Tuesday, October 08, 2024


Betcha can't guess what was on the agenda yesterday...

Yes, it was back to beautiful Seaside Park on another lovely day. Strolled around at the bay, then the  beach for good walks.  

Stopped after at the supermarket for fresh shrimp, stir-fried them for dinner, then headed to a community meeting at 7:00.

This is my last full day here and I'll miss so much about it, but at the same time, I like where I live and I'm lucky enough to have loved ones in both states. 


iloveac said...

Do you have those beautiful waves on the Pacific side? I can’t remember. Enjoy another wonderful day in your home state and then back to wonderful California.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat!

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat!


Ellen and Greg got here about 11:30 and while Greg went to Peets for coffee, El reported on her doctor visit; happily, things are going well...