Saturday, February 02, 2008

Susan and I were lucky yesterday in that we had just finished our walk when the rain started. It continued all day, varying from just misty to a heavy downpour.
I've had a hankering for lentil soup and decided it was a good day to make a big pot. Modified a recipe and put together half a pound of dried lentils in 3 cups of FF chicken broth, a cup of diced tomatoes, and 1/3 cup each of onions, celery, and carrots, plus minced garlic, salt, and pepper. Simmered it for about an hour and added about a cup of chopped spinach near the end. Oh, it was goo-oo-d. I had talked to sister Betty in the morning for a nice long time--and how I wish I could have asked her over for a bowl of soup!
I walked over to Marge's under an umbrella for my BP "appointment." She took it twice with the wrist monitor, twice with Fred's upper-arm cuff. Here are the numbers: 132/80, 120/80, 125/88, and 134/83. My pulse rate was 66, 66, 68, and 67.
Marge then gave me a cup of tea and we had a nice visit. Had to get Pat to SOCH after that for the radiation. I asked how many more visits and was a little chagrinned to hear we still have to go SIX more times. That's through next week, then another day. Okay, if we have to, we have to--(sigh). At least we get a day off today and tomorrow.
Nothing much else going on aside from the ever-present domestic chores. (JC is supposed to have said, "The poor we have always with us," but he was misquoted. He was actually referring to laundry.)


Dee's Blog said...

We had the rain yesterday also but the sleet and freezing rain came first. I had an appointment to get a perm and was so afraid I was going to fall getting to the salon.
Lentil soup is something I never had until I came to Massachusetts. I remember going to Florida with Ginger to visit her Mom. The neighbor next door had made lentil soup and she insisted that Gin and I have some. I managed to get it down but it was awful. Later Bob bought a can of it and I found that it was quite good. Maybe I'll make a pot sometime this winter. Bob loves it!

EBJ said...

i like lentil soup too. I also wish I could come over for some.
Maybe soon. Well, maybe in May.

iloveac said...

B/Ps are lookin' good Rosemary. And your pulse rate is superfine.

I could go for some split pea soup. Your lentil soup sounds quite tasty and healthy.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...