Wednesday, October 30, 2024


 A kind of domestic day, but not dull or dreary--I enjoyed it. Went to Von's in the morning for oatmeal, IPA, and apples. I then saw some nice cabbage and realized I hadn't made cabbage fritters for some time. And wait, what was that over there, also in produce? Carrots! I definitely wanted them, too. However, what with what I had already, I didn't think I could pull my cart if I added them. Therefore, I walked home, put the first cart-ful stuff away, then went back to buy the rest. 

Had lunch, then spent several hours absorbed in food prep. I scrubbed and trimmed the carrots, added three tangerines, cinnamon, and a little water, and popped them in the slow cooker. To the spinach, I added olive oil, vinegar, and garlic, then simmered it in the microwave--had a large bowl for lunch. I sliced the tomatoes to have them ready for sandwiches and washed, cored, and seasoned three apples. Microwaved , then refrigerated them to have for evening snacks. As for the cabbage, I couldn't quite decide whether to use it for fritters or cooked with apples, so I stored it in the fridge and will  prepare later.

While I was in the middle of all this, Suzanne stopped in and I was happy to take a break. We chatted and she caught me up on her big family (not quite as big as mine, but pretty impressive). She's going to Idaho on Friday morning for her nephew's wedding and asked if I'd take her rent check to the office that day. I will and I guess I'll take mine, too. I've never paid by check before, but I'm still not clear on what kind of procedures they have for this. Guess I could just send it electronically as I used to, but I want to see if a simple check will be easier. Suzanne and I also talked about my possible future move, about which I'm now having second thoughts. Just have to sort things out...

Lib lunch today with Diane--I hope the wind dies down, as the Santa Ana's have really been strong. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...