Friday, February 15, 2008

Just got back from getting my (routine) blood work done. The tech had to use both arms, as the right doesn't seem to have any blood--or something. Actually, when she put the needle in, I knew something was different because I felt a deep ache, not the usual sting. Could that mean she hit a muscle? Anyway, she got enough with the other and I was outta there by 7:45.
Yesterday, got the mammogram and bone density test with no problem. Went down the street after to Santori's and stocked up on goodies: acorn and butternut squash, 4 pounds of broccoli, lettuce, feta, and so on.
After lunch, I dropped some things off at the thrift store, then went to Kohl's looking for a royal blue turtleneck. Aunt Claire wore size 14 and cousin Helen had urged me to take a few of her clothes. Well, why not? She had good taste and bought good things. Among them is a spring jacket with checks in shades of blue; I think it will look spiffy with a matching top. Didn't find anything, but I enjoyed looking.
When I got home, I opened the mail and was touched to find a beautiful "To My Sister" valentine card. Betty had added a newspaper clipping about why people make snide comments to others who work hard to stay healthy. Dear Abby replied that they "fail to appreciate that (it)...takes discipline and is an ongoing progress." Ho, ho, so that's it. I do get a few such remarks, but mostly people are very encouraging and flattering.
Called Betty right away--she was on the job, watching Claire outside--and we had a good chat. Our talk even veered to the political and, although we're poles apart, we do agree on some things. Betty said if McCain and Obama run, she'll vote for O. I said if McCain and Clinton run, I won't vote at all.
Soon after, I got a big package from Mike, Paula, and Vivian. It's a beautiful azalea plant in a deep rose color. I put it in the foyer for now and will be able to plant it outside in the spring.
When Pat came in from the bay, he said he had stopped (the car; he can't go in stores) at three different places, but was unable to get me flowers. I don't care, I don't need flowers--just knowing he tried is enough for me.
Just opened my e-mail and got a message from Alison: She's been accepted into the New York Marathon--yowee! It's not until November, so she'll have plenty of time to train. Not sure if Mike will run it or not. I think they're going in the Atlantic City one tomorrow--will check and I may go down to cheer them on.
Alison just called. She's has a 4-day weekend and asked if she could come down and pick up my computer for Mike to took at over the weekend. She'll also do any chores I have lined up for us (what a doll). Of course, I'll be glad to see her and will--reluctantly--let her take my baby. So-o-o, guess I'll be incommunicato until Monday at least.
Running off to Weight Watchers now, as I didn't get there yesterday.
Later: Interestingly, I gained .8 of a pound (about 10 ounces?). I'm okay with this, and even more than okay, as it reinforces the truth that I overdid it in the calories department twice last week: at Pat's birthday party, and at the luncheon after Aunt Claire's funeral. I'm now at 142.4, and 57.2 pounds down, but will adjust next week, I'm confident.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Aside from your opposition to Hillary....please vote. We need to get the Republicans OUT OF OFFICE.
I do hope Obama is the nominee.

Will miss reading you when Alison takes the pc.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...