Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saturday--She Said My Name...*

My two weeks in Jersey and Pennsy were great, but it's still nice to be back in the familiar, tried and true. Of course, I'm still catching up with all the "paper" (read "computer") work that seems to increase with time. Nevertheless, I indulged myself by packing my lunch, busing to town, and eating at my favored spot across from the mission. There was a fair amount of people in town, enough to make it festive, but not uncomfortable. I saw a bride about to make her grand entrance to be married at the mission:

There were a number of tents with vendors along Main Street and one was promoting a show at the New Art City, a small theatre in town. The show is by a stand-up comedian named Bill Posley who's doing something called "The Day I Accidentally Went To War." Interested, I asked the man in the tent if it had a pacifist angle. He equivocated about it and this led to a ten-minute discussion. Of course, he urged me to attend and gave me this discount come-on:

I considered it, but when I saw "honoring the veteran experience" and looked up this guy, I saw he's anything but, a pacifist, so thanks but no thanks. However, it was kind of interesting to talk to the guy.

From there, I bused to the mall and Target to pick up grapefruit and the disposable plastic glasses I favor when I pack a lunch. Home, I put together a stir-fry with my usual ground turkey and chopped onions and peppers, plus Italian seasoning. This time, I added a can of diced tomatoes and it turned out really good.  

Just put in a load of wash, but it's 6:00 am, so I won't run it yet, as I don't want to disturb Leah upstairs. Meeting Diane today for our lib lunch and I'm looking forward to that. 

 * Text from niece Carolyn on Friday: "My mom just said your name clear as day." I wrote back, "Tell her I said 'I love Betty.'"  I miss her so much.

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Ellen and Greg got here about 11:30 and while Greg went to Peets for coffee, El reported on her doctor visit; happily, things are going well...