehow breezed in without asking for it. I then brought up the fact that I had bought her twenty-dollar ticket. If I thought she had any money problems, I would have let it go, but I've been in her house in Oakview--very large, surrounded by at least an acre, if not more, and with a view. Considering what real estate goes for here, I know she ain't hurtin'. I suggested we get together next week.

Called Diane about the above and, as I knew, she's had her problems with Stella, too. Oh, well, I know she doesn't so it on purpose--just getting a little long in the tooth, as who isn't?

Ordered (pre-publication) Patrick Lawrence's new book, Journalists And Their Shadows, about a topic in which I'm intensely interested: the corruption of journalism into an always-embedded entity without even the pretense of neutrality. The author cites Upton Sinclair's The Brass Check; it was published in 1919, but he believes it's relevant in particular ways now. I found it in a pdf version and will be pursue that, too.

Packed a lunch and bused to town. Strolled Main Street, then ate at my usual place across from the mission. Bused back, stopping at Target at the mall for milk; home at 4:00. 

Ellen called on her way home and we had a good talk. Her birthday is next Monday, September 11, and I'll take her and Greg to dinner to celebrate. Also have a few things for her. This is a pivotal year for her and after just nine months of being 60, she'll retire--YAY! 

Just to gussy up the entry, here a spectacular shot of the Ventnor beach by Sean Gleason:


Still coming down from my post-show high, I got some neglected duties out of the way, then got ready to meet Diane for lunch. Walked to Telephone, then bused to the B & M mall. I was early, so went over to Kohl's, then back to the Vietnamese restaurant we had chosen for lunch. Unusually for her, Diane was late; she texted me that she had misjudged the time. She got there, though, by 12:30 and we settled in for one of our long, long, confidential conversations. As I told her, to some extent she takes the place of my poor, lost twin sister; Betty and I used to tell each other things we wouldn't mention to anyone else. Of course, it's only "to an extent" that Diane fills in for her--we don't have the same background or experiences, but close enough: Catholicism, large birth family, marriage and children, and other venues. We part ways at the  mysticism/rationalism highway, but it's always good to talk to her.

Diane invited me to go to the Santa Paula Theater on September 17 with her and her friend, Paris (love the name), who had accompanied her to my show. Sounds good and I put it on my calendar. We left about 3:30 (yes, these are usually marathon sessions) and took the same 11 bus to Victoria Avenue, where I disembarked to go to The Market and pick up paper towels. 

Home, I called Ken to see how he was doing. Aside from some bruising and red marks, he said he's okay. Considering it was a  head-on collision and both cars were totaled, the fact that the drivers walked away, is remarkable. I told him I want to take him to lunch next week, so we'll get back in touch shortly.

I'm hoping to be able visit my blog buddy, Patti, when I'm in Jersey next month. Got in touch and we'll work out the logistics later. 

Mike video-messaged me at 7:00 pm and we had a good talk for 45 or so. He'll be going to Texas this month, just for a few days on business, so I won't see him. However, he'll be here in California in late December, too, so that's good. 

When I got up a half-hour ago, I was happy to see it was 5:30, meaning I slept almost a full eight hours. I attribute that to finally getting back to my everyday walking routine. 

Tuesday, September 05, 2023


Suzanne stopped in to give me some nice little cherry tomatoes from her patio. Stayed to chat for a bit and told me that her brother, a physician in San Diego, just had a knee replacement last week. He refused to stay even overnight in the hospital, said he had all the necessities at home, so is recuperating there. When I asked why he preferred it that way, Suzanne said he's too aware of the possibility of picking up a virus or other contagious item in the hospital. Food for thought...

As it was Labor Day and there was no bus service, Vera picked me up for the Soaring Spirits lunch at Stone Fire Grille. Besides us, there were just three--Susan, Gaye, and Renee, all of whom I've known for several years now and whom I like a lot. We had good, convivial talk and a fine time. 

Home, I started looking again for the toiletry items I had moved when the boys were here that still can't unearth. It's just incredible as to where they could be. Took a nap, then did some things so important and interesting I can't remember what they were.

Another pic from the party. I sat with Mandy and her partner, Andy, the other couple at the table being Sandy and her husband. Yes, incredibly, it was Mandy, Andy, and Sandy--we got a kick out of that. Mandy is a voice actor; she's done some commercials, but this was her first stage production--hard to believe, as she's so good. Here she is with her paper plate award between Emma and Mateo, both  also terrifically talented: 

In the background from left are Christine, Shannon, and Erica, plus Christine's 8-year-old, Jaxson. I'm going to miss all these guys, but not the eleven pm and later getting-home time. 

Note: I forgot to mention that, the other day, I realized I hadn't talked to Muckie for some time. I called her and was sorry to hear she had been in the hospital, then rehab with an illness unrelated to her cancer. It wasn't COVID, but some kind flu-like problem and it took a lot out of her. As for the cancer, at her last look-see, the doctor said it was stable, so that's good. 

Monday, September 04, 2023

Sunday And Such A Party

Because Ken texted me about 6:00--am, that is, yesterday, Sunday--I called him at 6:30. He told me about the accident, which was entirely the other driver's fault. Ken was going home to Santa Paula after dropping me off, which is about two miles straight down Telegraph, when the other driver made a left in front of him. It's incredible neither of them were hurt. However, the other driver was ticketed, as he was unlicensed and uninsured. Lisa had texted me right after I talked to Ken, then called me. I told her about Ken and she said she and her husband would pick me up for the cast party (families are invited, too). I told her about Ken's accident and she called Amy, who is Ken's daughter-in-law and get this: He hadn't told her or his son about the accident! After Amy heard, the others in our text (All This Time cast) were filled in and added their concern

Anyhoo, after all that and before breakfast, I went over to Von's for ingredients for the fruit salad I decided to take to the party. Got watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, and grapes and washed and sliced. It tastes good and is very colorful, plus is fresh, vegan, and has no sugar added.

Lisa and Allan picked me up and off we went. What a terrific time we had and I'm going to touch only the highlights in pics, starting with Anthony and me in the parking lot. Yes, we both wore our Area 22 Galaxy shirts, from when we appeared together last year:

After the food, we had a kind of quick, impromptu karaoke/stage show. Here are Lisa and Amy singing a parody of "Don't Fence Me In," which Lisa wrote: 
Spence and Katelin (yes, with a "K"), a couple in real life, doing their thing:

Anthony, Ben, and Cassie sing while Spence takes a pic:
Erica gives Keith and Meredith (photo and art director) their "paper plate awards" while Shannon and Jeff look on:
Katelin holds up her paper plate award (a Fractured Actors tradition):
And here's mine:
The quote refers to my signature line as the mature Rose in After All This Time.

So that was it this time for Fractured Actors. Ken's son and daughter-in-law, Matt and Amy, took me home and, incredibly, I didn't arrive until 11:00 and didn't get to bed until midnight. Vera's picking me up for Soaring Spirits lunch today at 11:30 and I'll try to get a nap in first.

Sunday, September 03, 2023

Saturday And Close

We closed last night and boy, it was one of the best: everybody at the top of their marks, full house, and it went off without a hitch. Here are Jaxson, Leyla, and Harper. The first two are in After All This Time as am I, but have no lines; Harper's in Paper Cuts and has plenty. She also sings the rousing closing song, "I Want You To Be My Baby."  
H. and J. in Paper Cuts
Lisa and Amy 
Lisa, Amy, and me.  Meredith took the picture; not sure why she set it for B & W., but it's kind of interesting that way.

Anyway, I again went up to the loft to view part of the show, including the first two acts of mine. In between, I chatted with Alphonse and discovered that he and Lindsay have--well, discovered each other. So good to know, as they're both such wonderful young people. Interestingly, like Vera's daughter and her SO, Lindsay is considerably taller than Alphonse.     

Before we went on, director Karyn called us outside to express her appreciation to her cast and I gave her the card I had made and that everyone signed. We then had a group hug and that was so fine. 

Ellen and her friend, Joanne, came to the 2:00 show and of course, I loved having them there. Joanne is Ellen's former co-worker, who taught at Olivelands, where Ellen does, but is now retired. Also attending were Diane, her friend, and Stella, who came late. We all went outside together after the show to talk and talk. Also, Amy came out to introduce me to her mother and grandmother, who's 92. 

Lisa had asked if I wanted to got to dinner, I accepted, Ellen joined us (Joanne had another commitment), and we went to the Black Angus. By that time, it was 5:30 and I hadn't eaten since breakfast, so greatly enjoyed my salmon--and, of course, a Blue Moon. Had a great time and Lisa was very impressed with Ellen. 

Back to our place and we dived into the final show. There was a fair amount of what used to be called tippling beforehand (I had a glass of red myself), but no problems with it. Lots of congrats and embraces after, then off I went with Ken. The plan was to have him pick me up at 5:30 for the party (we were going to skip striking the set, as it involves a lot of lifting and carrying), but...

...when I got up, I found a text from Ken saying he had had an accident after dropping me off and his car is totaled. Damn! I'm trying not to feel guilty, as this happened on Telegraph Road, where I live and he wouldn't have been there if he hadn't been dropping me off. Anyway, I wish it hadn't happened, of course, although luckily, no one was hurt.  Anyway, he won't be going to the party, so I'll have to ask somebody else to take me. Also, maybe I'll give the gift card for him to Amy, as she probably sees him fairly often. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...