Saturday, October 26, 2024

Friday With It's Ups And Downs And Up Again

Tiny, inconsequential movement with the weight thing: At home, I was down .04 to 127.6, at T.O.P.S. up .01 to 128.6.  (Hey, I think the world is still turning.) Sharon wore a kind of Indian/Zebra outfit with earrings Bobbi had made for her, so I had to take some pictures:

My pal, Lora, also looked smashing, so I acted as photog for her, too:
I'll miss her when her house in finished in Arizona and she and Todd move there. 

Home, and something upsetting happened on which I don't want to elaborate. After that, I was feeling down, so I made a sandwich, took an IPA and a book, and ate out in the middle. It was very quiet, everybody at work or school, and I enjoyed it. I then went back and took a nap of about an hour. I attribute being sleepy to the fact that I had only half the coffee I usually drink with breakfast, having been occupied with something else.  

I perked up later and dealt with several pounds of chicken thighs by oiling, seasoning, and baking them via my favorite method: a very low (300 deg.) temp for an hour and ten, then 425 for twenty to brown the top. Comes out so tender and good and I had a large one and nothing up for dinner. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...