We saw the mean-hearted, sarcastic primary doctor at Fort Dix yesterday, and finally--I hope--got the damn medications straightened out. Pat goes back next week to see the nurse about his blood sugar, then in a month, back to the n-h, s. doctor. He also has appointments within a few weeks with the pulmonologist (?),cardiologist, podiatrist, and kidney doctor, some in Philly, some at Fort Dix. I'll take him to all of them--not only do I not mind, I actually look forward to it just to get away from the house.
The visiting nurse and physical therapist are coming today, so I hope there'll be some kind of help. Pat had a bad night last night and this morning, fell asleep in the living room after having his nebulizer treatment. He's now checking his sugar.
Yesterday, lovely friends Frank and Barbara from next door stopped in. Pat was taking a nap, but they asked if they could bring over a pasta dinner for us. Hey, they didn't have to ask twice, and I invited them to come with it, all with the understanding, of course, that if Pat didn't feel up to it, the invitation was regretfully rescinded.
Well, he did feel up to it, and F. and B. came with a lovely dinner in an old-fashioned market basket: pasta boulenese, salad, wholemade bread, a lovely bottle of wine (pinot grigio, but pink), and pound cake and truffles for dessert. We supplied only soda, and the tableware--what a nice time we had!
Lots of calls yesterday, my brothers, Jim and Frank, sister Betty, and Pat's brother, Bill, as well as daughter Alison, friend Dennis, and son Patrick, who has called every day since Pat went in the hospital.
I told Susan I didn't want to go to exercise, as I don't want to leave Pat alone. Hope I can resume before too long.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
We saw the mean-hearted, sarcastic primary doctor at Fort Dix yesterday, and finally--I hope--got the damn medications straightened out. Pat goes back next week to see the nurse about his blood sugar, then in a month, back to the n-h, s. doctor. He also has appointments within a few weeks with the pulmonologist (?),cardiologist, podiatrist, and kidney doctor, some in Philly, some at Fort Dix. I'll take him to all of them--not only do I not mind, I actually look forward to it just to get away from the house.
The visiting nurse and physical therapist are coming today, so I hope there'll be some kind of help. Pat had a bad night last night and this morning, fell asleep in the living room after having his nebulizer treatment. He's now checking his sugar.
Yesterday, lovely friends Frank and Barbara from next door stopped in. Pat was taking a nap, but they asked if they could bring over a pasta dinner for us. Hey, they didn't have to ask twice, and I invited them to come with it, all with the understanding, of course, that if Pat didn't feel up to it, the invitation was regretfully rescinded.
Well, he did feel up to it, and F. and B. came with a lovely dinner in an old-fashioned market basket: pasta boulenese, salad, wholemade bread, a lovely bottle of wine (pinot grigio, but pink), and pound cake and truffles for dessert. We supplied only soda, and the tableware--what a nice time we had!
Lots of calls yesterday, my brothers, Jim and Frank, sister Betty, and Pat's brother, Bill, as well as daughter Alison, friend Dennis, and son Patrick, who has called every day since Pat went in the hospital.
I told Susan I didn't want to go to exercise, as I don't want to leave Pat alone. Hope I can resume before too long.
The visiting nurse and physical therapist are coming today, so I hope there'll be some kind of help. Pat had a bad night last night and this morning, fell asleep in the living room after having his nebulizer treatment. He's now checking his sugar.
Yesterday, lovely friends Frank and Barbara from next door stopped in. Pat was taking a nap, but they asked if they could bring over a pasta dinner for us. Hey, they didn't have to ask twice, and I invited them to come with it, all with the understanding, of course, that if Pat didn't feel up to it, the invitation was regretfully rescinded.
Well, he did feel up to it, and F. and B. came with a lovely dinner in an old-fashioned market basket: pasta boulenese, salad, wholemade bread, a lovely bottle of wine (pinot grigio, but pink), and pound cake and truffles for dessert. We supplied only soda, and the tableware--what a nice time we had!
Lots of calls yesterday, my brothers, Jim and Frank, sister Betty, and Pat's brother, Bill, as well as daughter Alison, friend Dennis, and son Patrick, who has called every day since Pat went in the hospital.
I told Susan I didn't want to go to exercise, as I don't want to leave Pat alone. Hope I can resume before too long.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Taking Pat to his own doctor today, to try to get his medication confusion cleared up. Visiting nurse rep was nice, but I wasn't entirely happy with her assessment: The entire time she was here, Pat was sitting down and had the oxygen on. She asked him to walk a few feet, then said, "Oh, that was good--you did it in 15 seconds. If it's over 30, we're concerned." She then commented, as if surprised, "You're out of breath." Well, duh! Anyway, she thinks he doesn't need a physical therapist (but she said she'd have one come in for an assessment), nor a home health aide. Pat assured her she was right, yet he hadn't taken a shower by himself for a full month. He did today, and could barely manage. I took his socks off, dried his back, and mostly dressed him, but when I mentioned he was entitled to a home health aide, he said he didn't want one.
Jimmy and Frank both called today, and yesterday Jack B. came in for a visit. The day before, Monday, Donna came to bring a nebulizer.
I have a stomach ache myself, since yesterday. It feels the way my gall bladder flareup did years ago. Hope it goes away.
Will probably have spaghetti and meatballs today.
Jimmy and Frank both called today, and yesterday Jack B. came in for a visit. The day before, Monday, Donna came to bring a nebulizer.
I have a stomach ache myself, since yesterday. It feels the way my gall bladder flareup did years ago. Hope it goes away.
Will probably have spaghetti and meatballs today.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Brought Pat home from rehab yesterday. Short a day, he's been away (first at the hospital, then at rehab) an entire month. He's doing well, and is settled in, but still has a long road ahead. The visiting nurse comes today to do an assessment, then he'll have therapists, etc. come here.
I made a beef stew in the crockpot for dinner last night--it was very good--and will look at chicken or something for tonight. Think I'd better skip exercise today, as he should still be sleeping, but will try to do it on Wednesday.
Am continuing, I'm afraid, to just ignore any restraint when it comes to eating. I missed weighing in last week of necessity--haven't decided whether to go tomorrow, or just give it up as a bad job.
I made a beef stew in the crockpot for dinner last night--it was very good--and will look at chicken or something for tonight. Think I'd better skip exercise today, as he should still be sleeping, but will try to do it on Wednesday.
Am continuing, I'm afraid, to just ignore any restraint when it comes to eating. I missed weighing in last week of necessity--haven't decided whether to go tomorrow, or just give it up as a bad job.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
I went so nuts late in the day yesterday that I'm not even going to record it. Enough to say that my debauch involved liver, onions, and Easter peeps...agh!
Anyway, I pigged out, then was so exhausted I went to bed early (even earlier than usual). I woke up about 3 with acid reflux or something and had to chew some Tums before I could go back to sleep. Served me right, and I'm not going to do that again.
Today, I'm feeling good. Will await Susan for our walk, then finish last-minute preparations for Pat's homecoming tomorrow. Now I'm anxious to get back to our old routine, if possible.
Anyway, I pigged out, then was so exhausted I went to bed early (even earlier than usual). I woke up about 3 with acid reflux or something and had to chew some Tums before I could go back to sleep. Served me right, and I'm not going to do that again.
Today, I'm feeling good. Will await Susan for our walk, then finish last-minute preparations for Pat's homecoming tomorrow. Now I'm anxious to get back to our old routine, if possible.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Oh, good grief, I blew it again yesterday! Our friend, Joan, from NC came about noon and we went out to lunch. Had Caesar salad with chicken, which we shared, believe it or not--neither of us was very hungry. Went to see Pat, Joan left, then I drove to Manahawkin on errands. Stopped at Subway and got a Caribbean chicken with lime sandwich (cheese bread), took it home and ate it with a Coors Lite beer at about 5 o'clock. Boy, was that good! Had some of the beer left, so ate several cheese and peanut butter crackers, later pretzels, then ice cream--I just overdid it to the max. Fell asleep on the coach, woke up at 10:30, staggered to bed, then couldn't sleep. Got up, sat at the computer, and finally went back to bed about 1:00. Now I feel groggy, but will dress and expect Susan for exercise at the clubhouse at 8. Hope I get through the day!
I guess the only bright spot is that I bought a lot of veggies yesterday--squash, carrots with green tops, etc., and will eat them soon. However, I want to have lunch with Pat today, so it will probably have to be for dinner.
I guess the only bright spot is that I bought a lot of veggies yesterday--squash, carrots with green tops, etc., and will eat them soon. However, I want to have lunch with Pat today, so it will probably have to be for dinner.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
It occurred to me that, because this is a food/weight blog (notice I didn't write "weight loss blog"--sigh...), I'll list my weird choices for food yesterday. After my usual breakfast of cottage cheese on WW bread toast, o.j., and coffee, I cleaned up in preparation for the cleaning service people, then had leftover pasta, a bowl of broccoli, and half a spaghetti squash for lunch. I followed that with a handful of pretzels.
You know how people say, "Well, the cleaning people did an okay job, but not as good as I do..." Hey, these three women did a much better job than I ever dreamed of--yay! After they left, I brought the spice cake Susan so kindly donated for Pat, over to Seacrest and he and I each enjoyed a piece. I left before dinner, stopped at Acme, and bought a package of six large, ready-made meatballs. Had two of them for dinner, followed by pretzels and ice cream.
Today, I'm expecting Joan H., a friend who's visiting from North Carolina, and we'll go over to see Pat. Hope she's up to go out to lunch, too--maybe I'll suggest Panini Bay.
Didn't get to exercise yesterday, and probably won't today, but will resume as soon as things settle down.
You know how people say, "Well, the cleaning people did an okay job, but not as good as I do..." Hey, these three women did a much better job than I ever dreamed of--yay! After they left, I brought the spice cake Susan so kindly donated for Pat, over to Seacrest and he and I each enjoyed a piece. I left before dinner, stopped at Acme, and bought a package of six large, ready-made meatballs. Had two of them for dinner, followed by pretzels and ice cream.
Today, I'm expecting Joan H., a friend who's visiting from North Carolina, and we'll go over to see Pat. Hope she's up to go out to lunch, too--maybe I'll suggest Panini Bay.
Didn't get to exercise yesterday, and probably won't today, but will resume as soon as things settle down.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Met with the Care Management Team at Seacrest yesterday afternoon. Good news: Pat will be coming home on Sunday! Had a cleaning service rep come in and they'll be here tomorrow to clean the master bedroom and bath, and guest bath.
Stopped for Susan for our walk at about 7:30, but she wasn't able to go--work day. I walked myself, but only about a mile, as it was bitter cold.
Had usual (cottage cheese on toast and o.j.) breakfast, and a big plate of broccoli for lunch. Went to Seacrest after and chatted with Pat and others, then took his laundry home to do. Had some pretzels, and will have a prepared pasta dinner.
I'm pleased with Pat's progress and am anxious to have him home. Will make up a list of what groceries I want to buy.
Stopped for Susan for our walk at about 7:30, but she wasn't able to go--work day. I walked myself, but only about a mile, as it was bitter cold.
Had usual (cottage cheese on toast and o.j.) breakfast, and a big plate of broccoli for lunch. Went to Seacrest after and chatted with Pat and others, then took his laundry home to do. Had some pretzels, and will have a prepared pasta dinner.
I'm pleased with Pat's progress and am anxious to have him home. Will make up a list of what groceries I want to buy.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Had lunch with Pat at Seacrest yesterday: beef Burgundy, mashed potatoes, and peas, with a sundae for dessert. Could I have refused the dessert? Of course. Did I? Of course not.
Pat's doing well and, I assume, will be coming home this week. I spent a few hours with him, picked up his laundry, then went to Manahawkin to run some errands.
With pleasure, I accepted Susan's and Walter's invitation and had a delightful dinner of chicken, stuffing, broccoli, and baked sweet potatoes, along with spice cake Susan had made. Of course, we had several glasses of chardonnay, too--very enjoyable.
I just read that having wine before bedtime can make you wakeful, and have resolved to have mine with dinner, instead. I slept through last night and it may well have been because I had had the wine early in the evening. For the past several weeks, I've been waking about midnight, then again at 3 or so in the morning.
Walked with Susan yesterday, and will go to exercise with her today. Am determined to keep up a reasonably vigorous exercise program regardless of how wayward I am with eating.
Pat's doing well and, I assume, will be coming home this week. I spent a few hours with him, picked up his laundry, then went to Manahawkin to run some errands.
With pleasure, I accepted Susan's and Walter's invitation and had a delightful dinner of chicken, stuffing, broccoli, and baked sweet potatoes, along with spice cake Susan had made. Of course, we had several glasses of chardonnay, too--very enjoyable.
I just read that having wine before bedtime can make you wakeful, and have resolved to have mine with dinner, instead. I slept through last night and it may well have been because I had had the wine early in the evening. For the past several weeks, I've been waking about midnight, then again at 3 or so in the morning.
Walked with Susan yesterday, and will go to exercise with her today. Am determined to keep up a reasonably vigorous exercise program regardless of how wayward I am with eating.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Well, my eating has been so varied and wild the last few days, it would be funny if it weren't so grotesque. On Friday, St. Patrick's Day, I went up to see Jen and adorable little Joely, we ate at Tootie's, and I had--what else--corned beef and cabbage, plus I'm afraid, wheat bread and butter, and rice pudding with whipped cream (guess I should have refused that). I baby-sat until Joel came home, then we went to the Plum Tree, the other restaurant in town. I wasn't very hungry--no wonder!--and just had soup, plus a few of Joel's mussels. Home about 9 to wine and pretzels, then (sigh) ice cream and gum drops.
Yesterday, went to Seacrest in the morning, then with friends to a terrific excursion at Whitesbog (on the cultivation of blueberries, which used to be wild). Had egg beaters and toast for breakfast, two blueberry muffins at Whitesbog. Went back to see Pat after, chatted with Alison and him, then home to a dinner of sushi (tuna roll). I skipped my wine--just didn't feel like it--but had pretzels, gum drops, and a little ice cream.
That's the bad news. The good news is, I've been following my exercise regime most days. Unfortunately, yesterday, I slept until almost 7, very late for me, so when Susan stopped, wasn't dressed yet, so skipped our walk. I asked her to come today, though, and will definitely go.
WISH I could get back to the WW program. It seems wrong and unfair that civilians find it hard to eat when they're worried and upset, but it just spurs me on! It's so discouraging to think I'm climbing up the scale again--just can't seem to resist overeating at night, in particular--same old story.
However, Pat's doing well and will surely be home in a few days; I'm meeting with the staff person tomorrow to discuss his release.
Yesterday, went to Seacrest in the morning, then with friends to a terrific excursion at Whitesbog (on the cultivation of blueberries, which used to be wild). Had egg beaters and toast for breakfast, two blueberry muffins at Whitesbog. Went back to see Pat after, chatted with Alison and him, then home to a dinner of sushi (tuna roll). I skipped my wine--just didn't feel like it--but had pretzels, gum drops, and a little ice cream.
That's the bad news. The good news is, I've been following my exercise regime most days. Unfortunately, yesterday, I slept until almost 7, very late for me, so when Susan stopped, wasn't dressed yet, so skipped our walk. I asked her to come today, though, and will definitely go.
WISH I could get back to the WW program. It seems wrong and unfair that civilians find it hard to eat when they're worried and upset, but it just spurs me on! It's so discouraging to think I'm climbing up the scale again--just can't seem to resist overeating at night, in particular--same old story.
However, Pat's doing well and will surely be home in a few days; I'm meeting with the staff person tomorrow to discuss his release.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Fairly good day yesterday. Went in to Seacrest in morning, but stayed only until Pat went to therapy at 10. Had lots of phone calls, paperwork, errands, etc. to do, so didn't go back until 3:30. Ray and Barb were there visiting, then I had dinner with Pat: broccoli soup, liverwurst and onion sandwich, and fruit (they have their hot meal at lunchtime). Incidentally, I chose the sandwich--I'm half German, after all--Pat had a chicken salad sandwich. I left about 6:30 and went home to a glass of wine, pretzels, then--ouch! ice cream and jelly mints. Today, have lots of more chores, but may get in to eat lunch with Pat.
Just came back from about a one-mile walk with Susan--am glad she stopped, as I'm determined to step up my exercise regime.
Just came back from about a one-mile walk with Susan--am glad she stopped, as I'm determined to step up my exercise regime.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Well, I've gained back 1.8 pounds, bringing me up to 184.6. I suppose I should be alarmed, or grief-stricken, or panicked, or wildly regretful, but I'm not--I really don't care.
Had a nice dinner with Barb and Ray last night, then some good talk. Today, I skipped breakfast, and had a late (3:00) lunch of half an acorn squash and a small bowl of brussel sprouts. On my way to Boscov's to get Pat some new tee-shirts, I stopped and got a Subway sandwich to go. Will probably take it in and eat with Pat. I went in to see him this morning, but am now waiting for a call from his V.A. doctor, who had left a message when I got home--he has a question about Pat's current medication.
Guess I'm feeling okay, but am still a little queasy and very tired.
Had a nice dinner with Barb and Ray last night, then some good talk. Today, I skipped breakfast, and had a late (3:00) lunch of half an acorn squash and a small bowl of brussel sprouts. On my way to Boscov's to get Pat some new tee-shirts, I stopped and got a Subway sandwich to go. Will probably take it in and eat with Pat. I went in to see him this morning, but am now waiting for a call from his V.A. doctor, who had left a message when I got home--he has a question about Pat's current medication.
Guess I'm feeling okay, but am still a little queasy and very tired.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Feeling much better today, although am still slightly queasy, and have accepted a dinner invitation at good friends and neighbors, Ray and Barb's tonight. Will tidy up a little, do a wash, take a shower, run some errands, then go to Seacrest to have lunch with Pat and spend the afternoon. Yesterday, when I was sick, he had lots of visitors: Frank and Barbara, Dennis and Leslie, and 0ld friend, Jack B. In the afternoon, I dragged myself off the couch long enough to bring him the paper, but he already had taken it from the outer room--so much for my selfless sacrifice! Hmm...looks like I'm resuming this blog--will try to go back to the Weight Watchers theme, but don't have much interest in it. Weigh-in is tomorrow and I haven't gone for two weeks. Should do so, but do I really want to? Dunno.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Pat has been in rehab for five days. He seems to be showing some improvement, so I'm heartened. I'm sick as a dog myself. Went to the Philadelphia Flower Show with my friend, Vivian, yesterday, then stopped in to Seacrest Village where Pat is at 8 pm. Had a little dinner and went to bed, but woke at 11:30 with a horrible upset stomach. Staggered to the bathroom and--well, it's not a pretty picture. Still have queasy stomach, so slept and lazed around all day. Had nothing but a small bowl of cottage cheese today. Will try some toast now.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...

A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
A. came after work with Lovable Lulu, the cockapoo . I gave Pat ham and eggplant and he ate it all; we had pizza--yum! A. then went on her h...