Friday, October 25, 2024


For some reason, I was feeling a little down in the morning. I was gathering together the homeowners insurance I needed to send to Little Egg and it seemed such a chore, especially because my damn printer is now taking several minutes to copy and print each page. 

Cheered up after lunch, although I had to take the bus to get to the audiologist's office. The person there said the audiologist had gone home sick, but she'd help me--and she did. She cleared the aid that was giving me a problem and that did the trick. She also advised me to come in every three months to have it done; I don't remember being told that before, but I may have forgotten.

Took the 10 home right when school was letting out, but that didn't really bother me. I enjoy looking at the high school kids and overhearing--snooping--what they say to each other. Home, I picked up my Halloween cards, all filled out and  stamped, for children, grandchildren, nd great-grands. Well, yeah, some are in their sixties, but so what? Took them to the mail slot on my way to Von's, stopping at CVS first for my Ramipril and a sleep-aid I've been taking. 

Home, I called to get a referral to the dermatologist as I think I have more Basel cell on my nose. It's so annoying that I have to see the doc or the P.A. or maybe then janitor first, but I made an appointment for 1:00 on the thirty-first--BOO!  

Emailed son P. to thank him, my DIL, and my grandson for the Halloween card and mentioned that I was embarrassed I had spelled his name with an "u." I was surprised and amused when he wrote back that that it can be spelled in various way, with or without the "u," so no prob. Of course, Japanese did not originally use Arabic letters, so my grandson's name would (and still does, they learn both) look like this:  更新--I think I'll stick with my version.

Ellen called and we had a good long talk. I asked if she wanted to go to the peace gathering on Sunday in Ojai. She doesn't, but said if I take the bus, she'll meet me and drive me up to the site. I'll ask if Cheryl wants to go first, then maybe take her  up on it. 

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