Thursday, October 17, 2024

Wednesday And Trump--HA!

A good and productive day, although it was surprisingly cool and overcast, even a bit drizzly. (Seems ironic that my stay in Jersey was almost all under sunny skies.) Did some food prep: washed and cored my three pounds of apples, seasoned them with the usual, and popped them in the oven. I reserved one for after dinner and set up the rest two-by-two in the freezer for later. Hard-boiled four eggs for sandwiches in the next few days. Took the pound of ground turkey from the freezer, defrosted and cooked it up, then returned it to the freezer. Soon, I'll get onions, sweet peppers, and other veggies to add. 

While I was doing this, I heard from my great-nephew, Betty's grandson, Finn, 23. who is touring Europe and has been for some time. I don't know how he finds his way around, but he's managed to go to several different countries on his own., He's now headed for Alsace-Lorraine, where our antecedents were from. We've been texting back and forth via Instagram for several days, which I enjoy so much.  

I got a call from Tony C., the gardener to say he was going over to look at the ailing Japanese maple at 8 Sweetwater. Called me back later to say he'd try to save it by spraying, which would cost me fifty bucks. I told him to go ahead, but was a little miffed to say I should add $3.13 for tax. I thought that was bush-league, but didn't say anything and sent him a check. I also sent my tenant, Lori, the water bill (the water company won't put it in anyone's name but the homeowner, although the other utilities do) and mentioned what Tony would do. 

Also wrote out a birthday card for Cheryl, the pal who picks me up every week for T.O.P.S., then discovered I had used all my stamps. No prob, I walked to the P.O. to get more. On my way, I passed Von's and was amused to see this:

There was lots of wonderful merchandise:
Wowee, you can buy yourself a lovely tee there, too:

I chatted with the young man with the display; clearly, he was being paid, as he wasn't a Trump fan. Like me, he wasn't a Harris fan, either. We kind of agreed it's the system that stinks and it's immaterial to those we bomb who wins the charade.

Stopped at Von's for a few frozen dinners--I've down most of the freezer--and a Mr. Eraser. Had some yummy breaded shrimp for dinner, along with leftovers--yam and leftover string beans. Called Ellen and was happy to hear she and her knee are progressing well.

I've been able to sleep until about 6:00 since I started taking the OTC ZZZ-Quil, but I'm a little uneasy about taking a sleep aid every night. Maybe I'll try going without it if I have a particularly active day. 

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Wednesday And Trump--HA!

A good and productive day, although it was surprisingly cool and overcast, even a bit drizzly. (Seems ironic that my stay in Jersey was almo...