Saturday, October 12, 2024


I was down 1.8 at home to 125.6 and down 1.4 at T.O.P.S. to 126.6. Meeting meandered all over the place, as ever, but it was nice to be there after a two-week hiatus.

Home, breakfast, then I plunged again into getting back to normal. Called the office and made a date with Kim for Wednesday at 1:00 to get up to speed on the Bilt thing. Wrote notes--yes, I actually hand-wrote them and sent them by snail mail. One was to my son's mother-in-law in Japan sending sympathy on the death of her husband; son will have to translate. The other was to Lisa, a part of our family not blood-related, but I think very highly of her. She fashions sea glass and other tumbled glass into lovely ornaments and wall hangings and gave me this cute little guy:


Lisa has a website and seems to do well with her business. She's also a pickleball player as everybody the universe seems to be except me.

Also spent time on food prep: Went to Von's for a number of things to restock the larder, including three big apples, which I cored, seasoned (Stevia and cinnamon), and cooked in the microwave. I'll have them for evening snacks.  E-mailed nephew Wes to ask if he wanted me to send him back the Ventnor book and got a nice note in response to keep it until I see him.

Ellen called and we talked for a long time. She'll be here on Monday, thanks to Greg, in between her doctor and P.T. appointments, then we three will go to lunch. I'm so looking forward to seeing her. 

I got an invitation to the Dudley House covered dish on October 22nd. I've gone for the last six or seven years and taken Jim with me. Unfortunately, that's not possible this time and, to be realistic, probably never will be again. I guess I'll ask a friend to go; otherwise, I may just have to take the Access Van. 

I'll call the Public Guardian Office and the Care Center on Monday to follow up on the Jim situation. 

1 comment:

iloveac said...

My DiLs maiden name was Lissa Layne….sounds the same as your lisa lane. You were so sure you gained and you didn’t…that’s a big win in my book. Did you have a wonderful WH sub on the delicious Formica/Randos bakery bread? Most of the sub shops around there use those bakeries. Hope you find Jim improved.


Ellen and Greg got here about 11:30 and while Greg went to Peets for coffee, El reported on her doctor visit; happily, things are going well...