Thursday, October 31, 2024


Put in a color wash, then showered and washed my hair. I'm always pleased to realize it will dry while I'm having breakfast, then I can fold and put away after.

Made lunch and took off at 11:00 to meet Diane, going early, so I could stop in the library to read for a bit. I was anxious to hear about the CMT conference she attended, but was sorry to hear it wasn't at all what she had hoped. To begin with, there were only twenty people there and only one had the same type of condition Diane has. She did talk to one of the doctors, but sadly, was told they didn't know of any research going on at this type. Although neuropathy isn't uncommon, the hereditary kind Diane has, very much is. Anyway, the meeting was a disappointment to her and she also is having trouble with Lupe, whom she pays to drive her outside the area. I won't go into the problems, but they could be serious. 

However, as always, we had a good convivial meet-up for about three hours. Said goodbye close to 3:00 and walked to the bank to deposit the check I got from Community Memorial Hospital--I had somehow overpaid for my emergency room visit a few months ago. Also got some cash to have around--I like to keep smaller bills for tips and so on. 

After the bank, I walked down to Ralph's Supermarket for fresh shrimp and a few other items. Bused from there to the mall, so I could get the 10 bus home.*

Ellen called about 6:00 and we had a good long chat. She said that Greg's housemate, Carl, had been at the peace presentation on Sunday. Darn, I've never met him; if I had, I would have enjoyed seeing him there--he's Caucasian, but follows the Buddhist way and has gone on pilgrimages to Nepal. 

* I can take the 6 and the 21, too, but they turn at Victoria Avenue, which means I have to walk two blocks further to get home. However, the 10 runs only every hour or so. I know it's silly, but I always consider the universe is on my side if I'm lucky enough to get the 10 bus!  😉

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