Thursday, February 07, 2008

High point of Wednesday was the final word that Pat has only one more radiation treatment, so today is the last.
I went over to the candy shop at Smithville and finally found the Atomic Fireballs Patrick had requested. Stopped at Smithville Inn to get info on the anniversary party. Prices, of course, are astronomical. I've checked Ram's Head Inn (priciest of all) and I'll visit SeaOaks today. Will go to Creevey's, where we had Pat's 75th, but I'm hoping for a more elegant venue, if possible.
Wrapped and took to the P.O. the items for Patrick; postage was about twice what they cost, of course. Took my BP at Acme and it was 131/73.
Cousin John called to say Aunt Claire has been moved to hospice care at the assisted living facility where she lives. I'm going up there (Ambler, Pa.) tomorrow for what I assume will be a final visit. Aunt C. is the last of my aunts and uncles living. (She's not a blood relative, but married my Uncle Frank, who died a few years ago at 95.)
It was a gorgeous, spring-like, day, and when we got home from SOCH, I took another walk, following the same mile and a half route Susan and I take every morning. Stopped in at Marge's to chat awhile.
When Alison called, I was dismayed to realize that I had screwed up my calendar. I had in my head that Pat's birthday party would be next Sunday, but of course, it's this one. That means I'll have to miss Susan's party unless we can have Pat's on Saturday, and Alison thinks J., J., J., and T. have Joel's stepsister's birthday party then. Damn--I was really looking forward to both, but will have to skip Susan's.
Called Barb H., who's in the hospital, Ray told us. They thought it was her gall bladder, but it isn't. She thinks she'll be discharged today.
Later: Got weighed in at Weight Watchers, but didn't stay for the meeting. I'm down another 1.6 for a total of an even 58 pounds off and a current weight of 141.6. Because I'm within 2 pounds of my goal weight (which is, somewhat arbitrarily, 141), I no longer have to pay. In fact, I want to lose a bit more, so don't intend to follow the WW version of "maintenance."


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Pat's radiation is over. I know it was hard on both of you.
And, what a tremendous job you have done on your body losing all the weight you did. Congratulations (from Delaware)!

EBJ said...

Please give Aunt Claire a hug and a kiss for me. She was always one of the, "best" aunts.
Your weight Is WONDERFUL. Shows what hard work can do.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...