Friday, June 30, 2023


Showered and washed my hair before Ellen came over about 1:00. She was picking up the linens and so on I'm contributing for Violet to take to camp, but also brought turkey sandwiches from Subway. We ate, then chatted for a bit, and she packed up her car and drove off.  

Via the U.S. postal service, I got a nice note from Rosa D., thanking me for the acting class. If all goes as planned, we meet shortly for a lunch and a movie in Oxnard. Will send her an email. Also got a reminder from the Dr. Sun that I should make an appointment for a dermatology checkup. I'm was glad to get it, as I think I have a need on both my nose and elsewhere. 

Julie picked me up at 4:30 for the BCNN dinner group. It was at The Cave, my old stompin' grounds with Nancy and Carolyn. I had a great time, at one point regaling the group with stories of the Dionne Quintuplets. I was urged to do a program on them, which I will one of these days, but not very soon. Interestingly, Claire, who sat next to me, is from Canada (but also lived in Jersey) and knew of Pierre Burton, who wrote The Dionne Years/A Thirties Melodrama, the first book I owned on the quints. Anyway, I had a good time with a glass of white and a glass of red wine to accompany my "eggplant tower," half of which I took home. In at 8:00 and I called El to tell her of another financial innovation of mine.

T.O.P.S. this morning, and I'll take my donations to GoodWill, then meet Diane for lunch across from her place.  

Yet another jigsaw from the colorization of Keith Williams, who specializes in photos from the eighteen- and early nineteen-centuries. He's a master, all right:

Financial Notes to Myself: 1.) I had an argument over the phone with BMO bank, whose credit card I just accepted. I'm going to pursue this, as I have an excellent credit rating and want to be sure it won't be affected. 
2.) I put money into a high(er)-yielding savings account at, of all places, SO-FI financial group, the ones who own the apartment building where I live. Will add to it.
3.) Will look into CD's, also, and will talk to Mike and Ellen about other financial plans. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023


Slept poorly Tuesday to Wednesday, I'm afraid. I awoke at 2:30 and couldn't get back. Stayed in bed until 4:15, had breakfast at 7:00 and took a short nap after that. That revived me fairly well and I tidied up a bit, then packed lunch and left to meet Diane outside Urbane Cafe. As ever, we talked and talked for three hours. Here she is, the glamorous lady, having just had her hair done. I think this is the new style, as it's almost shaved on the sides:


We finally said goodbye and I went over to Kohl's to try on jeans. Damn, even some of the petites were long and I didn't find any with the short piece of elastic in the back. At least, I discovered--I think, not sure--I wear a size 12. That is, that will fit my waist, but often, the legs are then too big. I didn't buy any; think I'll go on-line and see if Gloria Vanderbilt jeans, which I used to like, has something to fit. 

Stopped in at Lassen's to see if Greg was working--he wasn't--then bused home; by the time I got in, it was after 5:00. Had a vegan dinner: butternut squash and I prepared my favorite cauliflower recipe.  

Got a text from Director Karyn with our call list (rehearsal schedule) for the next two weeks. Wow, I'm more and more impressed by her. Not only is she wonderfully knowledgeable and savvy, but she's also efficient and best of all, full of enthusiasm. She wants us off book by July 9, and I'm going to twit the rest of the cast with the fact that I'm already off book, so what's wrong with you, you pikers? (Of course, I have only five lines. 😁)

Ellen called after dinner. She'll be here today to pick up linens, Violet's packages, and so on, then we'll go to lunch at Hill Street Cafe. When I got up just now (5:30, so I slept well), I found that Mike has created a Message "group" called "Violet Camp" for him, Ellen, and me. He and Ellen have exchanged dialogue firming up plans for their visit, such as the supply chain (linens, etc.). Two more days!

Besides lunch, I'll be out for dinner today with the BCNN group. Julie will pick me up at 4:30 and we'll eat at The Cave. Happily, my cold is somewhat better. I'm no longer sneezing and my nose isn't running  as much. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Not much going on, as I got up with a cold. It's been years since I've had one and it could be worse;  it's manifesting itself as only a runny nose and sneezing, no cough, headache or aches or pains. Took TheraFlu and wore a mask in the car when Suzanne and I went to WinCo at 9:00. I got a lot of fresh veggies and fruit, plus paper goods. 

My cousin, Sally, from San Diego called. We had a good talk, catching up on our kiddies, grand-kiddies, and great-grands, plus her cardiology stuff. Her grandson, Chandler, who used to be her granddaughter, and is a weatherologist in Oregon, was in for a visit. 

I was vacillating over whether to go to rehearsal on Saturday, when Mike and Violet arrive, but called Ellen to discuss and decided to skip it, and Sunday, too. I left a message for director Karyn to that effect and called Ken. He'll pick me up for rehearsal on Monday--6:30 out front. Karyn wrote back no prob, as we have plenty of time.

I spent a lot of the day on bookkeeping-y stuff, getting my ducks in a row, so to speak. Went out only to walk to CVS for a card and a little gift for Violet's birthday; she'll be 15 on July 10. Now that I'm thinking of it, though, I'm not so sure I should have gotten her what I did, a loose lounging dress. Geez, maybe it's old ladyish--I'll mull it over. 

Ellen called; she still has a bad cold, unlike mine so far. She's trying to clean the house a bit before Mike and Violet come--in three days!--but if necessary, they can stay in a hotel. 

Fun and games yesterday: 

1. Got it in two:

Wordle 738 2/6
2. My letter appeared in The Ventura County Star:

Grateful for bike ban on Main St.

Re: your June 23 story, “Ventura to ban bikes, other transport on Main Street”: Many thanks to the Ventura City Council for approving a ban on wheeled devices on some of downtown Main Street. As a lady of a certain age, I go there several days a week to stroll, browse in the shops, and enjoy the museum, library, and mission.

Also, my friends and I meet often for lunch at one of the great restaurants in the area. The only negative has been the bikes, skateboards, and other personal vehicles (especially electric ones) that pose such a hazard for walkers; I’ve had a few close calls myself. It will be a great relief for many and I’m grateful to the council.

Rosemary Molloy, Ventura

3. My latest jigsaw puzzle, two men and a dog:

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Got a few minor bookkeeping items done, then went back and forth via text with Diane. Does she want the foot massager from Suzanne? Yes, no, maybe so, and she finally decided against it. 

Packed a lunch and bused to town. I browsed a bit, but didn't buy anything. I just enjoyed having lunch at my favorite spot across from the mission. It was very quiet and beautifully sunny and warm. Here's the peaceful view, with a young woman having her lunch, also: 

Home, and I washed and chopped two pounds of strawberries--they've been a bonanza this year--and stored some in the fridge, some in the freezer. Had a bite to eat, showered, dressed, and walked to the bus stop to attend our first rehearsal of After All This Time. My part is miniscule--only six lines, but it comes at the very end and is the pivotal part of the play. Actually, that actually works out very well, considering that so much family is coming this summer.

Our first rehearsal was called for 7:00 to 9:30 pm, late for me, but it was so much fun and so absorbing I was okay with it. Why?  Because Karyn, our director, is so damn good. She has a masters degree and a background in theatre arts, and knows how to weld together a cast. There were just six of us (two were missing) and she first had us sit at a round table and just talk about our acting histories and get to know each other. This was such a good way to start! All of us, aside from newcomer Lindsay have had fairly extensive experience--I probably the least. We have two professionals: my pal, Anthony (he was 2022, I was 2023 in our last show) and Alphonse, a small, slight, pleasant guy about twenty-five. They actually have agents and are in Actors Equity; both have some experience in film and commercials. 

After the "getting to know you" part, Karyn took us in another room and we did stretching exercises, then she had us do a kind of mime improv. This entailed elaborate motions that illustrated greeting a loved one, then being stalked by a bear, and so on; some scenarios we were told to do without using our legs, then without facial expressions. It was only then, we went back to the theatre room and rehearsed. It went well--the guys were particularly good--and Ken and I came on at the end. Without going into the whole play, we were the older personifications of a couple who never really got together in their youth. It went well and, in fact, was quite touching.

Home a little after 9:00, late for me, but I watched another part of Black Mirror on Netflix, then slept well. WinCo with Suzanne in a few hours. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Sunday And On Stage Again

Early on, Suzanne stopped in with the foot massager her niece gave her for Christmas. She really doesn't want it and asked if  my friend, Diane, who has neuropathy, might be able to use it. I'll send her the pic ask her via email. 

I invited Suzanne to stay for lunch, saying--and it's the honest truth--that since Jim was coming and he's so uncommunicative, it would be doing me a favor. She did come and it helped the conversational equilibrium to have a third person.  \

After, Jim dropped me at the transit center and I took the 11 bus to the read-through. I was very early and had to wait outside for a time, but that was okay, as I met a terrific young woman named Natalie. She found Fractured Actors on Facebook and is interested in helping; had a good time talking to her. Jeff came out and opened up and, soon, the others came.

It was so good to see my tribe and there were lots of hugs and kisses, of course. I was surprised and pleased to see a number of new people, too--they really rev up the ensemble. There were a variety of ages and even ethnic backgrounds: Two young Black women included. I introduced myself to Jasmine and liked her a lot. There were also some men I hadn't known before, several of whom were so good. 

Anyway, we provided the audiences for each other at the first meeting and run-through. We were seated on the stage on chairs and, of course, are reading at this point. There were no problems with blocking or memory failures, or wooden performances--they'll come later, as they always do, but will be remedied. Our play, After All This Time, which Jeff wrote, went well. My and Ken's miniscule parts, which end the play, went over big--very touching. 

I took a quick pic of one of the other three: How To Create A Flop:


Several were missing last night, including Anthony, the professional, who's currently in a commercial, and Ben, the one who walked from here to Georgia for animal rights.    

Jeff, who's very efficient about all the minutia that surrounds production, emailed a rehearsal schedule, plus an cast list. I already put my script in a binder and will add them. Several players were missing last night, including Anthony, the professional, who's currently in a commercial, and Ben, the one who walked from here to Georgia for animal rights, but it was the first go-round and there will be plenty of others. 

We have rehearsal tonight from 7:00 to 9:30. That's really late for me and I certainly won't get to bed until 11:00 or after. I had told Suzanne I'd go with her to WinCo tomorrow; hope I'm not too draggy.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Saturday And Stardom

Did quite a bit of food prep in the morning. Prepared about a pound of my six pounds of chicken thighs in the slow cooker, as I do breasts. Rubbed them with the seasoning mixture (must get more paprika and oregano), added broth,chopped onions and peppers, and let 'er rip. Zapped spinach, and dressed it with oil, vinegar, and garlic. Trimmed broccoli and took out the chopped strawberries and applesauce I had prepared from the freezer.

Read the script and my miniscule part over lunch, then walked to the market for various. Bused home, did a few more chores, and became a figure in Streamberry:

Yes, it's nice to be a TV star, especially when the makeup people are so expert at removing wrinkles, but it's annoying to keep signing autographs, and trying to elude the press and the worshiping groupies...yuk, yuk. 
Okay, here's what my nephew, Betty's son, Steve Johnson, wrote on Lifehacker about this new craze:

What is Streamberry?

A new five-episode season of Netflix’s sci-fi horror anthology Black Mirror dropped this week, and its most memorable recurring character is “Streamberry,” a dystopian streaming network that exists within the fictional Black Mirror universe. As revealed in the season’s stand-out episode “Joan is Awful,” Streamberry shares its logo design, sound effects and user-interface with Black Mirror’s parent company Netflix. But unlike Netflix, Streamberry is “an infinite content creator capable of willing entire multiverses into existence.”

The content listed on Streamberry is 100% easter eggs—all the shows and movies on the fictional streamer are based on other Black Mirror episodes, including episodes that come later in the fifth season.

If you are into clever entertainment marketing and you are also awful (and let’s face it, you are awful) check out and let Streamberry make a show that presents the worst side of you. Just remember to read the terms and conditions first, or you may soon find yourself shitting in a church. (Spoiler alert!)

Mike video-messaged me from the trail where he runs most days. He also rides his bike to work and back each day, a total distance of sixteen miles. Plus, he's growing a beard--I just cannot decide if I like it or not. He and Violet will be here in one more week--YAY! 

I had one of the chicken-thighs-in-slow-cooker and it was so good--tender and very flavorful. I wish I could remember what all I put in the broth; hope I can duplicate it another time.
I decided to give Jim just turkey breast and tomato sandwiches for lunch today. For dessert, I'll make up a kind of fruit compote: fresh strawberries and blueberries with vanilla yogurt, which should be good.  I might add some of the fresh peaches, too. 

Notes to myself: Called both Bank of the West, which will mail me a credit of $120. 66. Deducted a credit from Wells Fargo and paid it in full. (I charge virtually everything and never carry a balance.)

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Friday And Flying Around Town

T.O.P.S.: Stayed the same (127.6) at home and gained 1.7 to 130.4.  No, I don't understand, but I've been going out a lot, so...

There were seven of us; Julie didn't go and Lora's in Vegas. Bobbi read the minutes, which Lora had taken. I finally got up the courage to mention that the format for minutes isn't "Mary said this, then Sally said this, then Fran said that..."--AAGH! Much as I like Lora, I want to let her in on modify to something like "Martha presented a paper on low-calorie, high-energy foods and a discussion followed." You can add one or two appropriate points, but good grief, you don't record each casual remark. Plus, nobody, but nobody, will ever look at these again, so stop already!

Apropos of snoozefest meetings, Bev brought in an article from this month's T.O.P.S. magazine on maintaining the joy of life. (Members get that magazine, so why--?)  It was a rehash of the two-bit, grammar school psychology that seems to abound in present-day culture. It included the inane adage "becoming joyful is a choice," the kind of thing that makes me want to kill. That states--and not very subtly--that if you're not happy as a hippo, it's your fault. Clearly, it relates to the "fat-shaming" thing that links overweight with a moral failing. (I'm just a curmudgeon, I guess.)

Sharon was anxious to show off her new sneakers and I had to take a picture of them--they actually have bones on them. Her outfit was meant to be patriotic, with her hair the white part:                                                                               Home, I had breakfast late, as always on Fridays, then dusted and mopped the hard floors, washed the bathroom rugs, did a color wash, called Ellen, who has a bad cold, and otherwise stuck to my joyful life. 

The Access Van picked me up at 4:00, Diane already in tow,  and off we went to the Ventura Museum for the 150th anniversary of Ventura County. We were early, so browsed some of the Main Street Shops. At The Coalition, I met up with Owen and was pleased to hear his wife had auditioned at Fractured Actors and would also be in the show in August. I'll meet her tomorrow at our first run-through.

We then walked back to the museum, which was crowded, but Diane and I stayed mostly in the atrium. We each got a glass of wine and I had some nibbles, but we didn't go into the exhibits; I can do that anytime. 

After an hour or so, we decided to leave and Diane suggested we go over to Von's nearby (not the one near me), as she wanted to buy some of the boxed wine she likes. We did, I asked the Starbucks person for two glasses, and we sat in the laundromat nearby drinking the wine, and continuing our chats. The Access Van came about 7:30, and we were taken home.That sounds like a rather bizarre outing, but I couldn't have enjoyed it more. Said goodbye to Diane (we'll be having lunch together next week) and stopped in at Vickie's on my home. I stayed for just fifteen or so and we had a good talk.

I no sooner got in the door at 8:00 when Jim called. He said he was concerned because I usually call him at 7:00 or so on Friday evening. I was touched that he wanted Ellen's number "in case something happens" and invited him for lunch tomorrow, Sunday, not our usual Saturday. Today, I want to concentrate on the script I received from Jeff and see what my miniscule part entails. I'll ask him to drop me at the transit center after, as our first read-through is at 5:00.

Friday, June 23, 2023


I finally got smart and did things at a time when there weren't mobs of people ahead of me doing the same. Went over to Nails D'Elegance at 9:00 when they opened and got a long-neglected pedicure. This time, I went absolutely wild and picked--*P*U*R*P*L*E* !!

Of course, nobody else is going to see them unless I suddenly kick off and get taken to the morgue, but I think they're cutesy-poo. I had brought my cart, so went from there to Von's to stock up on veggies and other items. 

Home, I packed my lunch, grabbed my cart and took off for town. I had bought three pairs of jeans at a thrift store when I was with Stella on Tuesday and, damn, they were all too small. Took them to Buffalo Exchange to see if they'd buy them and added the brand new backpack Lora had given me for my birthday (I'm not about to backpack). Took them in and they accepted the backpack only; said the current style in jeans is now wider-leg. For the backpack, I had a choice of cash or credit, which was worth about twice as much, so I took that. Buffalo Exchange is frequented mostly by young people--high school and college age, but I'm sure I can find something.

Went from there to my place across from the mission and enjoyed my lunch, also the lovely sunshine and the strollers down Main. Stopped at the museum to ask about the centennial celebration today and via email and phone, Diane and I firmed up our plans to attend. We'll both be picked up and taken home by the Access Van. 

Stella called while I was on my way to thank me for modifying the picture of her siblings. I had asked the Photo Restoration Free Service on Facebook to do it, and one of them did. The background had been of an unattractive fence and was changed to a forest, I guess. Stella was thrilled, but frankly, I think a
 lighter background would have been better. Earlier, I had cropped it myself--easy, of course, but Stella marveled that I know how to do it. Believe it or not, the picture shows fewer than half the members of her birth family--including the parents, it totaled fourteen. 
I received my script for the show in August. Play is called After All This Time and I have a very small part, which actually pleases me. With Mike and Violet coming twice, plus Joel and his boys, and another visitor, I'm going to be very busy. Also, I'm not confident about memorizing long blocks of dialogue anymore. The last time I did was for Welcome Home and that was--I can hardly believe it-- four years ago. I just want to be with my tribe, without angst over forgetting lines, so I'm happy. First read-through is on Sunday--looking forward.   

Notes to myself: Cancelled the NYTimes subscription, but will receive until July 6.
                           To take advantage of Von's ads, click coupons under "Deals."

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Wednesday And Wolfe

Spent the early part of the day on mundane chores, including calls to clarify various financial matters and cleaning up otherwise. Cheryl called to say she'd pick me up for T.O.P.S. tomorrow, as her leg and nose are better. Suzanne stopped in to say she had called Sharon and had a good chat with her. Walked over to CVS for a few items.

Showered and got ready for BCNN Happy Hour at Cabo Mexican restaurant in Oxnard. Julie picked me up at 3:30 and off we went. The place is authentically Mexican--not a chain--and was very noisy. There were about thirty attendees at three different tables and I was sitting under a kind of curved glass canopy, which meant I had to wear my sunglasses to avoid being blinded. In addition, we hadn't been told the place no longer issues separate checks, so we all had spend time puzzling out what we owed on the list handed around. We also hadn't known to bring cash. I carry only twenty or so with me--I charge everything--so I may have been the only one who paid by card. 

With all that, though, I had a great time. Got to know some new people, many of whom said they wanted to be in my acting class "next time." (What makes them think there'll be a next time?) Also met Ellen M. O., who's in real estate and we got along like a house afire. She, Dusty, and I want to meet for lunch at Yolanda's sometimes in the near future. Also got acquainted with Sandy, whom I honestly pegged to be in her late thirties--until she mentioned what her husband got her for her 62nd birthday last month. The food was okay, I guess, although I'm not a fan of that genre; however, the mango Margarita made up for it. Home at 7:00. Today is an off day--no social engagements--and I want to go into town. Tomorrow, T.O.P.S.,  then Diane and I will go to the museum celebration.  

 Yesterday was my sixty-fifth wedding anniversary: June 21, 1950, St. James Church. It's good to remember it and him, but where is that naive girl who thought the world began and ended with Ventnor City, New Jersey? 

O lost, and by the wind grieved, ghost, come back again. (Thomas Wolfe)

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


When I spend the day with Stella, which I did  yesterday, I can never decide if I like being with her or if I'd rather hang by my thumbs for three days. 

At 11:30, we met at Lure for the (free) promotional luncheon, only to find the restaurant had no knowledge of it. No biggie, really, we just decided to go elsewhere for lunch. Beforehand, Stella wanted to browse, so we stopped at Buffalo Exchange--new and recycled clothing, frequently especially by young people. I looked around myself, but didn't see anything I need; I think Stella examined every single article of clothing in the place, because it took her forever. I was getting hungry and we couldn't decide where to go. Stella wanted breakfast, as she almost always does at lunchtime, so I left her and scouted out a few places on Main Street. I hit on Immigrant Son, right across the way and that's where we went.

I got just a starter plate and an IPA, Stella a kind of poached egg edifice with a thick bread base, avocado, red sauce, and a few other things. She took an age deciding because she questioned the server extensively about whether the onions could be sauteed, the spices specified, and other inane topics. (She does this all the time and it drives me loco.)  However, we were finally served and she started to eat, interspersing that with showing me pictures of her son in Spain, so it took forever, as everything does with Stella. 

We finally finished, paid, and left, then Stella said she needed to go to "the sheriff's office." I still can't figure out why and why the sheriff's office would be in a neighborhood store front, but we went and, while she was in there, I stopped at a nearby store and bought a pair of jeans. We said goodbye and I bused home (Stella lives in the other direction). Got in about 4:00.

Talked to Ellen after dinner. She had turned in her keys, so the school year is officially over. We had a long, long talk about various family affairs and that's always so satisfying.

Happy Hour today in Oxnard with Julie and the BCNN crowd. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Monday With A Variety Of News

I believe I've hit on the definitive essence of life: It's good news, bad news, and so-so, who-gives-a- damn news. In my case, the latter is the fact that I stripped and re-made my bed, did a white wash, then walked to Wal-Mart. 

Good news: Shannon called and offered me a part in the next show. Actually, I didn't read for that one and its a very small part. That's fine by me, I want to be included and it's just as well that I won't have to memorize page after page of dialogue. She'll send the script today. 

Good news two: I finally, after buying and returning three others, got the  handbag I want after I bused to Penney's and returned the third one. This is the keeper (for sixty-nine bucks, it had better be):

Good news because I always enjoy it and have good friends there: attended the Soaring Spirits dinner at Stone Fire Grille last night. There were about twenty there, several being my Facebook friends, who knew about the bad news below and expressed their sympathy. Here's Vera, our leader, my dear friend, with her son, Kyle, who is six foot five. Vera herself, who just turned 48, is about six foot. She's the one who introduced me to Fractured Actors, so she has a special place in my heart. Her husband was killed when Kyle was two years old and she was pregnant with her daughter. 
His shirt? He lives with his grandparents down south somewhere and follows their fundamentalist Christian  kookiness. This drives Vera crazy, but there's not much she can do about it. 

Not too interesting news: Stella called and asked if I wanted to go to the promotional lunch at Lure today. I had forgotten all about it, but sure, why not, so I'll meet her there at 11:30.

Very Bad News: My last remaining sister-in-law, Therese, has died in Bangkok.  She was in hospice only a few days, after suffering a massive stroke. Too bad, but Jim died just over a year ago and little by little, she was leaving the world. Here's Therese a few years ago:
And here she is, sixty-five years ago when they were married on June 28, 1958:
How do I remember the date? Because it was exactly one week after Jim walked me down the aisle for my own wedding.

I keep thinking of Andrew Marvell. One of my favorite poets, he was born n 1621 and wrote, among other exquisite verses To His Coy Mistress. In truth, the poem concerned his efforts to get a gal into bed. It should be read in its entirety, but I was always struck by several of his lines, including "The grave's a fine and private place/But none, I think, do there embrace" and the ones that resonate most with me: "And at my back I always hear/Time's winged chariot hurrying near." Boy, do I hear it every time somebody in my extended family goes.  Essentially, Larry (whom I talked to yesterday) and I are the only ones left: Gene and Jimmy are gone; Marybeth, Helen, and now Therese gone; and Frank and Betty are essentially gone, too. 

Well, I'll end this with maybe the best news: I'm still here. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Sunday With Someone Special

Who? Daughter Ellen, that's who. When I called, she said Greg still had his cold, so didn't think he should go to dinner, but she and I could. We decided she'd come after she got some clean-up stuff done at school. (Yes, it was Sunday, but the end of the school year and teachers are hard workers.)

I went over to Von's for some things, did a color wash and a few other chores, then tackled the final phase of sorting, assembling, and filing my A. for A. paperwork. (I was amazed and gratified it fit in the filing cabinet.)  Went back and forth on Message with Mike and not much else. 

Spent time transferring my stuff from my old everyday purse to my new one and--oh, horrors, it's really too small for what I carry! 😲 This is the third one I've bought--I returned the earlier two, and I'm going to return this one and get a larger one. I'm not spending forty-three bucks on something that doesn't suit my needs, dammit! 😡

El called about 4:30 to say she was on her way. I met her out front and off we went to an early dinner. I had suggested Hill Street Cafe, but we saw it wasn't open on Sunday evenings, so went to Two Trees. I had a good carnitas plate and a beer, El chicken salad, preceded by a watermelon Margarita. (I snagged a taste and it was yum.) We talked and talked and talked, hashing over our experiences with various, including the men in our lives (why were men even invented?) and her project, which I hope will come to fruition. She came into my place for a time after and we did the same.

Dinner with Soaring Spirits this evening. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023


I spent time in the morning trying to change my email address on this blog. Got the information, followed it (change email from "author" to "administrator") and at the very last step, it would not change. I actually printed out the instructions and I know I followed them. Can't understand this and I am so frustrated! Had a yummy grapefruit half with my cereal, set one aside for Jim, then thought of cutting one up (without the rind, of course) and freezing the chucks. Did so and I can enjoy it later. 

I was pleased when Ellen called with interesting news I won't reveal here. (No, it doesn't have to do with Greg.) She's going into school today, although it's Sunday, to finish up last minute things; she turns in her keys on Tuesday, then--happy day, she's off for the summer. I suggested we take Greg out for lunch or dinner for Father's Day--my treat--and she said she'd ask him although her has a cold. If he doesn't want to go, she suggested we two do, anyway. Yes, great, I'll call her later. 

Jim got here and after lunch, we did crossword puzzles as we've been doing lately. He sits with the crossword book and a pen and gives me the clues. This beats me always having to talk and talk--I get sick of hearing myself--but it gets so bor-r-i-n-g, I can hardly stand it. I asked him to drop me at the mall, so got him to leave a little earlier than his usual 4:00 or so.

I took back the purse I had bought at the other Target and looked at Macy's, the mall Target, and another store for something I liked better. Finally got one at Penny's. Stopped at BevMo, thinking I'd get some Blue Moon (beer) in cans, but they had only bottles, which I no longer buy. Not only are they breakable and too damn heavy, I think they go flat faster than they do in cans. I'll see if Von's have them. On the way out, I again passed Target and picked up olive oil and parm cheese.    

Got home and Mike video messaged me. He was walking in the pouring rain, some distance from where he lives (he's been working out quite a bit) and said Violet greatly enjoyed her energetic school trip to Malaysia--lots of hiking, rock climbing, and other strenuous activities. Vivian is now in Madrid and will go next to Barcelona. He and Violet will be here on July 1.

Saturday, June 17, 2023


T.O.P.S. went okay. I had committed to doing the program and didn't actually look at the material I found until I got home Thursday night after dinner with Julie and Lora. I quickly worked something up and believe it or not (I found it hard to believe myself), everybody thought it was well done (goes to show how low the bar is set). As for me, according to my home scale, I was 127.6 for a loss of 1.02 pounds; at T.O.P.S., I was 128.7 for a gain of .04. No, it doesn't make sense, but I'm not concerned. Lora brought in a number of big, beautiful grapefruit from her neighbor's tree and, since not all of the others like them, she gave me eight to take home. Even for me, that's a lot, so I rang Suzanne's bell and gave her two. I also reported that Sharon had asked about her and would like to meet up with her. When Suzanne worked at St. John's, she was a medical lecturer and Sharon was in her class. I gave Suzanne Sharon's number and it's up to her if she wants to pursue it.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30 and after that, I put chicken breasts, onions, broccoli, and seasonings in the slow cooker. Also chopped three green peppers and prepared some of the grapefruits. I then plunged into sorting and putting away my mountain of scripts, class agenda, and other items associated with my Acting for Amateurs classes. I had such a huge number and they were so mixed up, it actually took me four hours to complete the task and I probably have to add some time. I also deadheaded the geraniums and refreshed the water and seed for the birdies. 

Didn't get lunch until 3:30, after which I put the scripts, etc. in containers and stored them on the high shelf in the closet. Called Jim and invited him for lunch today. He was in a pretty low state, but I'll cheer him up by giving him a grapefruit or two.  

It's so ironic that I've been out most days in the cool and overcast weather, yearning for sunshine. Yesterday was finally sunny and nope, I hardly got out. 

No word yet from Shannon and Fractured Actors re auditions.

Friday, June 16, 2023


A good day. I walked to Telephone, bused to Office Depot to get two (fearfully overpriced) ink cartilages; went next door to Aldi Supermarket for cauliflower, sweet peppers, and mushrooms stuffed with spinach and cheese; then to Target and bought a purse.  

While I was out, Julie called to see if I could, after all, join with her to take Lora out for a birthday dinner. We had originally planned that, but when I forgot to tell Lora, J. made new plans. These were squelched at the last minute, and the upshot was, we agreed to redo Thursday evening.

Cheryl also called to see if I had a ride to T.O.P.S. this morning, as she wasn't sure she'd go. Poor thing:  Her nose is healing and she doesn't need surgery, but her leg is bothering her again. I assured her Lora will pick me up. 

In Target, I was pleased to run into my old Kimball Park walking pal, Irene, and we had a good talk. Bought a purse, but now I'm not sure if I'll keep it. 

Home and I prepared as much as I could the day before to cook chicken breasts in the slow cooker. The recipe I found makes the best, most tender chicken I've ever had. I mixed the seasonings and put them in a container, then did the same for the roasted cauliflower I'll make today. 

Home and the phone rang about 3:30. It was my nephew, Mike, son o fmy brother, Jim, who died last years in Bangkok. I was delighted to hear from him and we talked for more than an hour. I got some of the lowdown on the rancorous split with his sister and the even worse divide with her husband. Anyway, it was good to talk to him. 

Julie and Lora picked me up at 5:45 and we went to the yacht club for the birthday dinner.  Had a very enjoyable time, although the food was mediocre. I had salmon (clearly from frozen) with some overcooked roasted Brussel sprouts and a beer. When Lora, who had a rather sparse plate of pasta. asked for bread, the server told her it would be an extra seven dollars. The meal, in my estimation, wasn't worth the cost, which was fairly high. However, we had a good time talking, laughing, and noting Lora's 68th birthday. A successful travel agent, she just came back from an extended European trip and she and Julie will be going on a European in a few weeks. 

Got home and realized I had been so busy this week, I had neglected to prepare the program for T.O.P.S. today, which I had volunteered to do. I looked over some printed info and will just wing it, I guess.

Note to myself: I signed up for a free 14 day trial at, confirmation number 451718021. Free trial expires on June 29; thereafter, will be changed $24.99 per month. Already got some documents on my Dad and also, my grandmother's obit from 1917:

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Wednesday With Diane

Showered and washed my hair, then spent time doing something or other, but I haven't a clue as to what it was. Packed lunch and walked over the footbridge to our usual meeting spot by the library. I was a little late for a change--maybe by five minutes--and Diane was there already, of course. (She's always there first when I'm early, too.) We sat and ate and discussed our BCNN activities: mine with Acting for Amateurs, hers with Eckard Tolle. We then talked for a solid three hours, ranging over our childhood, marriage, various romances after divorce (well, I just listened to that one), and hugely enjoyed ourselves.

We broke up about 3:30. I had intended to bus to Office Max for ink, but just didn't feel like it, so walked home. I then took my cart and went over to Von's for a lot of stuff on my list. 

Electronicaly, Julie, Lora, and I went back and forth via texts and calls about when and how we'd celebrate Lora's birthday. We finally hit on breakfast on Monday, as we all seem to be booked most days. That'll be fine; I used to love to go out for breakfast, but haven't lately. Wouldn't you know, I have Soaring Spirits for dinner on Monday, too. Oh, well, since breakfast will be so much later than my usual between 7 and 8, I probably won't need lunch.

Julie alerted me to the BCNN walking group, which will be going from Saratoga Avenue to Kimball, then around the park. I thought I'd join them, but later changed my mind. That's roughly six miles and, without a recess, I don't think I'm up to it.  

My miniature roses are continuing to grow and prosper. The other one is smaller, but also thriving. I love roses.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Yesterday was one of my free days and, much as I enjoy my busy social life, I was glad to just be appointment- and obligation- free. Decided to go to town (which I haven't for some time), packed my lunch, took my little cart, and boarded the bus.

Thought I'd stop first at the library to see if anything was new in which I'd be interested. There wasn't, but then I remember the Dionne Quintuplet one, published 44 years ago:

I already own several of the earlier ones, having had a lifelong interest in the quints. I've done presentations on their story in Jersey and thought I might do the same here, say, for BCNN. The only problem is, I'm not sure I can handle the electronic apparatus; I'll have to look into that.

Ate lunch, then I strolled down Main Street, stopping in several shops, but the only thing I bought--what was I thinking?!--was this:
The recipe pages fan out from the cover--bizarre in itself--and the fifty recipes include instructions for pickling all kinds of vegetables and even fruits. Anyway, I now feel I simply must make versions other than my usual crystal pickles. Maybe I'll be crowned the pickle queen of southern California--NOT!  

Julie called after I got home and invited me to meet the BCNN walkers at Kimball Park tomorrow. I accepted and am glad she called, as I had neglected to tell her Lora was available for lunch tomorrow, too. But since Julie hadn't heard back from me, she had made other plans, so we decided on Friday, instead. I called Lora and left a message, apologizing and asking if that would work for her. Didn't hear back from her and texted her just now.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


The last Acting for Amateurs meeting was yesterday and it went well, aside from some snags. For one thing, Dusty never got there. I had cast her in A Conversation in Summer and has to take her part. Called her and there was no answer. We were all a little concerned, but I conducted the meeting. After, we walked across to Lalo's for lunch and had a great time. Dusty called, very apologetic: She had been waiting for a repairman to come and simply forgot. I like her a lot and reassured her the world was still turning and we were just glad she was okay. The rest of us sat there talking and talking for more than two hours and it was fun. The best part---? Sherry had a dentist appointment and didn't go with us.

She was a big pain in the rear when I knew her years ago and she hasn't changed. She was the only one in the A. for A. group who thought nothing of making comments about others' abilities after I cautioned the group not to do that, as it can be inhibiting; answering for me when I was asked a question;  and yesterday, when Dusty didn't show up, announcing that she would take her part, which I vetoed. It didn't seem to faze her at all when the others in the group looked at her incredulously. Anyway, I was happy not to have to deal with her at lunch. 

I meant to have the server take a picture of the rest of us at Lalo's, but forgot. Here's one I took on our way to lunch. I'm so sorry Dusty wasn't there; as noted, neither was Sherry, but that was all to the good.

Left to right: Denise, who was born in Paris and has a lovely French accent; Susan, the archeologist; Joan, who's been married three times; and Rosa, retired teacher and probably my best "student." 

After we said goodbye, I dropped my stuff at home and walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for various. Bused home and didn't get in until after 5:00.

Suzanne texted me the Channel 3 news segment about the Oliva Adobe wedding exibit and I was amused to see that she and I appear in it. At about second 42, I am behind and to the right of the woman being interviewed; Suzanne's next to me. 


I'm afraid it has to be copied and pasted, but should show okay. Too bad there are two (short) commercials before the segment. 

Monday, June 12, 2023

Sunday At Olivas Adobe

Suzanne and I went off the Olivas Adobe a little after 11:00 to attend the lecture and exhibit of early weddings--dresses, veils, and other trappings. It was enjoyable--interesting to see the traditions and beliefs of yesterday:

Above: This woman is a collector of antique wedding items and she gave an interesting lecture. And the the woman below in the wheelchair...?
She had lent for the exhibit, her wedding dress, in which she was married in 1945. Incidentally, a commenter from channel 3 was there and interviewed her. I'll see if I can find it later.
This woman is a direct descendent of the Olivas who built the adobe, once a rather large ranch. She was very vivacious and I enjoyed talking to her.
The adobe is graced with a large and beautiful rose garden and here I am with it.

From there, Suzanne and I went to a modest Mexican restaurant and I had what they called a California burrito. It was enormous and about the best burrito I ever tasted. After that, she dropped me off on Palma Street for the auditions.

It was great seeing my old chums in Fractured Actors and lots of warm hugs were exchanged. I had time to chat with Brian, Amy, Martha, and lots of others. I was especially pleased to see Erica who I think is, hands down, the best actor in the area. Shannon came out after a time and gave me pages from two scripts. I didn't even have time to read (in the usual sense of the word) them before I was asked to "read" that is, speak as the character. One was "the coroner," in what I assume is a dark comedy because  a corpse talks, too. The other was as "Honey"--I'm not even sure if that play is drama or  comedy. Anyway, I don't have a clue as to how my performances were received by Shannon and Jeff and, strangely, I don't really care. If I don't make either one, I'll see if I can contribute in any other way. It was enough to be with my tribe again.

Home, I got unpleasant news from niece Carolyn. Mike Byrne, my late brother, Jim's son, had called her. He said my sister-in-law, Therese, who's 91, had had a massive stroke. He asked her to let the rest of the family know. I texted two of my children, emailed one, and called Ellen. Mike told me in a return text that he was in Thailand, where Terese and daughter, Crissy, still live. He said he had to go to one of the "lower provinces," but would try to get in touch with Chrissy and possibly, get to Bangkok to see her, as he did a few months ago.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Saturday With Wine And Roses

Got up not knowing what I was going to give Jim for lunch. Finally decided on pasta; I found semolina bow ties (or whatever they are) in the cupboard and beef tips in gravy in the freezer. I made ice cream first and swirled chocolate syrup in half; served the other as plain vanilla with cherries (also had been frozen) to put over. Had no bread, so ran over to Von's for a loaf. I gotta say: With RED WINE for him and beer for me, it was a damned good meal, Jim eating three quarters of the (large) bowl of pasta. 

After, we sat on the couch and did crossword puzzles. That doesn't mean we each concentrated on our own. No, Jim gives me the clues, I answer, and he fills in the blanks. I was glad to have hit on this because he seems to enjoy it (I keep telling him he should answer some, but he seldom does) and otherwise, we could sit in silence unless I keep blabbing away. He stayed until 3:30 and I walked him out. He's going to get a call back from unemployment on Monday and he's very nervous about the fact he doesn't know what they'll ask him. 

I got a "violation notice" from Sunrise Bay management to the effect my house needs to be power washed by August first. I called Bill G. and he said he's going to Florida at the end of the month, but will do it sometime in July. Emailed tenant Susan to let her and Cliff know. 

Mike messaged me after dinner (Sunday morning for him) and we had a good visit. Violet came in to say hello; she's getting to look like a model--tall, slim, and beautiful. Can't wait to see both of them next month.

I was pleased to see my miniature roses blooming and ]they're so pretty. These are two separate plants on my patio: 

Today, Suzanne and I go to Olivas Adobe for the wedding program, she'll drop me off for the Fractured Actors auditions. 


Saturday, June 10, 2023


Wonders will never cease: I stayed at 128.8 at home, same as last week, but at T.O.P.S., I actually won the seven dollar "biggest loser" jackpot by weighing in at 128.6, a loss of 1.3 pounds! Wowee and who gives a damn, but I always like to have dollar bills to tip the Access Van driver. I volunteered to do the program next week; will use some of the info from the NYTimes on the new obesity drugs.

Julie had done the chauffer duties, as poor Cheryl is still laid up with her broken nose. She--Julie-- suggested we take Lora and Bev to lunch, as both have birthdays tomorrow. Natch, I said yes, and texted Lora, who got home from her European river cruise just yesterday. We'll go on Wednesday or Thursday, not sure yet and we want L. or B. to decide where. 

Home and didn't have breakfast until 10:30, then walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for a variety of items. Bused home and did a few chores, so I eat lunch until 3:00--late even for me. Suzanne had asked if I wanted to go to a lecture and exhibit at the historic Olivas Adobe house tomorrow, but I declined, as I"m gong to the Fractured Actors auditions. However, I saw I can do both; auditions don't start until 2:00 and we can go to O.A. at 11:30. Stopped to tell Suzanne that.

The Ventura Museum is having a shindig on the 23rd, celebrating the 150th anniversary of Ventura's founding--or something. Asked Diane if she wanted to go and yes, sure.

Ran over to Von's for eggs and impulsively bought the makings for ice cream. Guess that meant I'd invite Jim for lunch. Called him later--he sounded as if he was hoarse or something. He said he didn't know why, as he has no cough, sore throat, or anything else. We chatted a bit and he'll be here for lunch today. 

Got a "violation notice" from Sunrise Bay, saying my house is in  need of a power wash. Every once in a while, they tell you this, although it never looked bad to me. Will call Bill Galway to do it and let my tenants know.  

I knew my nephew, Dave Wessel, was writing a book and was thrilled to learn it will be published in October. Unlike the book by my niece, his sister, Joan, which is genealogy, his is fiction. The cover:


Friday, June 09, 2023


I was able to take an hour nap after breakfast, and got up feeling revived. Good thing, as I wanted to put to rest my preparations for the Acting for Amateurs session on Monday. I wrote a letter to all six, with some tips and pointers on doing dramas, as opposed to comedies. The techniques are, of course, entirely different; whether this will penetrate the kiddies' little heads is questionable. I included a suggestion that after "class," we walk over to Lalo's, right across the street near Von's, for lunch. I went over there myself to see if I needed a reservation (no, but I'll call and let them know how many as soon as I find out) and whether they would do separate checks--yes.

Suzanne stopped in and insisted on giving me a ream of copy paper, prompted by hearing my lamentations about  using so much paper and ink for the class. I assured her I wasn't about to go belly-up financially, but she said she had gotten it free as some kind of premium, so finally I took it.

I also got some other "bookkeeping" things done. I have a bunch of birthdays coming up and I addressed twelve cards--still must get Patrick's (6/28) and Natsue's (6/20), plus gifts for them. I'm trying to think of a joint gift I can order through Amazon Japan--but maybe just a gift card (or whatever they call them now).

Via the Access Van, Diane and I got to The Townhomes very early, about 5:15. I showed her around, then we went up to the seventh floor for the Poseidon Adventure* evening. I had called to reserve and we found our seats. Here's Diane (not a good picture of her):

Management did itself proud, I must say, with the whole floor turned over to Hollywood, the movie, and a yummy buffet:

We were greeted warmly throughout the evening by 1.) Evan, who's executive director; 2.) Anne, activities director, whom I've known casually since I used to come here for Dr. Wordling's talks; 3.) Didn't catch the name, operations director, and 4.) Jay. I asked the latter his function there and found that he's the owner. I'm not naive enough to think they were all just blown away by our youth and beauty; of course, they're in the business of attracting more residents. However, it was gratifying and, combined with champagne, food, and Earnest Borgnine, it made for a very enjoyable outing. What's more, the Access Van got there just as we got down to the ground floor and--Zeus be praised, after 45 minutes of Netflix, I slept until 4:30! 

* Incredibly, the movie is now fifty-one years old. I noted how acting styles have changed in that time--and mostly for the good, it seems to me. There was so much bombast and carpet chewing in Poseidon, they rivaled the spectacular special effects. 

Thursday, June 08, 2023


Happily, the BCNN thing went pretty well. Rosa and Susan, who performed, were there early and so was I. I had been concerned about the acoustics, but it worked out fine. They stood together at the podium and just alternated at the mike. They aren't, of course, trained actors. I had emphasized the importance of rapid back-and-forth in this comedic skit, but Susan, in particular, spoke too slowly. However, there were a lot of laughs and generally speaking, it was good. 

As president, Dusty reminded the group that July is dark--we don't meet again until August. Later, she called me to ask how I thought it went; quite well, I assured her. I'm thinking of offering to have a similar little skit, with three other members performing, at the next two meetings. My little Acting for Amateurs part was, of course, in addition to the listed speaker, who was "Frank, the Bird Guy." He gave a terrific talk, with slides, on the 489 species of birds in Ventura. What? That many? Yep, but he covered only about twenty--very interesting to hear of their coloration, feeding habits, and so on.  

Later, Dusty called me to ask how I thought it went--well, I said. She's in A. for A., too, and we'll  have our last session on Monday.  The day before, Sunday, I'll be over at Fractured Actors to audition--if, that is, there are any parts for me.

On the way home, Julie asked if I wanted to stop at the Wednesday farmers' market outside the mall. Yes, indeed, and I got a type of summer squash (not zucchini, which isn't a favorite of mine), a bunch of slender young carrots, a yam, and a cauliflower. 

I was pleased to get a call from niece Carolyn, and we had a good talk. She is a grantwriter and is now in negotiations with a new prospective client. She has two others, including a high school for the visual arts, which you may or may not retain. 

I forgot to mention in yesterday's entry that after I had trekked to Office Depot for ink, inserted it, and tried to print, it wouldn't. Furious, I called Canon, talked to a techie, and after following various instructions with no luck, was asked to take the ink cartilage out. I did, and to my great embarrassment, I saw I had forgotten to take off the tab that releases the ink. I apologized for my bad temper, of course. Hmm...reminds me of somebody I know who thought a screen was dark, but oops--sunglasses...  😄

Darn, I've fallen into a sleep pattern I don't want: I just got up at 4:20, which is okay if I sleep through, but I didn't. As has been happening lately, I woke up at two something for the usual, then couldn't get back. I'll try a few things to get back to all-nighters.  

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Toolin' Along On Tuesday

I spent the first half of the day putting together, rearranging, and printing the scripts for Monologue, which I'll bring to the BCNN meeting this morning. All the players will be there and, in fact, Susan and Rosa will be performing Truth. I quickly wrote out something I'll say to introduce them and I'll add an intro for the other four players. 

Suzanne stopped in for a few minutes and I started yammering to her about how much this little enterprise is costing me. I've probably spent about 75 bucks on ink and paper. That doesn't take into account, of course, my time and effort (that ain't worth two cents). I was amazed and amused when she--in all seriously--suggested I have a little container and ask my acting group to contribute. Oh, good grief, first of all, that wouldn't be allowed by the club and second, I'd rather beg on the street. I guess because I'm reasonably frugal and complain about the cost of things (greeting cards, five bucks and up--geez!), I've given Suzanne the impression I find it hard to make ends meet. In truth, I have plenty of money; I never touch the investments and my monthly income is always clogging up my bank accounts.  

Ellen called on her way home and we had a good talk. Just another week and a few days until school is out--whee!  She and Greg were going to Sea Fresh for dinner, as they often do. One of these days, I want to go with them.

Went over to Von's for milk and also picked up a lovely big kabocha squash. It was a bear to cut, but I softened it in the oven first, then roasted it. Had some for dinner with my turkey stir-fry and it was yum.

Earlier, I called my niece and told her the few little errors in her book. She was very appreciative and we had a nice chat--actually, an hour-long talk. She also sent me pictures, some of which will be in the book. I have most of them, but was pleased to get those I didn't, including:
First Communion day, of course. I have no idea who the girl in the middle is. It's incredible that we had to  have all body covered, aside from face and hands. That meant long white stockings (with garter belts, no panty hose then) and long sleeves. It was impossible to get long-sleeved white dresses at that time of year (or anytime, I guess) in our sizes, so Aunt Maggie always made them. They were actually lng with tubes to cover up our surely sinful bare arms. Nineteenth century, anyone? 
Whole family, Easter Sunday, 1943. I had the one of just the children on the same day, but not this one.
1944. From l., Mom, cousin Dorothy, Aunt Maggie, Aunt Gertrude, and my beautiful sister, Gene.

Another Andrea Kowch, this time a woman grappling grimly with hens and chickens--or chickens and hens, which came first?
This seems just as disturbing as the storm one--maybe more so. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...